Chapter 98 – End of Salazar (3)
Garrett stared at Salaman "Master of a Divine technique? Never heard of it,"
Salaman charged at Garrett, his sword humming through the air. He swung the blade in a silvery arc, the burning metal trailing sparks like a comet's tail.
As Salaman's blade crashed into the marble floor, shards of rock exploded outward. Garrett shielded his face as debris rained down around them.
Their weapons met in a screeching clash, sparks raining down on the marble floor around them. Garrett felt the searing spray pepper his skin. Salaman moved like he was still young, attacking Garrett with swings and stabs.
Garrett's battle axe was too slow to hit him so he threw it to the ground and began using his fists. At first he landed a few hits on the former emperor, but this also allowed Salaman to be unperturbed in his technique.
The white sword brightened like the moon in the sky as Garrett seemed to see flames covering the metal.
Salaman's sword gleamed as it arced through the air, biting deep into Garrett's forearm with a wet crunch and severing it clean off in one swift motion.
Garrett's screams gave way to shocked silence as he realized - he felt no pain. Disbelieving, he stared at the blackened stump where his severed arm had been. The exposed bone glistened wetly as flesh knitted itself back together before his eyes. Blood vessels stretched and interwove into place. Skin swept over raw muscle until his arm was restored, good as new. Garrett flexed his fingers, numb horror creeping through him.
"What type of monster have you become?!" Salaman was horrified by the regenerative ability Garrett had shown, even Garrett was terrified of such a change.
"I don't know myself....hey old man, what is that so-called divine technique called?" asked Garrett.
"Sun's solace,"
"Never heard of the term sun before, was it those flames?" asked Garrett.
"It is something that no longer exists, at least in this place,"
Understanding, Garrett's fingers curled around the familiar leather grip of his battle axe. He charged forward, boots pounding against the blood-slicked marble, lifting the heavy axe high.
Salaman started his movements again as the illusionary flame reappeared on his blade. The two neared once again and this time Salaman's sword seemed to be blinding as the rebel leader tried to attack.
Salaman moved through a series of precise stances as his feet slid gracefully into position, back arched like a drawn bow, sword arm extended. The forms flowed together like liquid, though Garrett sensed immense power in the controlled motions. Salaman twirled his blade in intricate patterns, the flaming metal leaving tracers of light in its wake
Garrett blocked attempted to block these intricate attacks while Salaman took this time to wear him down.
Then he lunged, his body uncoiling like a viper striking as the burning sword sliced the air. The blaze seemed to intensify until Salaman was wreathed in wings of fire, an avenging angel coming to render judgment.
After this move, he quickly got behind Garrett and stuck his blade into his lower back.
Salaman then used his strength and forced Garrett to one knee. Garrett was still rubbing his eyes as he felt something hot enter his back and pierced his lower abdomen. It felt like his entire body was melting. Even so, he still didn't feel pain, all he felt was extremely uncomfortable.
The blade scraped past bone as it slid free, and Garrett collapsed forward onto his hands and knees. His vision swam dizzyingly.
No, not just his vision, his entire world was upended. With dawning horror, he realized the truth. His severed head was spiraling through the air, blood raining from his neck in crimson droplets.
'What happened?' His head rolled as he saw his body a few feet away from him. Blood escaped from his neck as it flowed towards him, the last few seconds he had as darkness consumed his vision was feeling the warm blood on his face.
However this wasn't the end. The feeling of the congealed blood returned as he opened his eyes and was thick veins pulsated as they connected his head back to his body.
His body stood up and walked towards him, it slowly picked up his head and put it back on. Garrett's pulse thundered as superheated blood coursed through his veins, searing and unrelenting. Like liquid metal forging him into something no longer human.
Salaman watched in shock as the wound around Garrett's neck healed, it was like he was never decapitated.
"What are you?!" shouted Salaman.
Garrett stared at his blood-slick palms, alien to himself. The dark liquid seeped beneath his nails, drying in rust-colored streaks.
He flexed his fingers, watching tendons shift under skin knitted seamlessly together. 'What am I becoming?' The unspoken question echoed through his mind.
"Die monster!" Salaman charged at Garrett but surprisingly he was quickly shut down. Garrett threw a simple punch and the old man flew into a wall, the power he felt wasn't small, it was like he was a whole new species.
Salaman's coughs spattered the bricks with flecks of blood. He hunched amidst the rubble, clutching his chest. Garrett loomed over him, broad frame casting the old man in shadow.
"If you tell me where they are I will spare you,"
"cough cough n-neve-er," stammered Salaman.
Garrett's eyes seemed to dilute into darkness as he looked behind him to see the girl that was still on the floor, only this time she looked at him with no hate, just fear.
"I will spare the girl," said Garrett.
"Haha...cough she was prepared to die when you killed her fiancé cough,"
"Then I won't kill her but give her a fate worse than death,"
Garrett turned to his men. Their eyes were wide, reflecting firelight and fear. Some with envy, wishing for such power. Some with horror, recoiling from his unnatural regeneration. Others with chilling admiration. Their gazes revealed swirling maelstroms of emotion.
"Remove the girl's clothes, stop when the old man says to. If her clothes are removed then move to the next stage," commanded Garrett.
"L-leader I don-" stammered a soldier.
"Do it now, or end up like your brothers down there, dead with no one remembering their names," Garrett spoke sternly.
The soldiers met their leader's icy gaze and shuddered, seeing only endless dark voids where eyes had been.
Chills skittered up their spines. Yet they obeyed, approaching the weeping girl with leaden steps.
"No! Stop! Grandpa! Grandpa!" cried the girl.
"Stop!" shouted Salaman.
Garrett raised his hand and the soldiers stopped.
"They haven't even started and you're already given in? Well?" asked Garrett.
"I...I....the others are hiding in secret rooms throughout the Palace, I will tell you only if you promise to give them quick and painless deaths,"
"That was our original intention," replied Garrett.
"Good....there is a layout of the Palace detailing everything in my office. It's on the third floor and is hung up on a wall. Just break the casing and you have the map," explained Salaman.
"Thank you, rest in peace,"
With a clean slice, the man's head rolled. He then turned to his men.
"A deal's a deal. Kill her quickly," ordered Garrett.
With their leader dead the guards lost their determination and scattered throughout the Palace with the gate blocked. Some were able to escape by climbing over the wall in some way while others were stuck inside the walls and were slowly surrounded and killed.
With the map, they were quickly able to find those that were hiding and killed them swiftly and painlessly.
With all the enemies eliminated the the Palace fell into the hands of the Rebellion. With this victory came celebration as the Rebels mourned their fellow comrade's deaths and ate and drank all they could in their honor.
Celebratory bonfires blazed in the courtyard, tangling with the scent of cooked meat. Soldiers laughed and drank, their cheers rising with the sparks. For a night, joy banished the shadows of war.