Living Next Door to the Dunphys (Modern Family)

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Take a Break

[Your Endurance has improved by 1 point!]

[Your Strength has improved by 1 point!]

[Your Running/Jogging Skill has improved by 1 point!]

Mathew gasped and wiped off some accumulated sweat from his brow. "Three weeks. It took me three weeks of constant working out and training to gain another point," He looked out at the rolling waves of the Santa Monica State Beach. Orange-red hues filled the early morning sky. "Damn. Reaching 100 points in each of my stats and skills is gonna take years."

Releasing an exasperated sigh, Mathew clenched his fist. A frown on his face. Despite the new knowledge that it would take him at least five to six years to max out his skills and stats, Mathew's determination didn't waver. While his growth wouldn't be exponential, it was still growth.

Although he wouldn't be able to immediately outpace natural-born prodigies or those gifted with unnatural reflexes, strength, and speed, Mathew still found his system to be helpful. Despite the slow progress, he noticed a change in his body after gaining two points when his system first activated.

He could now run further and faster than he could last month, and his strength has grown to the point where he can lift heavier weights than before. Of course, the increases weren't massive. But there were still improvements.

"Shit! I gotta get back home!" Mathew grimaced as he saw the time on his watch. Pushing forward, he dashed home to get ready for school.


"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" Schmidt looked at Nick as if he had grown a second, fire-breathing head. "What do you mean you've never washed your towel?!"

"Schmidt, you're being ridiculous. Who washes their towel? The towel washes me. Who washes their towel?" Nick said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jess looked at Nick with a blank expression while Cece scrunched her face with disgust. Winston stopped eating his bowl of fruit loops while he eyed Nick with worry. Coach shook his head and continued scrolling through his phone.

Schmidt held his head in frustration. "You've never washed your towel?!"

"Uh, guys? What's going on?" Mathew walked up to their lunch table with a confused and concerned expression. After he took his seat, Nick turned to him and pointed.

"Perfect! Matt, do you wash your towel?"

"Yeah… do you not?"

"…" Nick pursed his lips and looked around to see everyone staring at him. "I plead the seventh."

"Wrong amendment," Jess muttered and then took a sip of her water.

"Whatever! Why are we even talking about clean or possibly dirty towels anyway?!" Nick yelled as he looked at his friends. "Like, why don't we talk about how Matt's nose looks like he ran right into a brick wall!"

Coach winced at Mathew's nose. "Yikes."

"What are you-Matt! Your nose!" Jess jumped to her feet. Her face scrunched with worry. "What happened?!"

"Yeah, man. What happened?" Winston asked.

Mathew rubbed the bridge of his nose gently with a sheepish laugh. "I had a little accident during a training session. Hit my nose. But it's nothing, really."

"Are you sure? You look like you got clocked in the schnoz." Schmidt motioned around Mathew's nose while Cece nodded. "Really, man. You alright?"

"I'm fine, Schmidt. Thanks for asking." Mathew looked at everyone with a disarming smile. Hoping to move the conversation from himself. "Now then, what's this about Nick not washing his towel?"

"Who washes their towel?! What's next? Am I supposed to wash the shower, too?" Nick looked around the table with his arms outstretched.

"UGH!" Schmidt gagged and turned away from Nick in disgust.

Winston shook his head. "That ain't right, Nick."

"Anyways!" Cece shouted before the boys got into another argument. "Matt. We're all going to go watch a movie later. You game?"

"Yes! You should totally come along, Matt! We're gonna get popcorn and soda!" Jess counted off excitedly. "Don't forget the candy, Jess!" Winston called out. Jess nodded and turned to Mathew. "And candy! Come on, let's go! It'll be fun."

Mathew pulled out his lunch and debated whether or not to go. If he did, that would mean he'd have to skip his training for tonight. Not to mention his daily study sessions with Alex.

I wanted to start training in Mr. Davis's gym, but he told me to wait until my nose healed up. Mathew thought to himself. You know what? I think I earned a break.

"Sure, that sounds great! Do you all mind if I bring a friend?"


Alex trailed closely behind Mathew, a mix of nervousness and excitement flickering across her face. In front of them strode Jess, Cece, Schmidt, Coach, Nick, and Winston, their voices rising and falling as they playfully debated which movie the group should see at the theater.

"Jess, we're not watching Twilight!"

"But why not?! It's got very handsome vampires in it!"

"That's why!"

The theater they were all heading to was one Alex was familiar with. It was the one next to the Pan Pacific Park. Her dad would take her and the whole family there whenever a new blockbuster was released. Still, despite knowing where she was going, Alex couldn't shake off the nervous energy she felt.

"What about you, Alex? Anything you'd like to watch?" Mathew turned to her as the group arrived at the front of the theater. Alex blinked and scanned the movie posters along the building wall.

"I, uh, well…" Alex stammered as she looked over her options. Due to her constant studies, schoolwork, and plain disinterest, she never paid too much attention to newly announced movies. This left her completely unaware of what any of these titles meant. "That one looks interesting!"

"Interesting choice... but that poster is an advertisement for popcorn," Mathew chuckled, causing Alex to blush in embarrassment. "Don't worry about it. Well, just go along with whatever everyone else chooses."

"You don't have a preference?"

Well, I've already seen most of these. Mathew thought and shrugged. "Not really."

"Movie chosen! We're watching how the world is going to end!" Nick called out as he pointed at a poster for the movie 2012.

"Yes! I've been looking forward to watching this ever since the trailer came out!" Winston pumped his fist as the group walked over to the ticket booth. "This way, I know where not to be when the world ends."

"Winston, you do know the world isn't going to end this year. Right?" Cece asked. "It's just a movie."

"Hey, there's still a few months left in the year. So, who knows?"

"Yeah, Cece. The year ain't over yet." Coach told her, causing Cece to roll her eyes.

"What about you, Alex? What do you think about the movie?" Jess asked with a friendly smile. She wanted to bring Alex into the conversation and to help her feel included.

Alex panicked, but Mathew quickly gave her an abridged synopsis of the film without delving into spoilers. Nodding, Alex turned to Jess.

"The concept sounds… interesting. The world suddenly coming to an end due to unforeseen circumstances, resulting in one natural disaster after another, isn't completely impossible. But the real-world possibility of this occurring is-" Alex paused as everyone stared at her in confusion.

From beside her, Mathew smiled in amusement as Nick, Coach, Schmidt, and Winston were trying to catch up to what was said.

"I mean, it looks fun?" Alex coughed into her hand and forced a smile.

"You heard her! Let's go inside and buy some snacks!" Mathew clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to go inside. "Popcorns on me!"

"Sweet! I want some extra butter on mine!" Winston marched into the theater with Nick, Coach, and Schmidt right behind him.

"Don't mind them, Alex. They're just not used to such a well-eloquent way of speaking," Cece said with a friendly smile while Jess nodded.

"Cece's right. Don't sweat it. Now, let's go inside and buy some candy!" Jess said.

Alex nodded quietly, standing outside while the others mingled. Even though she had been invited to join them, she still felt like an unwelcome outsider.

Noticing her discomfort, Mathew placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Take it easy," he said. "They didn't mean any harm. The guys are just a bit slow to understand things, but they're good people."

"Oh, I-I wasn't worried about that," Alex said quickly. Her eyes held an unsure light. Despite that, she didn't push Mathew's hand away. "Come on! Let's go get inside. Otherwise, all the good seats will be gone." He said.

Mathew smiled and held the door open for Alex. As she walked inside, Alex took a deep breath and attempted to make small talk with Jess and Cece. Much to her surprise, they spoke to her as if nothing had happened. The two were happy to have another girl in the group. Even the guys talked to her with excitement over what disasters the movie could have. Gradually, Alex began to relax within the group.

Snacks in hand, Mathew had a faint smile as he watched all this happen.

"Matt! What're you doing over there? Come on! Let's go get our seats!" Jess ran over and grabbed Mathew's hand.

"Hurry it up! I don't want to get stuck in the nosebleed section!" Coach called out as everyone waited by the entrance to their theater.

"It's a Thursday screening. We'll be fine." Mathew grinned as he followed everyone.

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