Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice!

Chapter 55: Chapter 55 - The Mayors secret

Chapter 55


I want to start a small survey with the village people. How many of the homes are currently affected by the demons? 

Sister Villager: It started off as one, and somehow, they multiplied. They don't attack us unless we enter our homes. We're currently counted as having four homes occupied. 

Can you tell me more about when this all started? 

Sister Villager 2: Well, it happened not too soon after they started building some of the new homes. They appeared after a few months of entering the house. 

Sister Villager: They're only coming into the new homes that's been occupied. 

Sister Villager 2: That is right! I'm not sure why it seemed to happen around the same time, but it did. A company comes in and creates the homes. We live in them for a few short months, and one by one, these creatures inhabit them. 

Did you notice anything before you entered the home? 

Sister Villager 2: Not really. The technology put into these new modern homes is far different from our own, so we don't really quite know what to expect. 

"Okay, then," Cailian said. Four houses need investigating. I want everyone to break into groups of two and analyze the homes. Under no circumstances should you enter. Come back here and let us know what you have found, and take the owners of the houses with you as well. 

-Later that night.- 

Let's go around one by one and ask what you observed. Let's start with Micah and James. 

Don't worry; I got this. I'm just talking, Micah said. When we checked, nothing seemed to be any different except that you could feel the presence of the demon the closer to the house you got. 

Kaysi and Evan, how about you guys? 

The homeowner told us that the demon seemed to inhabit the home about 6 months after moving into the home.

And as far as everything that we could see, they were planning modern houses, nothing fancy. Kaysi said. 

Evan added, "I also noticed that the closer you got to the house, the more you could feel the Demon's presence. It seems to be concealed only in the area around the house like there's a barrier." 

Baby and Duke are guardian angels. Is there anything that you would suggest? 

I'm guessing the demon rabbits are territorial, and they only seem to stay within the confines of their homes. What time period rabbits appear in seems to correlate with these modern homes. As though something's attracting them or placing them, and they might not be fully mature enough to start attacking until a later time. 

I went to the City records to find blueprints of the homes, but I seem to have come up short. They said that the only records would possibly be under the custody of the mayor. Cailian voiced. 

I think it's time for us to find the mayor and get more information. 

Hey guys, I wouldn't mind joining you Josh said. 

Becky and Josh, what are you doing here? 

The doctor said that I was released, so Becky came with me so we could maybe lend a hand. I'm completely recovered; I'm no longer on bed rest, and my blood levels are back to normal, thanks to my brother Evan. So I'm ready to go. 

Okay, we're glad you're here. We're going to talk to the mayor to find out why the demons are occupying more of these new modernized homes. 

Sister Villager 2: Thank you for the help. I feel we must add that the mayor's home is also one of the new modern homes, and we've not heard of him complaining about any of these issues. 

Sister Villager: He was among the first to receive a house with the new construction company. 

Thank you, too. You have been the most helpful out of everyone here. We will do our best to resolve the situation and get your house back as soon as possible.

The mayor's house is rather large, so we're going to split up into the groups we had before except for Josh and Becky. Stick together. And investigate. If you find the mayor, call us. 


So this mayor person he's a real piece of work isn't he? 

Unfortunately, the idea of them having the blueprints for the new houses that are being invaded by the demon rabbits definitely comes off as suspicious. Then again, maybe he's just holding on to them for the construction workers since they're not entirely done building all the houses. 

Wait, the new houses that are being put up are infested with demons. 

Yes, that's the information we gathered from locals. A few months after they build their homes and inhabit them, these demon rabbits take over, put up a barrier, and won't let the people in. Thankfully, the demons aren't causing any other problems except for that. As it stands right now, we are pretty much-hired hands for the townspeople because our mayor doesn't really want to help much. 

Why doesn't he want to help his own people? That doesn't make sense. 

They don't want us to help from what we understand. I'm guessing he and Cailian have some family drama going on. For whatever reason, he doesn't trust that we can get the job done because we've had so many demons in our village for the last few months. At one point, he even tried blaming one of the demons that we got rid of on us. 

Are you kidding me? How Petty and naive do you have to be? 

We hope that helping them with the demons will get us on their good side and help us get the village fixed. We can use all the Manpower we can possibly get right now to rebuild the place. 

Let's see what this mayor fella has to say about these blueprints. Why would he not bother telling you any information, such as that they started appearing after the building of these new properties? Does he care that he's making his people homeless? 

I stopped abruptly because I heard a sound. That sounded like people talking.

"Shhh..." I said, interrupting Becky. I put my hand over her mouth and put a finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet. 

It is good to hear two voices talking on the other side of the door. 

(Mysterious Voice #1) I told you before our village just ran out of money. 

(Mysterious Voice #2) I don't care if you want me to continue to build these houses or if I continue to take more people. 

(Mysterious Voice #1) My people can't even rest because the homes you're building for us are infested with demon rabbits. You were the one who thought it would be a good idea to connect the homes to the underground tunnels. 

(Mysterious Voice #2) Yes, so you could keep an eye on your people and have a quick escape if something happened. Should I just tell the bandits what you've been planning this whole time? That you're going against the boss's orders and not owning up to your part. I am just here to get paid. The houses are a bonus for my services.

(Mysterious Voice #1) I had you build these houses to protect the people. Now you're blackmailing me because of your mistake. 

(Mysterious Voice #2) You had my crew build these houses to save your own ass cause you are a cheapskate.

(Mysterious Voice #1) I thought we were business partners; I thought we were friends. "It looks like your bank account is your best friend now."

(Mysterious Voice #2) Friendship doesn't pay the bills but keeps me a job. If you can't pay up, I'll take more of your people to work in the lumber yards. You have 24 hours to bring me five of your best men, the ones that you have left.

(Mysterious Voice #1) I told you our agreements are off the table. I don't care about your stupid homes anymore. I don't care about your hired protection plan. And you're not going to take any more of my people. 

(Mysterious Voice #2) Why do you care so much about these people? Last week, you gave me 10 of your people to build more houses. You're afraid to lose your position as mayor because your people are going to find out what's going on. 

(Mysterious Voice #1) I told you it's the damn demons that you brought in with your new homes that are getting me negative attention. My people are starting to turn against me. I couldn't even give you five people if I wanted to, and they no longer trust me. 

(Mysterious Voice #2) Maybe it's time we find a new mayor for the people. What better person to take over for mayor than his best and closest friend and the vice mayor-elect? I think it's time I put you into retirement permanently.

(Mysterious Voice #1) No. What are you doing? You are a monster!

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