Chapter 12: Chapter 12
Chapter 12:
Few days later....
In these days, I and Rebekah go to every famous place in Chicago and of course, Klaus followed us everywhere. Klaus become my own personal stalker. He wants to know everything about me and I asked Rebekah about this and she said, Oh!! I don't know why, but he does that with every man I've ever liked.
Gloria's Bar:
We're dancing and of course Klaus is also sitting near, so he can watch us clearly. Then suddenly shooting happen in the bar. I take Rebekah with me to hide behind something. Then I take the bullet that was fallen on the ground.
Light: They're using wooden bullets... they know!!
Rebekah: That's means he is here....
Light: Who is here??
Of course I know but Rebekah never told me about Mikael, so i can't say his name. I think I should open acting classes.
Klaus: Rebekah!!!! Come on we got to go, Sweetheart!
Then she moves out of hiding and runs towards Klaus. Then Klaus grab her arm and pull her towards back door of the bar.
Light: What the hell is going on??
Rebekah: Light!!!
Klaus: Go!!!
The he push her towards door.
Then I see that Rebekah's pendent has fallen on the ground. I take it from the ground and same time Klaus come towards me.
Klaus: I'm sorry but the fun must end here!!
Light: What are you talking about??
Klaus: You must forget Rebekah and me..... until I say otherwise.... you never knew us. Light!!
Then he speed up towards back door and left.
Light: He thinks that he compelled me.... He can't because I'm Upgraded Original Vampire!!! But I can compel him.
Then I follow him.
Backside of Gloria's Bar:
After a second, I finally get clear view of Rebekah and Klaus but I maintain safe distance from them.
Klaus: Hurry up, Rebekah!! Let's go!!
He opens the door of a truck for her.
Rebekah: He'll be here any second.
Her face is towards back door.
Then he move towards her.
Klaus: Do you want to die!!! We've been found.... we need to move.
Then she turn towards him and scream.
Rebekah: No!!!! Not without Light!!!!
Klaus: Light is not coming. We have to disappear.... he will draw too much attention. So, let him go....
Rebekah: What did you do?
Klaus: Come on, we don't have much time for any of your tantrums.
The he grab her arm and pull her towards truck.
Rebekah: I don't want to run anymore!!! Nik!!! All we do is run.... I want to be with Light!!
Klaus: Fine.... Then choose.... him or me.
Rebekah: ...
Klaus: Thats what I thought get in the truck.... let's go.
Then he start walking towards truck.
Rebekah: Goodbye Nik!
Then start walking away from Klaus.
Suddenly Klaus speed up towards her with dagger. Then I also speed up towards them and grab Klaus hand to stop him.
Rebekah: Light!!
Klaus was shocked.
Klaus: How??? I compelled you to forget everything!!!
Light: Oh!! I'm more than a simple vampire. Klaus!! And I love Rebekah and she chose me not you, so I can't let you hurt her.
Klaus: I will kill you!!!
He said in anger.
Light: No, you will not!!!! You will forget everything happened here and You will think that, you dagger Rebekah and put her in the coffin in your truck..... and you will not open Rebekah's coffin..... until I say otherwise. Now go out of the Chicago!!
I compelled Klaus.
Then he left.
[ Congratulations host for completing the story mission Reward: Blood Dagger]
Rebekah: How??
She give me bewildered look.
Light: As I said before, I'm more than a simple vampire, love!!..... And I also said that I will protect you!!!..... When you chose me over Klaus, then how I can let Klaus dagger you.
Rebekah: I love you so much, Light!!
Then she kiss me.
Light: I love you too!!! I will tell you everything after we get out from this place. Okay!!
Rebekah: Yeah!! You are right, we should go.... but where???
Light: Mystic Falls!!!!