Chapter 26: Be a Hero?
The holy power of the fury of lightning penetrated every pore and cell of Niklas' body. It cleansed him of every impurity in his body. It also denatured, rearranged, and mutated the gene construct of every limb, organ, and vessel of his construct. The holy power was remaking him into a demigod. Niklas vomited a thick, viscous liquid while enduring the cleansing force of the fury of lightning.
Far from the mountain peak, on the ground below, Messenger Rain watched the scene at the mountain peak. The cloudy sky wasn't an obstacle to her observations.
She said, "My lord, another demigod has risen because of your gift. I can only hope he decides to become a messenger so that waiting for you to return won't be so lonely."
She looked up at the sky to observe the streaks of lightning that flashed in the sky, travelling to the mountain peak. The pitch in Niklas' scream increased; hence, his scream echoed in this unknown realm.
Rain nodded and said, "It is done."
She vanished from her spot and appeared at the mountain peak. She appeared at another end of the mountain peak, not too far from Niklas' end. Bolts of lightning assaulted her, but she didn't yell, although it was painful. She accepted it like it was rain falling on her. She closed her blue iris'd eyes and raised her arms, holding her palm upwards, feeling the strikes like rain fall. She opened her eyes, which were replaced by tiny sparks of white lightning bolts. She approached Niklas and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Niklas felt the pain suddenly stop. He recovered, and his eyes finally focused; he discovered that he wasn't at the mountain peak. The mountain peak was at a distance. He gazed at the phenomenon at the mountain peak. He was unsure of what to think about it, but now he dreaded that place. He turned his gaze to his right, and he saw Rain. She was silently standing beside him with her gaze fixed on him.
"Congratulations, Niklas. You are now a demigod," Rain said.
"Thanks for saving me. I think I would have died up there," Niklas said as he took a dreadful glance at the mountain peak.
"On that mountain peak, the Fury of Lightning is a purifying force. It doesn't kill," Rain clarified Niklas' worry.
Niklas gave Rain a doubtful look.
Rain produced a small emerald-blue box out of thin air.
'Is it that everything she owns is blue?' Niklas mused upon seeing the box.
Rain flipped the box's lid. Niklas was looking directly at the box lid, so he was going to see the contents of the box as soon as it was opened. What he saw was the foulest-looking black substance, which had a pungent smell that induced one to vomit. He bent forward and retched, but he didn't vomit anything. Messenger Rain flipped back the box's lid, and Niklas' nausea ended.
Niklas had tears in his eyes as he stood erect.
"What was the horrible stuff?"
"It was the infirmities that used to be in your body before you expelled them at the mountain peak," Rain answered.
TOW! A lightning bolt struck down on the emerald blue box in Rain's hands, igniting it to ashes. Niklas received a slight scare.
'I need to compose myself better,' he reminded himself. He felt embarrassed that he had shown weakness twice before the messenger.
He took a breath and asked,
"So what is next? Is there anything else I have to fulfil? I want to go back to my world."
Rain was silent for a few seconds before she said, "I was really hoping that you would stay with me."
Niklas let out a confused giggle as he said, "Stay with you? What do you mean?"
"In time, you will know," Rain said. "Good bye, Agu Niklas Vox."
Before Niklas could open his mouth, Rain vanished, and the environment instantly changed. He was now in a secluded spot in the forest.
"Goodbye," Niklas whispered to the air.
[Congratulations on advancing to the Demigod level.
With great power comes great responsibility. You have no choice but to become a protector, a hero of the world you leave in. Great evil lies around that must be inundated before it can cause harm to the innocent.
Please enter the planet you would like to operate on in the box below.
The information on the system window surprised Niklas. He didn't know if he wanted to become a hero. All he wanted to do was make sure that he and his family had a good life. He remembered that there was evil that he wanted to fight. The evil was Chief Idris Emmanuel and his cohorts, which included the Governor of Astro, Prince Ghareeb, who had forcefully taken away his sister from his family. His heart became heavy as he remembered his sister, whom Prince Ghareeb held in captivity. He hoped that she was still alive and hadn't been killed.
"If Sophia dies, I swear to heaven that I will kill that bastard prince. I don't care if he has the backing of the emperor. I will even kill the emperor if he comes at me for killing his son."
'I don't want to make a decision now. Can I skip this for the moment?'
[Your decision is being awaited.
You receive a daily remainder twice a day, which will cease when you have made a decision.]
Niklas pulled his general information window.
[NAME: Agu Niklas Vox.
AGE: 20 years old.
HEIGHT: 6'2 feet.
CLASS: Lightning-mancer.
Class level: 0.
Class evolution: 2/100
Use and perfect your proficiency in handling lightning in order to evolve.
RACE: Human/Demigod.
Prominent race: Human.
Level of Prominence: 8.
Current level: Demigod, level 0.
Next level: Demigod, level 1.
Progress towards evolution: 167/10000.
Affect the world around you and obtain evolution points.
Since you are aligned with good, you have to affect the world around you with your goodness to obtain evolution points.
SPEED: 5+10
Free stat points: 5.
(Complete missions and stand a chance to be rewarded with stat points that can be assigned to any of the qualities.)
MANA VOLUME: 1300>5000MP
Complete missions, and you stand a chance to be rewarded with stat points added directly to your mana affinity.
Mana affinity affects mana volume, negatively or positively.
Buff skill name: Demigod's will.
Tier: SS rank.
Information: It allows the user to use their will to tap into powers that are beyond the natural laws. These exceptional powers help the user accomplish acts that are beyond explanation.
Availability: 0/1
Cool down: 1 month. Timer: 719:22:10
Information (2): When availability is 0, the user can use its will to affect, at most, the attacks from rank-C creatures or objects.]
Before he could read the information on this window, another window popped up.
Your body is very low on nutrition. You need to eat!
Consume 40kg of food, preferably meat, to sustain yourself. You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
Punishment: [two-hour-long seizure due to malnutrition.]
"What sort of bullshit is this?" Niklas blurted, exasperated.
He wasn't feeling hungry, so he didn't understand why the system would tell him that he needed to eat and that he was low on nutrition. He was so pissed that he didn't want to go find food. After a few seconds of hesitation, he ultimately decided to trust the system. Had he calmed down to check his general information, he would have discovered that he lost 20kg after his evolution.