Khloe Kardashian's boyfriend

Chapter 5: Chapter 13-14-15

Chapter 13 – Preparations for the Big Date

Khloé Kardashian sat on the couch in the living room, her heart torn between anxiety and excitement. True was playing on the rug with Tatum, while Jacob, in his typical relaxed posture, was leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping his infamous butter coffee. He seemed calm, but Khloé knew that the topic she wanted to bring up could change that.

She looked at him, deciding to finally start the conversation.

"Jacob, can I ask you something?" Khloé said, trying not to sound nervous.

Jacob looked up from his cup, his gentle eyes immediately focusing on her. "Sure. What is it?"

She took a deep breath. "I was thinking… Maybe it's time for you to meet my mom and sisters."

Jacob placed the cup on the counter and crossed his arms, deliberating for a moment before smiling. "I think that's a great idea."

Khloé instantly relaxed, a smile lighting up her face. "Really? I thought you were going to resist or something."

Jacob shrugged. "Why would I resist? Your family is an important part of your life. And if I'm committed to you, I'm committed to every part of your life."

Khloé's heart nearly melted at his answer. She knew Jacob was an exceptional man, but hearing this reaffirmed everything she already felt.

"Okay, but are you sure?" Khloé asked, just to confirm. "My sisters can be… intense. And my mom is even more so."

Jacob laughed. "I think I can handle that."

Jacob walked over to the couch and sat down next to Khloé, placing a comforting hand over hers. "Actually, I was thinking…" He began. "How about we do this here at my place?"

Khloé blinked in surprise. "Here?"

"Yes," he explained. "That way they can get to know me better in my own environment. I want them to know the real me, without any masks."

Khloé smiled. That was one of the things I admired most about Jacob: his authenticity. He wasn't trying to impress anyone; he was just himself.

"I think that's a great idea," she said. "I'll talk to them today and set a date."

Jacob nodded, satisfied. "Perfect."

Later that day, Khloé decided to send a message to the group message she had with her mother and sisters.

Khloé: "Okay, guys. I want to set up a dinner for you guys to meet Jacob. He suggested we go to his house. Is everyone available this week?"

The responses started coming in almost immediately.

Kim: "Finally! I've been waiting for this."

Kourtney: "I need to check my schedule, but I'm probably free."

Kris: "His house? That's interesting. I really want to meet him."

Kylie: "I'm in. I hope he has great food."

Kendall: "Count me in. It'll be fun!"

Khloé breathed a sigh of relief. With everyone's approval, the next step was to set the date and get everything ready.

That night, while Jacob was in the kitchen preparing dinner for them both, Khloé walked in and leaned against the counter.

"Okay, good news," she said excitedly. "My mom and sisters are in."

Jacob raised an eyebrow as he stirred the pot. "That's great. When are they coming?"

"Friday," Khloé replied.

"Perfect," Jacob said. "I have plenty of time to get everything organized."

Khloé moved closer, hugging him from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder. "I really appreciate you doing this."

Jacob smiled, tilting his head to look at her. "For you, I'll do anything."

Over the next few days, Jacob began preparing for dinner. He wanted everything to be impeccable, but not over the top. It was important to him that Khloé's family saw the real man he was.

Khloé, on the other hand, kept making suggestions.

"I think we should have candles on the table. My mom loves a good decoration."

"Done," Jacob said, making a mental note.

"And maybe a homemade dessert? My sisters love something sweet after dinner."

"I already have something in mind."

"And the wine! My mom will expect something fancy."

Jacob laughed, turning to Khloé with his hands on his hips. "Do you think they'll judge me that much?"

"It's not judgment," she explained. "It's more like… detailed observation."

Jacob shook his head, laughing, and continued with the preparations.

On Friday, everything was ready. The table was impeccably set, with elegant plates, discreet candles, and a flower arrangement in the center. Jacob had prepared a menu that combined his skills in the kitchen with dishes he knew would please the sophisticated tastes of the Kardashian family.

When the clock struck 7 p.m., Khloé stood beside Jacob, waiting anxiously. Soon, the sound of cars pulling up announced the arrival of the guests. Jacob looked at Khloé and took her hand.

"Ready?" She smiled, squeezing his hand.

"With you? Always."

The doors opened, revealing Kris Jenner in front, followed by Kim, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall. They were all impeccably dressed, as always.

"Welcome," Jacob said, with a warm smile.

Kris was the first to shake his hand. "Jacob, we finally meet. Khloé talks so much about you."

"I hope only good things," he joked, making Kris laugh.

As the sisters walked in, Jacob was the perfect host, offering drinks and making everyone feel comfortable.

As they sat down at the table, the sisters exchanged glances, clearly impressed by Jacob's hospitality and charm. He answered Kris and Kim's questions calmly and confidently, showing respect and genuine interest.

Kourtney, ever observant, finally broke the silence. "So, Jacob, what made you want to meet our whole family?"

Jacob looked at Khloé and then answered.

— Because Khloé is important to me, and I know her family is essential to who she is. I want you to know that you can trust me to take care of her.

The answer made Kris look at Jacob approvingly.

Kim smiled. — Okay, I admit it. I like him.

Kylie joked. — It's about time Khloé got a decent man.

Khloé laughed, feeling relieved and happy that everything was going so well.

The dinner ended with laughter and shared stories. As the Kardashians said their goodbyes, Khloé couldn't contain her joy at how well Jacob had done.

As they closed the door, Jacob looked at her, a satisfied smile on his face. — I think I passed the test?

Khloé laughed, wrapping her arms around him. — You didn't, Jacob. You shattered all expectations.

They hugged, feeling like this meeting was just another step toward the future they were building together.

Chapter 14 – A Day at the Pool

The morning after the introduction dinner, Jacob woke up early, as usual. He was in the kitchen preparing breakfast when Khloé came in, still sleepy, but with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mr. Perfect Host," she said, hugging him from behind.

Jacob laughed. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby," she replied. "What are you planning today?"

Jacob turned to look her in the eyes. "Actually, I was thinking about inviting your family to spend the day here. A day at the pool, a barbecue, the kids playing... what do you think?"

Khloé was excited. "Really? They'll love it! Especially the kids."

Jacob nodded. "I think it would be a good way to keep getting to know everyone. And you know how I like to cook for a group."

Khloé took out her phone and started typing in the family group.

Khloé: "Good morning! Jacob invited everyone to a pool day today. He's having a barbecue. Bring the kids!"

The response was almost immediate.

Kris: "That's great! The kids will love it. What time?"

Kim: "Perfect, North and Saint will go crazy."

Kourtney: "Penelope is already asking if there's a place for her to swim."

Kylie: "Stormi is in. We'll go at 11."

Khloé smiled at Jacob. "It looks like it's going to be a busy day."

Jacob spent the morning setting up the outdoor space of the house. The pool was immaculate, with lounge chairs, umbrellas, and toys for the kids. He set up an outdoor table with drinks, fruit, and snacks so everyone could be comfortable while he took charge of the barbecue.

Inside the house, Khloé was busy decorating little details to make the space even more welcoming. She knew her family was observant and wanted everything to look perfect.

When the first cars arrived, Jacob went to the entrance to greet the guests.

"Welcome!" He said with a warm smile.

The children ran towards the pool while Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Kendall and Kylie got out of the cars with bags and towels.

"What a beautiful space, Jacob!" Kris said, impressed by how organized the space was.

"It's not as big as your house, but I try to keep things functional," he replied modestly.

While the children played in the pool and Jacob started preparing the barbecue, Khloé decided to give her mother and sisters a tour of the house.

"Come, I want to show you Jacob's house. You're going to love it," Khloé said excitedly.

Entering the house, Kris and her sisters were impressed by the elegant simplicity of the decor. Everything was organized and functional, but with a touch of personality that reflected Jacob's life.

"Wow, it's all so... authentic." — Kim commented, running her fingers along a dark wooden piece of furniture.

As they entered the main room, everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to the walls decorated with paintings and shelves that displayed parts of Jacob's life.

"Oh my God," Kendall said, stopping in front of a huge photo of Jacob in a desert, wearing full Navy SEAL uniform, alongside his team.

Khloé smiled proudly. "He has so many stories to tell."

Kris approached a wall where there was a large frame with medals meticulously arranged. In the center was a Silver Star with a citation below:

"For displaying exceptional bravery and leadership in completing the mission under extreme circumstances, saving lives and ensuring operational success. Lieutenant Commander Jacob Ward."

"Oh my God, Khloé," Kris said, reading the citation. "Do you have any idea how significant that is?"

Khloé nodded. "He never brags about it, Mom. Jacob is humble enough, but this place tells his story."

Kylie pointed to another photo of Jacob standing next to President Barack Obama, with a thick beard, holding a rifle.

"He met Obama?" she asked incredulously.

Khloé laughed. "He did. He was part of his security detail on a few international missions."

Kourtney was looking closely at a photo of Jacob with his team in a combat zone. "He's been through a lot. Not every man can handle that and still be so collected."

Kris turned to Khloé, her eyes full of curiosity. "He seems like an extraordinary man, Khloé. You really found someone special."

When the tour was over, everyone went back outside, where Jacob was in charge of the grill. He was wearing a tight T-shirt that showed off his muscular arms as he turned the skewers.

"Was the tour good?" he asked, smiling.

Kris answered immediately. "It was amazing. You have a fascinating life, Jacob."

Jacob shrugged humbly. "I was just doing my job."

"Don't be modest," Kim said, reaching for a glass of lemonade. "This is more than a job. It's a life of dedication."

Jacob smiled, but quickly shifted his focus back to the barbecue. He began serving the guests, making sure everyone had what they needed.

The kids were thrilled with the pool, running around. True and Tatum were especially happy to have so many friends to play with.

As the afternoon wore on, conversation flowed easily between Jacob and the Kardashian family. He shared some funny stories from his career, avoiding the darker details, while the sisters reciprocated with their own experiences in the entertainment world.

"So you were like the real-life James Bond?" Kylie joked.

Jacob laughed. "I guess it's a little different. Less glamour and more dust."

Kim looked at Khloé and commented quietly, "He's amazing. I can see why you're so happy."

Khloé just smiled, her heart overflowing with pride and happiness.

As the sun began to set, the children were exhausted from playing, and the adults were satisfied with the delicious food and pleasant company.

Kris approached Jacob as he was putting some things away in the kitchen.

"Jacob, I just wanted to thank you for today," she said. "It was a wonderful day, and you are an incredible host."

Jacob smiled. "It was my pleasure. Khloé's family is important to her, and that means it's important to me, too."

Kris placed her hand on his shoulder, genuinely moved. "You are a rare man, Jacob. Khloé is lucky to have you."

"I'm the lucky one," he replied, looking over to where Khloé stood, laughing with her sisters.

When the last cars left, Jacob and Khloé were alone again. He pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead.

"I think they liked me," he joked.

"They loved you," Khloé said. — And so do I.

As the comfortable silence enveloped them, Khloé realized that this day wasn't just about Jacob getting closer to her family. It was also about her realizing, once again, how much he was the right man for her.

Chapter 15 – A Moment of Intimacy

The night was quiet in Jacob's house. After a busy day with Khloé's family, the room was finally silent, lit only by the soft lights of the lamp next to the bed. Khloé looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, fixing the last strands of her hair while wearing a silk nightgown that highlighted her curves.

Jacob, on the other hand, was lying in bed, reading a book. He was wearing only pajama pants, his muscular chest on display. The sight of Khloé entering the room made him close the book and smile.

"You always find a way to make yourself even more beautiful, you know?" he said, placing the book on the nightstand.

Khloé smiled and walked over to him, sitting next to him on the bed. "And you always know what to say to make me smile."

Jacob gently pulled her closer, his large, firm hands wrapping around her waist. "I don't say this to please you, I say it because it's the truth."

Khloé leaned in to kiss him, feeling the warm, comforting touch of his lips. The kiss started out soft, but soon became more intense, full of desire. She loved how Jacob made her feel wanted, loved, and safe.

"Do you have any idea how much you drive me crazy?" She murmured against his lips.

Jacob chuckled softly, cupping her face with both of his hands. "I think it's the same as what you do to me, Khloé."

Jacob slid one hand down Khloé's back, while the other moved down to her thighs. He pulled her closer, until she was sitting on his lap. The connection between them was palpable, the heat from their bodies growing stronger by the second.

Khloé wrapped her arms around Jacob's neck, feeling every muscle of his firm chest pressed against her.

"I love how you touch me, Jacob. You know exactly how to make me feel special." He responded with another kiss, moving his lips down her neck while his hands explored every curve of her body.

Khloé sighed, her fingers tangling in his hair. Jacob gently laid her down on the bed, positioning himself over her. Their eyes met, full of passion and affection. He ran his hand over her face, tracing the contours of her cheekbones with his thumb.

"I love you, Khloé," he said, his voice husky and sincere.

She smiled, the words filling her heart with joy. "I love you too, Jacob."

The two gave themselves completely to each other, moving in perfect harmony. Jacob made a point of showing how much he admired and respected her, each touch and kiss conveying feelings deeper than words could express.

Khloé loved feeling the weight of Jacob's body on hers, the strength and security he transmitted. She murmured his name between sighs and moans, lost in the intensity of the moment.

"You're incredible, Jacob," she said, looking into his eyes.

He smiled, leaning in to kiss her again. "I'm just giving back everything you make me feel, Khloé."

The hours passed in a whirlwind of sensations, each moment more intense than the last. The connection between them was undeniable, as if they were made for each other.

When they finally settled into bed, Jacob pulled Khloé to his chest, wrapping her in a protective hug. She felt safe in his arms, the sound of his slow, steady breathing comforting her.

"That was a perfect night," she said, tracing small circles on his chest with her fingers.

"It really was," Jacob replied, kissing the top of her head. "I don't know how I got so lucky to find you."

Khloé looked up at him, smiling. "I'm the lucky one." You are everything I have ever wanted, Jacob.

He held her a little tighter against him, as if he wanted to protect her from anything bad in the world.

"I promise I will always be here for you, Khloé," he said, his voice full of emotion.

She closed her eyes, feeling completely happy and fulfilled. In that moment, Khloé knew she had found someone who truly valued her and made her feel loved like never before.

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