Chapter 215
Chapter 215. Freeman And An Elf Encounter
The Garden of Green——
That is the name of a vast forest where many elves reside.
Currently, it is managed as a nation, with representatives from the elders handling the politics.
“The density of the trees has increased.”
“Yeah. From around here, it’s recognized as the Garden of Green. We need to choose a path that this carriage can pass through.”
“Leave that to Lalaila. I see, without a guide, it’s hard to proceed properly.”
“It might be difficult for humans.”
I see, in another sense, it’s a natural fortress.
If we set it on fire, it might be different, but whether it becomes a large-scale forest fire is a matter of luck, and more importantly, the elves would surely go berserk if we did that.
“How far is it to Lalaila’s village?”
“If there are no fallen trees on the road, about 2-3 days?”
“Can’t Hagg kick away the fallen trees?”
“Haha. That’s true.”
“You guys are too reliable.”
The old man Spawn is strangely impressed.
“But, is it really okay for Yutis to come along?”
“It seems his business is done, and I think I understand his desire to stay together.”
“I didn’t say it to be a bother.”
“I know.”
Lalaila takes charge.
“How far are we going today?”
“Let’s stop by an elf village on the outskirts and stay the night.”
“It’s a bit crowded to sleep in the carriage.”
The man is fine with sleeping outside, but if there’s a connection, it’s better to use it.
“Then let’s do that.”
“Yeah. For a while, it’s just following the road.”
“Hmm. Are there any dragons around?”
“If there were, it would be a disaster.”
“That’s true. Hahahaha!”
For now, we’re following a road built along the outer edge of the forest, so there’s no chance of getting lost.
And so, before the sun set, we entered a narrow path leading into the forest and reached the target village.
As usual, Yaralai is sitting on the roof of the carriage, so we won’t be mistakenly attacked.
“Elves aren’t that aggressive.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“……Do you think that way because of my father?”
“……I can’t deny it.”
Both of us wryly smile.
It’s not that Yaralai is aggressive, but somehow, it reminds us of a warrior tribe.
“Akira! Stop!”
Yaralai’s face appears upside down from the top of the carriage.
I immediately stop the carriage.
The road is narrow and winding, so we weren’t going fast anyway.
“What’s wrong?”
Without answering my question, Yaralai barks loudly into the darkness.
“You guys! Why are you sneaking around there!? I am Yaralai, an elf warrior!”
I was momentarily flustered by the sudden fluent words, but it seems he shouted in elvish.
“Yaralai? I’ve heard of him. A young and excellent elf warrior.”
And suddenly, three armed elves emerge from the darkness.
But their appearance is far from Yaralai’s Native American attire.
They were wearing beautifully decorated leather armor, like something out of a novel.
“Hey hey…… the atmosphere is quite different from Yaralai.”
“Nowadays, only my father would wear such embarrassing clothes……”
Meaning it’s an old-fashioned outfit…….
It’s concerning, but it’s fine for now.
“Why were you hiding armed on the highway!? Don’t tell me you were planning something nefarious!”
“Warrior Yaralai! That’s a misunderstanding! We were protecting our village!”
“Let’s talk about the details in the village. That…… strangely bright carriage…… is it safe?”
“I swear by the forest that I guarantee its safety.”
“Understood. Please come with us.”
It seems the conversation is settled, but isn’t it different from what we expected?
Glancing at Lalaila, she is also dumbfounded.
“Akira, follow them.”
“Got it, but…… what happened?”
“I don’t know. I’ll ask now.”
“That’s true.”
While surprised by the headlights’ brightness, I slowly drive the carriage following the elves who are walking ahead.
“Lalaila…… sorry, but can you go explain the situation to the guys in the back? I think it’s fine, but I want them to be a bit cautious.”
“Y, yeah.”
“I’m not doubting them……”
“I know, but I think there’s a reason.”
“I think so too. But we need to be cautious anyway. It’s not like we’re hostile to the elves.”
“That’s true. I’ll tell them.”
Lalaila goes through the small door connecting the driver’s seat and the living area to the back and starts explaining.
Although the small window of the door was left open, so they probably heard it from the back.
I shout loudly towards the sky.
“Cherina! Come down!”
Then, the griffon Kukkel, who was flying slowly in the sky, lands on the carriage with a flap.
The elves tense up for a moment, but Yaralai explains and they quickly calm down.
“They’re strangely on edge.”
The old man mutters. I agree.
Anyway, we just have to hear the details.
The elf village is a small settlement of 20-30 houses surrounded by wooden fences.
The architectural style is quite splendid.
The buildings are beautiful, harmonizing with nature, even giving a warm feeling.
Most of the houses have been there for quite some time, giving a sense of history, as if they are part of the forest.
In contrast, the village is surrounded by newly made wooden defensive structures. Outside the usual plank fences that were probably originally there, there are sharpened log fences.
It’s clear that something unusual has happened.
Well, I can guess what it is.
“Excuse me, I am Boogaga, the one in charge of this village.”
An elf warrior greets us sitting cross-legged on a straw cushion.
Two of the three armed elves immediately go back to patrol.
They say they came out because they noticed the camper and the griffon.
We are guided and welcomed into a house in the village.
(Lalaila, is Boogaga speaking Midal language? Or elvish?)
(Midal language.)
(Oh…… he’s fluent……)
Yaralai said he was good at Midal language. I thought Lalaila was good because she’s a scholar, but this…… well, I won’t say it.
“Boogaga, what happened?”
“Recently, unidentified creatures have been sighted on the outskirts of the forest. Our village hasn’t seen them yet, but two villages have already been destroyed.”
“What…… did you say?”
“That is…… how should I say……”
If the villages are about this size, that’s a tremendous damage.
“Enemy, what?”
“Sorry. It’s unknown. But there’s a strange rumor going around, that some humans have seen a dragon.”
“Human settlements are outside the elves’ living area, right? Some human villages have suffered similar damages.”
“Location, where?”
“On the outermost edge of the Garden of Green, towards the Midal Mountains. The human villages are also concentrated on that side.”
“Here, a bit, far.”
“Yes. So, most of the warriors from the village have gone to support the villages on the Midal Mountains side.”
“Anything else, known?”
“Elves who investigated the destroyed villages said there were footprints of unknown creatures. They say the size is quite large. Villages far from the Midal Mountains are increasing their fences and defenses like us.”
“Details. Thanks.”
I see, that’s why the elves are on edge.
“I know. You want to help, right? I don’t know how much I can help, but I’ll cooperate.”
It’s a chance to repay the life debt.
Although it’s unclear how much I can help.
“But let me say one thing.”
“First, go to your wife’s place.”
“That is……”
“The elf warriors are moving, right? I don’t think it’ll be resolved immediately.”
“Hmm. Yaralai has a place to go. It’s fine. We are grateful for your reinforcements, but we are elf warriors. Even without reinforcements, we can solve it.”
“……Understood. I leave it to Akira.”
“Hmph. I don’t care about elves, but the mysterious creatures are intriguing. I’ll help too.”
“Hahahaha! Of course, I’ll join in too!”
And so, we decided to cooperate with the elves.
First, we’ll meet Lalaila’s Lalailamother.
“Tonight, you can stay in our village.”
The grass bed prepared for us was surprisingly comfortable.
I take out the holy symbol from my pocket and fiddle with it.
“Really. You’re not a god of business, but a god of trouble, aren’t you?”
Perhaps because I was tired, I fell asleep in no time.