Chapter 4: My Heart
"Astrea!" Artoria screamed.
Pain shot through my chest. Blood dripped from my lips as I collapsed to the ground.
The monster loomed over me, fully healed. Darkness trailed behind its arm as it swung at Artoria, sending her flying.
I tried to reach out, but my arm wouldn't move.
I was injured badly. But it was just a chest wound, right? It wasn't that bad.
I forced myself to move again, but the monster stomped on my hand, pinning it deeper into the cracked dirt.
Artoria's scream cut through the air as she rushed back into view, her blade slick with blood.
It dripped from her arm as she raised her sword, the crimson streak following the motion as she severed its arm once more.
But this time, it healed instantly.
Before she could react, the creature countered, a fist infused with pure darkness slamming into her chest. She skidded across the ground.
I gritted my teeth and tried again to rise. This time, I managed to lift myself off the ground.
Artoria lunged, attempting to thrust, but the creature caught her blade.
Seizing the opportunity, I raised my hand and sent a stream of water crashing against its back.
It didn't flinch.
Instead, it swung Artoria behind it, throwing her straight into me.
We tumbled back as the creature conjured a swirling orb of darkness in its palm.
I wasn't fast enough to react.
The sphere struck Artoria first, sending her flying past me. Another followed, this time aimed at me.
I barely had time to raise my arms before it crashed into me, breaking something on impact.
I was flung back again, but Artoria caught me with her bronze arm before I hit the ground.
"Astrea, I have to use it," she said, her voice strained.
"No! I won't let you!"
I forced myself up, snatching her blade with my broken arms. Summoning what little strength I had left, I used my water magic to move my limbs.
The creature opened its grotesque mouth, darkness swirling at its core.
It was preparing a massive spell.
I steadied my breath, drawing every ounce of my remaining power. A spear of water formed in my left hand, condensed spinning rapidly.
Then I threw it.
The spear shot through the air, piercing straight into its mouth just as the darkness erupted outward. The explosion blew its head apart.
Before it could regenerate, I lunged, driving Artoria's blade deep into its chest.
A sharp pain pierced my heart.
I had killed the monster.
And in doing so, I had gained an Aspect.
But before I could even process it, my strength gave out, and I crumpled.
Artoria rushed forward, catching me before I hit the ground.
"Damn it, Astrea! Why won't you let me use my Gift?!"
"Why is your Gift so dangerous?" I muttered weakly.
She dug into her bag, pulling out bandages. Without hesitation, she began wrapping my chest, trying to stop the bleeding.
It wasn't my fault she had to hold back. For some reason, the world had given her a power meant to harm her.
Blood magic, usable only when she bled.
In times of need, when your future is set in stone or when events occur that forever change you, the world grants a reward.
These rewards are called Gifts, and upon receiving them, you gain an ability tied to your will.
Aspects are enhancements to your Gift or whatever magic you possess.
The Aspect I just gained makes it take less energy to use magic, but it's not like that matters much.
The reason I don't use my Gift is because it drains too much energy. Using it drops me to the ground, unconscious.
Until I gather enough strength to prevent that from happening, I can't use it effectively.
My Gift is called Nabi, it allows me to foresee a few moments into the future.
Her Gift is called Karma, it gives her more power, but it has conditions. If she doesn't fulfill them, she will die.
I groaned in pain, coughing up blood. "Damn, my chest hurts…"
Artoria ran her fingers through my hair. "If I had used my Gift, you wouldn't be in this much pain, control freak."
"I'm not a control freak. I'm just worried about you."
"Stop. I can't keep being the reason you keep getting hurt."
I winced. "You know I can't do that…"
"You can."
Her words faded as my vision blurred.
"Don't fall asleep! Talk to me, Astrea!"
I barely reacted. My tongue felt heavy in my mouth. Everything hurt, and her words stung. She doesn't understand. I'm not sure she ever will.
I don't remember what happened after that. My memory went hazy, and eventually, I fell into darkness.
My eyes slowly opened, the wind slapping against my face. I looked up at Artoria, her eyes filled with tears.
I fell back asleep.
The next time I woke up, I saw her speaking to someone.
I couldn't hear her words, but I could hear her voice. It made me relax, calming me with ease.
I don't remember the moment darkness embraced me again, but before I knew it, I was awoken by the cold breeze caressing my face.
I no longer felt Artoria with me, but I couldn't bring myself to move or even force my eyes open.
Everything hurts. I was sore and uncomfortable.
I wanted to go back to sleep…
Then I heard her voice gently calling to me. It sounded far away but quickly grew louder.
My head pounded.
"Astrea. Astrea, you need to drink."
Something pressed against my lips, cold liquid pouring down my throat.
I drank what I could, grateful it didn't send me into another coughing fit. I didn't think my ribs could take it.
When the water, at least, I assumed it was water, stopped, I barely had time to recover before I heard her again.
I should focus on her words. I know I should. But I'm so tired.
All I caught was something about eating… bread? Possibly.
Somehow, I managed to open my mouth, and a broken piece of bread was placed inside.
I ate quietly, slowly, barely noticing when it all came to a stop.
I opened my eyes and looked at her tiredly. "Where are we…?" I rasped.
"Tavern. We're back on the archipelago. We're safe."
"We're never safe…"
"This is as safe as we're going to get."
I mumbled something incoherent, but she silenced me with the lip of a medicinal bottle.
"Drink. And don't throw it up."
I took it, grimacing at the disgusting, potent taste.
It burned going down, lingering for a long ten minutes before finally fading.
I lay back on the pillow, shifting slightly and pulling the blanket up.
I hated being stuck in this bed. It would be hell if Artoria wasn't here.
She was the only saving grace in my pitiful situation.
She was the only reason I lived. The reason I could keep going, even while hating myself.
She was the only reason I'd put my life on the line.
I'd throw my life away without hesitation if it meant keeping her safe.
I looked up at her swaying hair as she went to grab a wet towel.
She's my heart.