Internet Magic in Fairy Tail (Re-upload)

Chapter 104: Chapter 343: [Dragon Hunter] Beta Testing...

Porlyusica despised humans—or at least claimed to, given her sharp tongue. She also disliked anyone who disrupted the forest unnecessarily.

Nate had to explain carefully that they weren't planning to recklessly chop down trees, but rather to build a treehouse for Mavis to live in.

"Sorry, will this disturb your peace?" the First Guild Master, the petite Mavis, apologized politely.

Porlyusica naturally recognized Mavis. Upon hearing her explanation, she shook her head and said, "Do you even know how to build a treehouse?"

"Porlyusica, would you help us?" Mavis's eyes lit up as she seized the opportunity.

Porlyusica sighed helplessly. "I'll guide you. Nate, let me see the design plans."

The infamous "sharp tongue, soft heart."

Nate couldn't help but smile at the thought as he handed over the design plans.

When Porlyusica opened the designs, she was taken aback—what in the world was this? It looked like a child's doodle.

She glared at Nate, who immediately returned an innocent "it wasn't me" expression, hinting that it must have been Mavis's work.

At that moment, Nate's magic ring flashed a few times. Opening the Magic Net, he saw a private message from the former council chairman, Crawford Seam.

Crawford Seam: "Nate, do you know anything about the 'Dark Web'?"

Dark Web?

Nate raised an eyebrow. After a moment of thought, he connected the question to Precht.

Sigma Male: "What's that?"

Crawford Seam: "Today, Precht, the leader of Grimoire Heart, came to the council headquarters to surrender. He mentioned that someone named Voldemort used your Magic Net to create a dark web in its depths."

A "Dark Web." The term was self-explanatory—an underground internet.

Sigma Male: "Something like that exists? Let me investigate."

Crawford Seam: "Do you know who Voldemort is?"

It's me, of course.

Nate chuckled to himself. It seemed Precht had told the council everything he knew.

Sigma Male: "Zeref?"

Crawford Seam: "We can't rule out that possibility."

Sigma Male: "What does the council plan to do with Precht?"

Crawford Seam: "We're still discussing the matter."

The council hadn't reached a decision yet?

Nate smiled.

Sigma Male: "My suggestion is to release him without charges. He's already become a kind old man, 😆."

Crawford Seam: "That's impossible…"

Crawford Seam: "The council meeting is starting. I'll let you know the results when we have them."

Sigma Male: "Understood, Chairman."

Crawford Seam: "Former Chairman…"

With the conversation over, Nate looked back at the two women nearby. Mavis was earnestly discussing the treehouse design with Porlyusica.

Deciding not to interrupt, Nate pondered how to get Precht out of his predicament. It wouldn't be too difficult. Precht still held significant value—his knowledge, intelligence, and combat strength were assets. Now that he had undergone a moral transformation, becoming a good old man, the council was likely weighing these factors in their deliberations.

Under normal circumstances, Precht would likely be sentenced to life imprisonment. But what about Grimoire Heart? How were they reacting to their leader's loss? Would they elect a new leader? Or attempt a jailbreak?

Nate thought for a moment and sent a sliver of his consciousness into Jellal. This time, he didn't control Jellal's actions, only borrowed his eyes to observe Grimoire Heart's response.

Moments later, his consciousness returned.

"Jellal actually defeated Bluenote?"

"And became Grimoire Heart's second Guild Master?"

Well, technically, acting Guild Master. The Seven Kin of Purgatory didn't fully accept Jellal's leadership, but agreed to temporarily follow his orders on the condition that Precht be rescued.

Nate's expression turned complex.

Jellal ≈ Voldemort = Nate.

By extension, had he now inherited Precht's legacy and become Grimoire Heart's second leader?

What a considerate old man. Precht had given him countless magic books before, and now he had essentially handed over the guild.

Nate couldn't help but laugh.

Porlyusica's voice brought him back to reality: "Nate, why are you standing there grinning? Come help."


Building a treehouse wasn't easy—for ordinary people. For Nate, it was a breeze.

There was no need for manual labor. He simply activated Arc of Embodiment to summon an imagined legendary carpenter, "Mokichi," and left all the work to him. Nate, meanwhile, supervised as the foreman, giving directions from the sidelines.

As the evening sun bathed the sky in hues of red and gold, the treehouse construction had taken shape and would likely be completed by the next day.

Returning to the guild tavern, Nate casually took a seat at an empty table.

"Nate!" Lisanna passed by, carrying a tray. "Has the treehouse for the First Master been built yet?"

"Should be done tomorrow. Where's your sister?" Nate glanced at the bar but didn't see Mirajane.

"She's out shopping. Do you want anything to eat?"

"The usual."

Nate smiled and opened his Magic Net. The [Dragon Hunter] app was ready; now it needed testing.

He scanned the tavern but didn't see Gajeel or Natsu around. Unsure of where they were, he decided to send the app to the guild's group chat for anyone interested in testing it.

Fairy Tail Bonds of Love:

Sigma Male: [Dragon Hunter App (Beta)]

Sigma Male: "@Everyone, who wants to help test the new game?"

Erza: "New game?"

Gray: "Is this the one Gajeel mentioned?"

Natsu: "Me! Let me do it!"

Happy: "Natsu, your fishing rod is being dragged away!"

Huh? Are they fishing?

Nate chuckled and explained the game's backstory in the chat.

Sigma Male: "It's set in Future Lucy's world, where there are 10,000 dragons. It's a hunting game."

The explanation sparked a lively discussion among the group. Leaving the chat to settle itself, Nate sent a Thought Projection into the "game" world for further observation.

Fairy Hills Dormitory, Second Floor

Erza had downloaded the app and opened it immediately.

The first thing she saw was a roaring dragon—a visual of Igneel, the Fire Dragon King—curled beneath a volcano, roaring at a sky filled with countless dragons. After a brief animation, the game's title, [Dragon Hunter], appeared in bold golden letters across the screen.

[Click anywhere to begin.]

Beneath the title was a short description. Erza tapped the screen, prompting a new message to appear:

[You have not created a character yet. Would you like to create one now?]

A character model appeared onscreen. The default was a male character in simple clothing with a handsome face.

"He looks a bit like Nate," Erza chuckled, noticing customization options on the right side of the screen: Gender, Height, Build, Beard, Clothing Color, Markings, and more. The customization menu was incredibly detailed, unlike anything she'd seen before.

Excited, Erza began crafting her character. Though unfamiliar with the process, she quickly caught on.

First, she chose male—reasoning that since the game involved dragon hunting, a male character might be more suitable. Frankly, she found her own ample chest a hindrance in battle, relying as she did on swift movements. It wasn't that she disliked her figure—her boyfriend certainly didn't—but for gaming purposes, it was unnecessary. Without hesitation, she selected a male character.

Adjusting the height slider to its maximum, her character reached over 2.5 meters tall. She avoided making him a bulky giant and instead modeled him after Nate's lean yet muscular build.

After perfecting the details for about half an hour, she admired her work. "It's basically Nate," she muttered. To avoid making it too similar, she added a scruffy beard for a rugged touch. After another ten minutes, her character had transformed into a towering, wild-looking man over 2.5 meters tall.

With a final tap on Confirm, a new screen appeared.

[Select your Dragon Slayer Magic.]

Options included Fire, Lightning, Iron, and others—seven types in total. Without hesitation, Erza selected Fire Magic.

[Character creation complete.]

[Enter the game?]

[Yes / No]

[Friendly Reminder: Ensure you are in a safe environment to avoid unnecessary accidents.]

Erza tapped Yes, and the next moment, her consciousness blurred.

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