Chapter 40: Clash of Ideals
Shirone was speechless.
Of course, he could imagine it, but the mere thought of it was horrifying.
"If something like that happens, countless people will die."
"What are you talking about? I'm saying explosion! A massive explosion! The entire city will be wiped out!"
"Exactly! If an explosion happens, what do you think will happen to the people living there?"
"The people living there?"
Iruki tilted his head, looking genuinely puzzled, which only made it more frustrating.
"Don't tell me… you've never even considered it?"
"Of course not. Why would I need to think about something like that?"
Shirone felt disgusted.
If Iruki had coldly stated that human lives were insignificant, at least it would have made sense in a twisted way.
'What exactly is going on inside his head?'
Shirone couldn't hold back.
"How can you say that? As a magician, isn't it your responsibility to consider the consequences your magic has on the world? What about the people who will suffer because of it?"
"You're being naive, Shirone. Do you think other magicians refuse to do it because they don't want to? No, it's because they can't. The genius we are given exists solely to achieve something."
"I don't care about genius! If being a genius means hurting others, then I'd rather be a fool!"
Iruki didn't back down either.
"A small group of geniuses leads the masses of fools. History proves it. That's also the reality we live in. Shirone, I hate hearing about idealism."
"No, your logic is not reality. It's drenched in defeatism. Ideals can be achieved."
"They're called ideals because they are unrealistic."
The heated debate showed no signs of stopping, and it was Nade who grew the most anxious.
"Alright, alright, let's stop here. A discussion is fine, but don't turn it into a personal argument. Let's all sit down and talk calmly."
"No. I have nothing more to say. Nade, I'm leaving!"
Shirone stormed out, slamming the door behind him.
For someone usually so mild-mannered, his cold departure made it clear how furious he was.
"H-Huh? Shirone, wait! You can't just leave! Do you even know how to find your way?"
"Let him go. The structure hasn't changed. He should at least remember the way he came. If he can't, then he really would be a fool."
By the time Nade opened the door to follow, Shirone was already gone, having left the building entirely.
Returning to the room, Nade frowned.
"Why did you have to be like that? You could've explained it in a way he would understand."
Iruki shrugged. "I don't know. I admit I was a little aggressive. But he is my rival, after all."
Hearing the word 'rival' come from Iruki's mouth was rare.
It wasn't arrogance—Nade knew that his friend had little interest in competition of any kind.
'It's not just competition.'
Iruki was indifferent to romance, wealth, and fame. Nothing seemed to move him.
The only thing that ever fascinated him was mathematics—the formulas he considered the most beautiful in the world.
"Shirone is your rival? Are you serious?"
Iruki smirked as he sat down on the sofa, sending up a cloud of dust.
"You saw Shirone's early promotion test, didn't you?"
"Of course. That's why he ended up in our year."
"A beginner learning teleportation and reaching Level 10… Do you have any idea how fast his thought process had to be to escape the Dragon's Maze?"
When Nade remained silent, Iruki tapped his own head.
"It's impossible without an incredible ability to segment time. Based on my calculations, Shirone must have divided time into units of at least one ten-thousandth of a second."
"One ten-thousandth of a second…"
Nade struggled to grasp such an infinitesimal fraction of time. Meanwhile, Iruki chuckled in amusement.
"It's the true mystery of insight—faster than effort, more precise than knowledge. No conscious calculation can outmatch intuition. But, Nade…"
Iruki's eyes gleamed sharply.
"What if it were me?"
It was a question of Shirone's insight versus Iruki's calculations.
Which one was faster?
There was no way to know.
Like a battle between mythical creatures from different legends, the mere thought of it sent shivers down Nade's spine.