In Marvel with a Game Content System (Marvel x Multiverse)

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

{A/N: I got into a bit of a flow and wrote another chapter, I might not publish much soon though as I'm going to be going to university and will have to focus on my studies.

Also I have a patreon at where I post any extra chapters I write, check it out if you want.}

1st Pov

A week had passed since my fight with Apocalypse in that time I had continued my work on deciphering DNA, using the full extent of my mind I was able to breakdown and understand every interaction in the human body and the DNA that is responsible for it.

Using my newfound understanding I'd spent the last few days working on improving the human genome whilst not changing it to drastically. Looking to my side I watch Jean engrossed in her studies, ever since she was attacked by Apocalypse Jean had been working to improve herself.

Starting with her mind she wanted to learn more to improve herself, after noticing her spending hours uselessly looking for information at her learning level I had offered to make her a lesson plan. Using my advanced mind I had quickly collated a special lesson plan designed to perfectly trigger her brain and help her understand it.

Since then, Jean has spent the week close to me going through her lesson plan, something I noticed was Jean seemed to develop a bit of trauma from Apocalypses attack which made her very clingy. I of course fixed her trauma but it didn't stop her from wanting to be near me.

Looking back to my project I finalise it by gently connecting the last few mechanisms, moving back I look over my creation. Two metres in every direction it's a perfect cube, inside the cube millions of advanced manipulators are capable of assembling base elements into organic compounds.

Using this device I'm now able to make life completely from scratch and to my liking, moving over slightly I connect my hand to the data port. Maximising my brain power, I begin rapidly developing plans for a basic organism, then once I've designed it I convert my plans into DNA.

Transferring the needed data to the machine I wait in anticipation, after a few minutes of waiting a ding similar to a microwave rings out as a hatch folds open on the machine. Immediately steam flows out of the open door as a bright light shines from within the machine, then slowly a conveyer belt moves my creation towards the front.

Smiling happily, I pick up the unique lifeform, the creature was based off a cat. The creature resembles an orange kitten in appearance with two blackish red feather wings extending out of its back and two horns sprouting from in front of its ears.

Flying in with a chirp the eternal flame I decided to name Navow lands on my shoulder, looking down at the creature in my hands I get a vague feeling of confusion through my link with my pet. Sprouting a tendril from my shoulder I pat the little flame bird on the head as I walk over to another machine.

Gently placing the new creature into the machine, it looks up at me with curiosity in its slitted eyes. Tapping a button the machine swirls to life as a light begins rapidly spinning around the creature, curious the creature attempts to jump at the light.

Chuckling I quickly catch the little creature before it gets mulched in the high speed machine, waiting a few more seconds the machine gets everything it needs. Connecting to the machine I instantly copy across all the data and review it in less than a second.

Smiling widely the data indicates the little creature I made is perfect, there is no faults in its DNA and it can easily survive and propagate, though I'll have to make another for the last option.

Grabbing the little guy I walk over to Jean, tapping her shoulder she puts down her pencil and turns to me. Wordlessly handing her the little creature she looks at it confused for a few seconds, then like a light bulb turning on she seems to get why I gave it to her.

Placing the creature on the desk she spins in her chair and jumps up, hugging me she smiles widely.

"Thank you Morgan, what is it though?" – Jean

"I don't have a name for it yet, I just made it a few minutes ago and figured it would make a good pet. I will grow bigger though so tell me now if you can't handle it." – Morgan

Taking a second to ponder Jean seems to think it over, then nodding resolutely to herself she looks back up at me.

"I'll take care of it, is it a boy or a girl though? I need to know to name it." – Jean

"It's a girl." – Morgan

Releasing the hug Jean looks at me a few seconds before moving back to her desk and picking up the little creature. Sitting down she begins brainstorming name ideas, seeing her focused I turn back to my work.

Walking back over to the machine I begin designing a new organism, this organism will act in a similar function to the Nucleus and will reside inside the cells of larger creatures. Thinking it through I realise the complexity of the organism I want to make, after all the main goal of this creature will be to safely combine with a hosts cell and adjust its DNA to my liking.

Continuing my work I slowly make more progress with my design, eventually after a few hours I finish the actual organism. Now I just need to figure out a new set of DNA to program into a human, waving goodnight to Jean I get back to work.

Working through the night I come up with a new set of DNA, by removing all the junk code and optimising the original DNA I've already created something that can complete the quest. But I'm not happy with this so I continued my work, eventually I settle on a triple helix structure that expands upon the X-gene to make it more powerful.

On top of this I also increased the strength, endurance, stamina, and intelligence of a base human. Happy with my design I begin producing it along with the organism I designed earlier, while they are produced I quickly open my inventory and pull out some chemicals.

Mixing the chemicals together I concoct the activation serum, without this serum my organism will do nothing and just die. Thinking about it I decide to make a few changes to the serum and mix it with a highly concentrated nutrient solution.

Grabbing all my prepared items I feed the completed DNA set to the organism, taking in the DNA chemical control units extend inside it and attach to it. Nodding to myself I warp down to my lab rats, approaching a random cell I look at the person inside.

Checking my incineration devices are working fully I open the cell, stepping in I approach the would be rapist and recovering drug addict. Putting the organism into the syringe with the serum I inject it straight into the persons neck.

Stepping out of the cell it swings shut behind me and locks, focusing on the man I use all my sensors and equipment to monitor him. Starting off slowly the man begins to groan as the serum spreads throughout his body, then in a exponential reaction the organism infiltrates the first cell.

Latching onto the mans DNA it begins configuring the physical trait section of the DNA I created to match his, from there his cell begins to morph and twist as it begins to attach to the artificial cell nucleus.

Once the first cell is complete it begins to split, splitting into two cells the newer cell immediately grabs hold of one of his original cells and consumes it. Continuing this pattern two cells become four and four become eight.

Once the reaction gets to a large enough degree his skin appears to ripple from the outside, moving up his shoulder and down his arm his skin slowly begins to look healthier. Inside his muscles become denser and more efficient and his blood vessels and nerves optimise their layout.

Screaming in silent agony the man claws desperately at his arm as it evolves, noting down to make it painless for Jean I decide to quickly try something. Turning off the man's pain sensors the mans scream instantly stops as he looks around confused.

Turning his pain sensor back on to see if he can survive I continue my observation, moving into the bones they slowly morph as they form a multi layered material consisting of the strongest possible forms of the elements they comprise.

Continuing it's progression the new organism finally gets to the vital organs, starting with the mans heart it begins to morph as it is completely optimised to be stronger, more resistant, and best of all more efficient.

As this is happening I watch the man's immune system as well, working how I planned the new cells absorb the antibodies and optimise them before forming memory cells and erasing the old immune system removing any chance of a immune response to the change.

Moving on the organism continues to move through all the man's vital organs optimising them and improving their functions, finally the change reaches the mans head and spine. Instantly the man seizes up as neurons are consumed and replicated in their entirety.

Each new cell perfectly mimics the arrangement and connections of the cell it's replacing in order not to leave a mindless husk behind. In order to improve the recipients intelligence, I programmed a slow change in the mind were it'll gradually rearrange and improve.

After successfully converting the mans brain I don't notice any change in his psychic frequency, mentally jotting down this data I decide I need a larger pool to determine whether this keeps the person the same, after all this man perfectly represents the ship of Icarus.

Finishing the change the man drops to the ground his seized muscles releasing, on the ground the man breathes weirdly and his limbs fly wildly around him. Waiting a few minutes to see whether the man will gain control of his body he eventually spirals out of control and asphyxiates himself when his brain can't handle his new body.

Checking over his body I notice the improved cells trying to bring him back to life, watching for a few more minutes his body doesn't succeed and I pronounce him dead. In reality I know the man will eventually come back to life, with his optimised body his cells won't decay so eventually he'd adapt.

But not needing him any more I activate my incinerator, instantly 3000 degree flames purge any trace of life from the cell. Leaving the incinerator system on for a little longer I warp up quickly to my life printer and grab the second version of the organism I designed whilst observing the man.

Teleporting back down to my test labs I open a new cell and inject the scarred young woman inside with the new organism. This one acts far slower and the woman looks confused, leaving the cell I move back over to the inferno that is my previous test subjects cell.

Spending a few minutes, I make sure to thoroughly examine the entire cell for any traces of the organism I designed, all the while I keep multiple thought trains on observing the woman.

Moving back over to the woman the reaction is finally reaching a noticeable stage, unlike the man who's reaction took less than ten seconds I designed this woman's dose to take thirty minutes to complete and to start from the brain.

Doing a comparison the woman seems far calmer as her brain reconfigures, scanning her memories I notice they slowly become more high definition in her mind as her brain speed up. Comparing her psychic frequency, I detect no change as the last of her brain changes.

Moving down her body the cells continue to change in a similar way to the man's, the difference though is the woman doesn't seem to seize up and the opposite happens. As the change spreads to the woman's muscles her optimised brain easily controls them, so instead of seizing the loosen as her new strength requires her to tense her muscles less to lift her arms.

Eventually after the full thirty minutes the changes complete and the woman's body briefly ripples, checking her body I confirm the organism deactivated it's conversion feature and deleted the relevant code.

Leaving the woman for longer observation I access my system, moving the woman's cell I transport her into a highly secured and isolated area. You can't take too many precautions especially when I just gave my prisoner an enhanced version of the x-gene.

Teleporting out of my lab and into space I form a ball of plasma around myself, removing any traces of my experiments I reconstruct my clothes and teleport into my lounge room.

Moving to my kitchen I begin cooking up some bacon and egg muffins for breakfast, like clockwork I finish breakfast at exactly seven thirty as Jean steps out of the bathroom. Differently from normal though is the little winged kitten sitting on Jean's shoulder.

Walking over I meet her at the table, bending down I give her a kiss on the lips before pulling out her chair and placing the food on the table in front of her.

Ruffling the kittens head I move around to the other side of the table as my pet bird flies in through the open window. Smiling happily, I can only appreciate the moment in peaceful quiet, eating my breakfast I'm about to sit down to play some video games when the doorbell rings.

Wondering who it could be I use my psionic abilities to see beyond the door, shocked by the person on the other side I'm not able to react quick enough as Jean walks over and opens the door.

Freezing Jean stares in a blank mix of horror, regret, and confusion at the red headed person on the other side of the door. Mumbling quietly Jean can barely get out any words as she continues to stare at the woman.

Twisting space, I smoothly arrive behind Jean and wrap my arms around her shoulders, looking at the woman I can only marvel at how much she and Jean look alike. Long red hair, emerald green eyes, and a figure to die for.

Managing to recover enough Jean mumbles out what I've been wondering this entire time.

"Mum?" - Jean

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