In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 3: Okay Boomers

"Well, I heard someone struck it big at the on the strip last night. Have anything to say on that Miss Castle?" Doctor Usanagi gave me a look.

"Guilty as charged. I made off with 83300 caps. The owners actually paid me to adjust the maximum bet you can place on the slot machines. 100 caps per slot machine at the Atomic Wrangler. 50 caps per slot machine at Gomora. And the big spender was Benny at the Tops with 200 caps per slot machine. God, I never plan on going back to the Tops or the Ultra Lux again. The owners gave me a look like they wanted to eat me." I shivered

"Eat you in what respect?" Doctor Usanagi

"The guy with the top hat at the Ultra Lux was looking at me as if I would go great with eggs and bacon. Now Benny on the other hand looked like he wanted to sleep with me and use me for all I'm worth. Now if it was Swank down in reception I might have been tempted."

"I'm guessing that Miss Big Game Winner isn't here for just a chat." Doctor Usanagi

"Right, you are. I am here for implants and not for my boobs." I said

"Well, you can currently have 7 more implants. So pick your poison." Doctor Usanagi

"I'll take strength and your two more expensive implants." I said

"I can implant the Hypertrophy Accelerator for 4000 caps. It will boost your adrenal glands and quickly increase your muscle mass. The second one would be the NEMEAN Sub-Dermal Armor. For 8000 caps. The implant causes your skin cells to be bolstered with iron. It won't make you bulletproof, but it will make you a little harder to injure. And the last implant is the PHOENIX Minicyte Breeder. The implant speeds up cell regeneration, an effect similar to that of some lizards and sea creatures. The implant is 12000 caps. Bringing your total to 24000 caps." Doctor Usanagi explained. I handed over the caps. "Alright, this will take a couple of days. Just step into the Auto-Doc." 

"Anything interesting happened while I was out?"

"There was a large-scale battle for Hoover Dam. The NCR won. I heard they led Legion forces to a big trap in Boulder City. The only other thing worth mentioning is that Joshua Gram was set on fire and tossed over the Dam for his failure. Besides that nothing of note happened." Doctor Usanagi

"Okay, I'll be heading out then. I may be back for another two implants at a later date." I headed out of the Clinic.

[New Perk: Strength Implant] Your muscle mass has enhanced with the Hypertrophy Accelerator, increasing your Strength by 1.

[New Perk: Sub-Dermul Armor] Your skin has been toughened by the NEMEAN Sub-Dermal Armor, increasing your total Damage Threshold by 4.

[New Perk: Monocyte Breeder] Your regenerative ability has been enhanced by the PHOENIX Monocyte Breeder implant, causing you to slowly regenerate lost hit points.

I decided to sell the armor, guns, and all the land mines I had gotten from the Feinds and the Casinos. This put me at having a total of 68379 caps. I could head down to Primm to make some more caps gambling or head to the Boomers and get their quest line going. The Boomers did have the location of the Vault 34. That may lead to the part Vault 3 needs. I'm fine on caps anyway. I checked my Pip-Boy to see what Challenges I could do for EXP.

[Benefit Or a Hazard] Kill 15 Robots with 5.56mm pistol (GRA).

[Ne Ne Ne Ne...] Cripple 5 Right Arms with Shotguns.

[Overkill] Kill 20 Animals with any Fat Man or Fat Mines.

[The Same Could Be Said of All Religious Weapons] Kill 15 Feral Ghouls with Maria, Gehenna, or Holy Frag Grenades.

[You Don't Belong In This World!] Kill 10 Abominations with Katanas, Dynamite, Machetes, Throwing Spears, Throwing Knives, and Throwing hatchets

[Dyin' Ain't Much of a Living] Kill members 5 of NCR or Legion hit squads with weapons affected by the Cowboy perk.

[Nyah! See?] Kill 10 Chairmen, White Gloves, or Omertas with any submachine gun, light machine gun, or minigun.

[Vault 13's Revenge] Kill 15 Super Mutants with 5.56mm Pistols, Plasma Defenders, Plasma Grenades, Power Fists, Rippers, or the Bozar.

[White Line Nightmare] Kill 20 Fiends, Vipers, or Jackals with Tire Irons, Baseball Bats, Lead Pipes, Machetes, .44 Magnum Revolvers, or Sawed-Off Shotguns.

[Against All Tyrants] Kill 10 any named Legion members with Hunting Revolvers, Ranger Sequoias, Brush Guns, Service Rifles, Hunting Rifles, or Cowboy Repeaters.

[Deathclaw Pro Hunter] Kill 5 adult Mojave Wasteland Deathclaws with .22 Pistols, Switchblades, Boxing Tape, Recharger Rifles, or Dynamite

[Man-Machine Interface] Kill 10 Mojave Wasteland Mr. Gutsies and Sentry Bots with Brass Knuckles, Spiked Knuckles, Tire Irons, Wrenches, and Lead Pipes.

[Disarming Personality] Disable 25 mines 6/25 repeatable

[H4x Supr3m3] Hack 25 more computer terminals 10/25 repeatable

[Dr. Wasteland, M.D.] Use 25 doctor's bags 0/25 repeatable

[Stimpaddict] Use 100 stimpaks 4/100 repeatable

[All Things in Modder Nation] Apply 20 mods to weapons 0/20 repeatable

[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests ⅗ repeatable

[Up to the Challenge] Complete 50 challenges 5/50 repeatable

[Low Tech Hacking] Pick 25 locks 17/25

[Crafty] Craft 20 items 7/20

[You Run Barter Town] Sell items through Barter to earn 10000 caps 4444/10000 caps

[Stim-ply Amazing] Heal 10000 hit points with stimpaks 168/10000

There are a lot more challenges but these were the doable ones. I mean I could lose 5 games of Caravan pretty easily. But I would have to build a deck first and right now I just can't be fucked to do it. I'm really just sick of cards right now. I had to play like 60 rounds of blackjack to max out The Ultra Lux chip limit. Screw them for not having slot machines. 

I picked up a few weapons for the challenges. Sleepytyme for [Nyah! See?]. I can get that easily by killing the cannibals at the Ultra Lux. A 5.56 pistol for [Benefit Or a Hazard] and [Vault 13's Revenge]. Dealing with Tabatha and her crew of hostile Super Mutants will get [Vault 13's Revenge] done. I picked up a normal Fat Man. I couldn't justify getting Ester for 10000 more caps. The last weapon I picked up was Gehenna. I didn't pick wild wasteland so no holy Frag Grenades for me. And I'm not getting my hands on Benny's gun before the currier deals with Benny. The rest could wait until I got the Mannco supplies for Spy, Scout, Demo, or Solder. I spent 30000 caps between the weapons, ammo, and crafting supplies for the rest of Engineer Unlocks. 

I had to go to the Silver Rush to get the parts for the Pomson 6000. They gave me so many bad vibes. I can't wait to deal with them and the Crimson Caravan with the help of Cass. But that will have to wait a few years.

With my shopping out of the way. Set off for the Boomers. I could deal with the crafting when I got to Nellis. I made my way to the Feilds' Shack. 

[Feilds' Shack Discovered 10EXP]

[2335/2500 to next level]

I went into the shack to set up my teleporter exit and my Mini-Sentry. I honestly doubt anyone is going to come into this run-down old shack but better safe than sorry. I made my way out of the shack to only get jump scared.

"Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Homes. Don't suppose you'd care ot trade? I'm missing a few essential and- oh, screw this. Lying just ain't in my nature. I'll tell it to you straight. I've been following you for a good bit now." Malcolm

"Why were you following me?" I asked fully knowing why.

"It started off innocently enough. I was traveling, as I often do, and happened to observe you picking up one of those blue-star caps. You didn't show any reaction to it, so I figured you didn't know what you'd gotten your hands on." Malcolm

"And what's so special about these here blue star bottle caps." I said with the closest thing I could do for a southern draw.

"There's an old wasteland legend that says somewhere out there is a fabulous treasure from before the war. Those caps with the blue star on them, the tale goes, are the key to that treasure. They're called Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars." Malcolm

"So you collect them?"

"Nah, I gave it up years ago. Too dangerous And even if I did still collect them, T'd tell you the same. There's people out there so mad with the idea of treasure that they'll attack strangers just on the suspicion that they have some of those caps." Malcolm

"And were might some one find those bottle caps?"

"All over the place. The easiest place to find them is unopened bottles of Sunset Sassparilla. You'd think they'd all have been picked clean by now, but somehow new bottles keep appearing in the machines. Some say it's old Festus that dose it, hoping someone will finally collect enough caps to earn the treasure. Ither than bottles, you'll just have to scavenge. You can find caps in the unlikeliest of places, and blue-star caps are no exception." Malcolm

"You mentioned someone named Festus. Who's that?"

"It's said that the treasure is guarded by a man named Festus, and he's the one who asks for the blue-star caps. It's also said that he's been around since the war, standing a lonely vigil, waiting for someone to come and take the treasure off his hands. That'd make him pretty damn old, but I've met afew people in my travels who claimed they actually met him, and they weren't the lying type either." Malcolm

"What kind of loot are we talking?"

"No one knows. Money? Weapons? Water? It is, or maybe was, something of value, and that's enough to get people motivated." Malcolm

"Thanks for the intel. I'm leaving."

"No problem. If do end up trying to collect more stars, watch out for a man named Allen Marks. He's killed several people for their stars already." Malcolm

[Roll to Resist the urge to kill Malcolm Homes for his blue star bottle caps!]

[Roll failed. 52 is over 50]

I took out my shotgun and shot for Malcolm Homes's right arm. His right arm was crippled. The second shot killed Malcolm Homes. Six Blue Star Bottle Caps were retrieved from the corpse. The trader's outfit was also looted. 

"That guy was a fucking stalker and creep, and now I have to deal with another creep." I said looking up the road to see George. I made my way to make a bet with this evil man.

"Whoa there, pal. You better slow down, or you'll get blown up like the rest of the idiots who thought they'd scavenge in Boomer territory. Oh lordy lordy, you haven't heard of the Boomers? What rock have you been living under? They're a bunch of artillery-slingin' grenade lobbin' odd-jobs camping in Nellis. Wander into their territory and you're as good as mincemeat!" George

"Well, is there a way to get past?" I asked

"There is a way, and I'll tell you… for a little wager? Well, I know the secret to get past. If you give me the caps, I'll tell you. If you make it back alive I'll double your money!" George

I handed over 500 caps. "You've got yourself a bet."

"Okay, Here you go. That page has details, but it's all in the timing as you move from building to building. I'll be here watching, so I'll know if you've made it to the gate or not. Remember, there's 1000 caps in it if you make it." George

I'll look at the note and remember my first playthrough of New Vegas where I followed the note. Yeah no I'm not dealing with a 100 lockpick skill check or the Death Claws or the Ghouls or the mind field the Boomer set up in the tunnel. Even when you clear the tunnel it only puts you halfway to the Boomers.

"Okay, you just have to run through artillery fire. Well around but still the same diff." I took Buffout and Med-X and so I ran along the left wall of stone and boulders. The first shell grazes me [10DMG]. The second and thrid miss. The fourth lands on me [80DMG]. The fith one hits grazes me [10DMG]. The last one hits me sending me rolling down the hill to the gate crippling all of my limbs [100DMG]. I quickly use a doctor's bag to heal my crippled limbs. I quickly used 5 stimpaks. And walk my way to the gate.

[Nellis Air Force Base Discovered 10EXP]

[2345/2500 to next level]

"Hold it right there! Don't you move! How the hell did you survive that bombardment?" Boomer Gruad

"It's all in the timing." I said hoping he didn't pay attention to the scorch marks left on my armor. 

"But I had you zeroed in the whole time! Nobody's that fast! Move a muscle now and I'll blow you to pieces!" Boomer Guard

"Can we move this along?" I asked

"Then just - just stay where you are! Raquel'll be here any second…" Boomer Guard

"I'll take this from here. I'm Raquel, Master-At-Arms for the Nellis home land. I oversee the security of the Nellis homeland, from the coordination of its defenses to the training and fitness of its population. Mother Pearl, our Eldest, wishes to speak to you." Raquel

"Who is Mother Pearl?" I asked

"As I said, she is our Eldest. Mother Pearl has lived at Nellis from the start, and has the wisdom of her age. She said this day would come, and that any savage to reach our gates should be brought to her. Follow close - and mind your behavior." Raquel

The gate is opened and I'm led to one of the buildings within Nellis Air Force Base. I read a copy of meeting people befor going in. I saw and old lady with a grenade launcher on her back approach me.

"Welcome, child! Took your time getting here, didn't you? I've been waiting two years for an outsider to come along and visit!" Mother Pearl

"You didn't exactly roll out a red carpet!" I exclaimed feeling the MedX wear off.

"Those howitzers of ours aren't just for entertainment, Child! Explosive ordnance is what keeps the savages at a distance. Except you! There's something special about you, child it was the howitzers that gave you a chance to show it!" Mother Preal

"How might I help you?" I asked

"Oh, so many ways! Small ones to begin with, so we can het used to what it's like to have sav- outsider around and about. Should that go well, it may be you can help in big ways, too. We'll have to see." Mother Pearl

"How can we trust each other if you're going to be keeping secrets?" 

[Speach Cheek Sucess]

[25 EXP]

[2370/2500 to next level]

"You have to keep in mind that you're our first contact with the outside world since I was barely a woman. Seclusion has kept us safe. But the world around us is changing. Neon light in the distance, patrolling robots soldiers… My youngers think our guns can keep out the world, but I think we need to let it in, just a little, or become its victim. You're that little bit of the world, child. Welcome to Nellis." Mother Preal

"Where do I start?" I asked

"You picked a good time to stop by, for we're swimming in problems. My youngers can tell you all about it. Raquel could use help with the bug problem, Jack and Loyal might be looking for help with some repairs. Or you could go see Pete at the museum and hear the story of our people. All you have to do is listen. Come and go as you like, help or don't help, I leave it up to you. But I hope you'll show my youngers that not every outsider needs to be blown up." Mother Preal

[New Quest added: Volare!]

 I looked over to Raquel as to where to start. "Mother Pearl's instructions are clear. You can move freely around Nellis, and artillery spotters have orders not to fire on you. These are extraordinary privileges. Don't Abuse them. Long story short, the power failed a few days ago because giant ants have tunneled into the generator room and set up a nest. I led a team down to exterminate them, but there were… so many of them. We lost: Two dead, three wounded. Personally, I think it's more then a savage can handle, but if you want to kill those ants and switch the power back on, feel free. One other thing. The ants must be eating gunpowder from the munitions down there, or something. They exploded when hit by a flamethrower. One of us was using a laser pistol - same thing. Bullets seem okay, just don't hit the artillery shells. Loyal's been working on some kind of weapon to use against them. Maybe you should check with him." Raquel gave me a key to the Nellis generators. Befor she and the rest of the Boomers who were with her cleared out.

[New Quest added: Ant Misbehavin]

Before leaving Mother Pearl's house I swiped the book Duck and Cover, Col. Blackwell's Key, and a note on a Inventory Transfer Order. It gave me the location of Vault 34. So I left to go to the Hangers to meet with Loyal.

[Nellis Hangers Discovered 10EXP]

[2380/2500 to next level]

I spotted Loyal. His magnificent bred and his wrinkly old face. "I hope Pearl knows what she's doing, letting you wander around Nellis as you please." Loyal

"Raquel said you were working on some kind of weapon to fight the giant ants?" 

"I started building a sonic emitter that might do the trick, but it's useless without knowing the exact frequency that would kill the ants." Loyal

"Any signal over 22,000 hertz at 150 or more decibels should put the hertz on the ants."

[Sicence Check Success]

[50 EXP]

[2430/2500 to next level]

"Hot damn, you're right! It's a matter of boosting across those thresholds, not exact amplitude. You're smarter then you look. Just so happens I was testing it at 24,000 hertz, so it should be good to go. Place it near their nest and cross your fingers. Signal's too high for people to fear, so no harm done, but it might make you feel sick to your stomach." Loyal handed me the sonic emitter.

"I'm looking to use a work bench got any I can use?"

"If that's so, how about you look into repairing the solar arrays on the roof of the generator building? Nothing too complicated about it, but it's a long ways to walk my old bone, and there's that ant problem over near there. You can't miss the array. It's on top of the generator building smack dab in the middle of Nellis between the two runways. Get that done and I'll let you use the work bench in the workshop. Hell I throw in my old copy of Deen's Elcetronics." Loyal

[New Quest added: Sunshine Boogie]

"Alright I'll head out in a bit then."

"Don't get blown up." Loyal said in a cherry manor.

I made my way to the Nellis Array.

[Nellis Arrray Discovered 10EXP]

[2440/2500 to next level]

I made my way on top to repair the solar panels I had six I needed to repair. I was able to jury rig the solar panels into working order.

[390 EXP]

[Level up]

[Welcome to Level 6]

[Assing 17 skill Points]

Well I added 10 points into Repair. With the book Loyal will give me it will reach 90. I put the last 7 points into Medicine. In another level I should be able to help Dcotor Argile with his patents here at Nellis.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Lady Killer]

[Comfrimed Bacherlor]

[Cherchez La Femme] 

[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Bloody Mess] With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! Oh, and you'll do 5% more damage with all weapons.

[Fortune Finder] With the Fortune Finder perk, you'll find considerably more Nuka-Cola caps in containers than you normally would.

[Gunslinger] While using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.

[Hand Loader] You know your way around a reloading bench and don't let good brass and hulls go to waste. When you use Guns, you are more likely to recover cases and hulls. You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any of the wasteland's reloading benches.

[Toughness] With the Toughness perk, you gain +3 to overall Damage Threshold. This perk may be taken twice, with the second rank granting an additional +3.

I pick Comfrimed Bacherlor. Now I do 20% more damage to men. I wonder if I can pick up Arcade Gannon as a companion now. Maybe my boobs would put him off.


AP 83 HP260 DT24 CW 127/220 Caps 37879 SSC 24 EXP330/3450 Level 6


Barter 10

Energy Weapons 17

Explosives 17

Guns 20

Lockpick 45

Medicine 34

Melee 23

Repair 86

Science 50

Sneak 20

Speech 13

Survival 23

Unarmed 23


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

Know it All

Intense Training Rank 2



Black Widow

Comfrimed Bacherlor

Strength Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

I decided to head down to deal with the ants. I had to kill two on my way down to the mound. My wrench made quick work of them. I wasn't going to be dumb and use a fire arm down here with all these live munitions. I placed the sonic emitter and truned it on A loud white noise played and all the ants died.


[Bug Stomper Rank 1 Complaet] You now deal 2% more damage to all bug types. 


[555/3450 to next level]

I switched on the two breakers, picked up all the ammo and the named weapon thump-thump. I then went up the stairs and started the generator. I looted and the bodies of the two dead Boomers. I made my way out of the generators to meet up with Raquel.

"I see the power's back on. The ants are all dead?" Raquel

"Yes, Loyal's device worked a treat. It should be safe to go down there now."

"Maybe Pearl is right about you, because I don't know how you pulled that off. I'll Tell Loyal to send someone down to clear out the eggs and repair the generators. Good work." Raquel

[Quest Complete: Ant Misbehavin]

[500 EXP]

[1055/3450 to next level]

[You are now accepted by the Boomers]

I made my way back to the hangers to talk to Loyal. "I repaired the solar arrays and increased their efficiency."

"An impressive piece of work. I'll keep that in mind if jobs come up in the future. Now here is the book and feel free to use anything in the workshop." Loyal

[Quest Complete: Ant Misbehavin]

[500 EXP]

[1555/3450 to next level]

[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests 5/5

[100 EXP]

[Chat Gruop unlocked]

[Chat Gruop Roll set as Admin]

"What the fuck?" 

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