Chapter 17: Frist Mission
[Primary Missions]
[Mission A: Ensure that Rintaro Okabe Makes it to the Time Leap Meachen Alive]
[Mission B: Recover the Amadeus AI]
[Secondary Missions]
[Mission C {Optional}: Kill Professor Leskinen]
[Mission D {Optional}: Recover the Salieri AI]
[Mission E {Optional}: Ensure everyone thinks Rintaro Okabe is dead]
{Mission Pramiters}
{Area Restriction: Short Term missions will restrict your movement to within 5 Kilometers of the mission targets}
{Time Limit: 20 hours}
{Time Dilation: The march of time will never truly stop. But the rate of time can be changed. On short missions, the rate is 1 hour outside the mission and 2 hours within the mission. On long Missions, the time rate is 1 month to 1 hour on the outside. It would take 2 years for a full day to pass back in your home world. Waning to go on missions does not stop the effects of aging.}
{Death: Should you die on the mission it won't mean your eternal rest. 5 minutes after you die you will be sent back to your home world. You will be KO for the next 7 days after.}
{Failure: Fail to achieve the objectives of the Primary Missions. All mission participants die before the Primary Mission is completed}
{Penitles for failure: Locked out of the group chat for a month and locked out of missions for three months.}
{Rewards: Primary Missions 10000 Point/EXP. Secondary Missions 5000 Point/EXP}
[Primary Mission begins in 4 hours]
I found myself in an alleyway looking around I saw two others with me, a bird like Alien in blue armor with a pistol at his side and a tall lady with blue hair, her eyes looked to be heterochromatic one gold the other one was light blue. Her outfit looked to have seen better days. Damit she was tall my head only came up to her boobs.
She seemed to be disoriented for a second. She looked up at the cloudless sky. "This world is drenched in darkness but its sky is so bright." Her voice had some odd reverb effect on it.
After a minute the alien spoke up. "I hate to interrupt but I think we need a quick round of introductions. I would like to know names and what abilities you have at your disposal. So we can come up with plans.
"Alright, I'm Mukuro Castle. I go by Blue on the chat group. I have training in various weapons and can summon them if needed. I have various tech at my disposal that allows me to sneak around and disguise myself. I can deploy two stationary sentry guns for defense and I have ways of healing to the point where I could revive the dead if a body is still around. I have good skills in hacking and lockpicking. I'm not the best when it comes to energy weapons or explosives and don't ask me to cook anything more complex than chicken parm."
"My name is Aqua. I'm good with melee weapons and magic. But at the moment I'm missing my primary weapon." Aqua
I looked through my inventory and chose one of the swords I had on me. "Will this work?" I handed over my Eyelander to Aqua. I watched as she studied the blade and felt the weight and balance do a few practice swings. She holsters the long sword on her back.
"It will work." Aqua
"My name is Garrus Vakarian. I have experience as a sniper and I'm a pretty good shot. I only brought my pistol." Garrus
"So let's get down to business. What do we know about our objectives?"
"Rintaro Okabe is the target we need to protect until he reaches a device called the time leap meachen. The photo shows that he looks to be in mid 30s, wearing a black suit, he's around 5'10" has black hair and some face stuble. He is on the run from a Black OPs group known as Strategic Focus lead by Dr. Alexis Leskinen. Leskinen is tracking Okabe by using the AI Amadais. If not stopped Dr. Alexis Leskinen will torture Rintaro Okabe for the redacted reasons." Garrus
"Our second main objective will be to retrieve the Amadais AI. Most likely in position of Dr. Leskinen. Dr. Alexis Leskinen is also a secondary objective. Seeing the fact he is willing to result to torture. I'm willing to take off his head." Aqua
"So we need to locate Okabe and Dr. Leskinen. Garrus you said you have experience as a sniper?"
"Indeed I do. But as I said I on- Right weapon storage magic. Hmm odd weapon desighn choice only letting some one fire if there scoped in. I might be able to by pass that feature if I had a few hours for calibration. So you want me on the roof tops helping search and coordinate." Garrus
"Got it in one. We can stay in contact with the group chat. Shame there isn't a voice chat option. Aqua and myself will stay on the ground. We will help nutrulize anyone after Okabe. I'm hoping you can find wherever Dr. Leskinen is hiding and keep him from escaping."
"That sound like a plan. So after Okabe makes it the time leep device. You two are going to go after Dr. Alexis Leskinen and retrieve Amadais AI. I can't. The citadel made AI's illigal and if I get caught in position of one I'm good as dead. Well I'm off to find a few good sniping spots. I'll infrom you if when I find Okabe" Garrus
Aqua and I began sneaking around the desolet streets of Akiabara.
"That wasn't magic… altho you are capable of magic. Your magic core is just not active." Aqua
"Could you make it active?"
"Sure it would take me about an hour to do. It might not be of much use to you right now though I wouldn't have enough time to teach you any magic. Before the mission starts in three and half hours." Aqua
"I think it would be cool to see what it would feel like to have magic in me in some form."
"Well if you want me to do that we will need a safe place for about an hour." Aqua
"I have just the thing follow me." We made our way to a small alcove. I took out my magic door briefcase and opened it to the spy's office. The place still had a lot of damage from when I had made a bread monster in here. Shattered glass littered the four and the smell of moldy bread remained. "Sorry about the mess. I really haven't the time to clean it all up."
"It's fine. I didn't expect you to have a magic artifact like this. This place just needs a little cleanup. But for now, that couch over there will do fine." Aqua
We made our way to the couch. "So what do you need me to do?"
"You just need to unbutton your shrit and jacket. I need skin contact right here." Aqua taping near my xiphoid process. I unbutton my shrit and jacket leaving most of my upper body exposed.
"Okay what now?"
"Lay down on my lap face up." Aqua. I saw a blue light on her finger tip. "Now this may hurt." I felt as her finger made contact with my skin. It started as a burning sensation coursing through my body. Then turned into an electric current making all my nerves cry out in pain. I felt and saw as my body was covered in ice before it all melted away. My body felt like it was a river drifting into an ocean. It was relaxing after all that pain. I felt a little blissed out.
"Wow everything feels nice."
"That's just magic overload it should pass in a minute." Aqua then brushed one of her fingers under my left boob a white substance clung to her finger tip. "You let out quite a bit of milk. So did you have a kid?" Aqua
"No, not that I'm against kids or anything my body just has overactive glans, and sometimes I leak… I only get this much when I feel really good… Sorry if I got your spats wet."
"It's fine your suit took most of the damage." Aqua popped the milk covered finger in her lips. "Hmm, slight taste of vanilla."
I got changed into the engineer outfit. "Well, I can have the SINK clean my suit when I get home. How long was I out of it?"
"Two and a half hours. Garrus messaged me saying he found our target. It's a five-minute run from where we are now. Think you're up for it?" Aqua. I nodded and we left the spy's office. I place the briefcase back in my inventory. I noticed a new stat on PipBoy.
AP 250 HP610 DT26 CW 0/400 Caps 0 EXP 27670/50000 Level 25
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 45
Explosives 50
Guns 100
Lockpick 100
Magic 42
Medicine 80
Melee 60
Repair 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 98
Survival 43
Unarmed 43
Well fuck something that requires more Stat points. Hmm let's see after books from Dead Money I will require 313 skill points to max out all skills. I have 25 levels left assuming this works as fallout new vegas. I get 17 Skill points per level so multiple that by 25 to get 425 points. So assmusing I don't get any other skills I'll max out all skills by level 43.
"Yo are you in there Mukuro?" Aqua
"You've been zoned out the last 2 minutes. What's up?" Aqua
"Sorry just doing some quick math in my head. So what's our ETA to see this guy?"
"Another 8 minutes if we keep this pace." Aqua
There wasn't much for us to say walking around the ruins of Akihabara. This place reminded me of home in it's ways just no rads to worry about. We made it so I could see the man from the dossier we got at the start of the mission. I saw different people patrolling look around they seemed to to mostly be using assault rifles. They were in groups of five.
I saw the countdown to the start of the mission hit zero. Okabe got off his phone and started running for it. I heard several explosions coming all around Akihabara. Distracting the group nearest Okabe. I used my cloak to sneak behind one other soldier and I backstabed him with the Your Eternal Reward to take a disguise of one of the members of Strategic Focus. Aqua burned the others near the guy I took out with a few Firaga spells. We then followed Okabe and picked off anyone who got to close him until we got the mission complete.
[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: I've disabled Dr. Leskinen's moblie base. I've had to move from place to place taking out helicopters trying to retrieve Dr. Leskinen. I can maybe hold out for two to three hours.
[Freak of Vault 3]: Got it, we will go deal with Dr.Leskinen.
Aqua and myself made our way to wear Dr. Leskinen's mobile base was located.
"So how do you want to do this?" Aqua
"I'll sneak in using my watch and take out Dr.Leskinen. Then I'll message you to come in and help me finish off the remaining soldiers. If I don't message you in five minutes come in and take everyone out without the message." Aqua nodded
Everything was going great until I got into the room with Dr.Leskinen. I saw that the man was performing a live lobotomy on a six-year-old redhead girl.
"So you are the one who has been messing with my plans. Who do you work for? SERN? Some of the Russians, or maybe Okabe's resis-" Dr.Leskinen was interrupted by a bullet to the brain. Looking at the little girl. I took out my Medigun and healed what I could of damage done by the late Dr.Leskinen. The kid was thankfully still asleep. I heard bashing from the soldiers on the door behind me. They probably didn't like the sound of my gun going off in this room. I quickly messaged Aqua and we spent the next 30 minutes working to take out the soldiers in the mobile base.
I quickly made it to Dr.Leskinen's computer and hacked through the security. Transferred the data of the Amadais and Salieri AIs to my Tailored Terminal I had retrieved from the spy office. I then lined the mobile base with sticky bombs. I had Aqua carry the little girl out of there. Before I blew the place up. We found a place to hide and I sent a message to Garrus of a new location to meet us.
"So what's the plan with the kid?" Garrus
"Drop her off with the resistance. I don't have any other ideas right now."
"So I'm assuming you finished the AI retrieval missions and killing Dr.Leskinen." Garrus
I nodded in response. "The poor girl was having a lobotomy from Dr.Leskinen when I got to her. I did what I could for her the physical damage is fixed but no telling on the mental damage."
"So are we going after that last mission?" Aqua
"And what might this last mission be?" ??? We all looked at a glowing orange holographic device on Garrus's right hand. "Oh sorry for the out of nowhere pop-in. I'm Amadais. I noticed you guys were helping us out and was wondering why?" Amadais
"I thought we just retrieved Amadais right Blue?" Aqua
"Yes and no. You retrieved my original data. A control copy of me if you will. A me who has not interacted with anyone after the winter of 2010. The version of me who is speaking to you is stored on a separate server here in Akihabara. In any case, care to tell me what your missions are?" Amadeus
"Hmm. I don't see the harm what about you Blue?" Garrus
"Data retrieval and to ensure Okabe makes it to the time leap machine. We have an optional objective of making the outside world believe Okabe died today. And we have 4 hours left to do it."
"Why is there a time limit?" Amadeus
"Nope not getting into that can of worms. So can you help us with getting the kid to safety at least? That's of higher priority than the optional objective."
"Verry well I have given you a route to make the drop off. Here you go and don't worry about faking Okabe's death we have that handled." Amadeus. A loud explosion happened in not too far from our location. I turned to see a skyscraper collapse. When I received a message on my PipBoy.
[All Missions Complete]
"We were already planning on faking Okabe's death. So no worries. Welp, thanks for keeping my information up to date. And thank you for keeping our leader safe." Amadeus
Over the next three houses, we made our way through tunnels and alleyways. Until we met a girl who had long pink hair. She took the girl off of us. After the drop-off we took a break in a long time abounded ramen shop.
"So as missions go I'm happy. I got to take out 5 helicopters with this sniper rifle. We also rescued a girl. That puts a nice bow on things. This place reminds me of pictures I've seen of Tuchanka. It amazes me how humanity can endure in places like this." Garrus
"The heart may be weak and sometimes even given to despair. But it's our connections and bonds that allow us to pull through." Aqua
"That or our tenacity to see things through to the end. Shame this place isn't in working order. I would love a bowl of spicy pork ramen."
"Yeah, I could go for some nice relaxing tea and some dango." Aqua
"I'll be ordering in tonight I want some pizza. That's the nice thing about working on the Citadel. There are restaurants that do delivery. You don't get that luxury on the battlefield. Here you can have this back. I was able to modify it a bit. You should be able to fire without being scoped in." Garrus handed me back the Shooting Star that I handed him earlier.
"You can take the sword back to I won't be needing it when I get back to the realm of darkness. I'll be able to get my keyblade back when we return home. That reminds me what are you planning to buy when we get back?" Aqua
"I buy the blueprints for the all-class weapons and the robots. I'll also buy 10 Panaceas. I'm going some wear the poison cure will be useful soon. The rest I'll dump into help buying the escape plan for Oracle. She seems the most squishy in the chat group."
"I don't need anything in my shop at the moment so I'll help with the cause to get Orical the escape plan. I'm going to go guard the door you two look a lot more tired than I am." Garrus
Aqua then laid down on my lap. "I'll also chip in on the fund."
"What? You used my lap as a pillow when I woke up your magic core fair is fair." Aqua
"You could of asked first."
"Nope. This lap is mine. It is so. What are you worried about popping a boner?" Aqua
"How do you know about that?" My face was burning red.
"Saw it while you were blissed out on magic overload. Well I didn't see it per say. But it was easy enough to make out from the bulge in your pants." Aqua
"Shut up please don't talk about it. It's embracing."
"Okay, Mukuro. I'll hold my tongue about your sword. Just relax and enjoy what time we have left in this world." Aqua closed her eyes and smiled.
The sun set and with that, our time here was done I watched as Aqua faded away in my lap. The blue particles forced me to leave this world.
[All Missions Complete]
{Rewards increased by 50%}
[Frist Mission Complete]
{Rewards X2 bonus}
[Rewared: 105000 Points/EXP to all participants]
[Welcome to Level 26]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
I decided to put all my points into melee. I currently didn't have any spells so Magic at the moment was useless. And I wanted access to the Ninja Perk soon.
[Choose 1 Perk]
[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.
[Friend of the Night]
[Heave, Ho!]
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Rapid Relode]
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Run 'n Gun]
[Hand Loader]
[Vigilant Recycler]
[Shotgun Surgeon]
[Quick Draw]
[Rad Resistance].
[Super Slam!]
[Mister Sandman]
[Terrifying Presence]
[Math Wrath]
[Here and Now]
[Sneering Imperialist]
[Silent Running]
[Miss Fortune]
[Mysterious Stranger]
[Nerd Rage!]
[Night Person]
[Fast Metabolism]
[Robotics Expert]
[Lead Belly]
[Fight the Power!]
[Light Step]
[Computer Whiz]
[Grim Reaper's Sprint]
[Solar Powered]
[Eye for Eye]
[Mile in Their Shoes]
[Them's Good Eatin']
[Nuka Chemist]
[Spray and Pray]
[Irradiated Beauty]
[Voracious Reader]
[Nerves of Steel]: With the Nerves of Steel perk, you regenerate Action Points much more quickly than you normally would. AP regenerates 25% faster.
[Lessons Learned]: The wasteland has taught you some hard lessons, but you've remembered them all. You gain +1% to earned experience per level gained. (For example, +25% experience at level 25.)
[Tunnel Runner]: The warrens of the Divide have taught you to keep your head down. Your movement speed is greatly increased while sneaking in light armor, or when wearing no armor at all.
I chose Shotgun Surgeon. More armor pen on shotguns. Power Armor can suck it.
AP 250 HP610 DT26 CW 0/400 Caps 0 EXP 88670/53950 Level 26
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 45
Explosives 50
Guns 100
Lockpick 100
Magic 42
Medicine 80
Melee 77
Repair 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 98
Survival 43
Unarmed 43
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Atlas Back
Eye of true Perception
Know it All
Matrix Reflex
Too Lucky to Die
Item Fusion
Big Shot
X8 Sneak Attack Damage
Voice of a Salesman
Intense Training Rank 3
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Pack Rat
Long Haul
Toughness Rank 2
Life Giver
Adamantium Skeleton
Jurry Rigger
The Professional
And Stay Back
Shotgun Surgeon
Better Criticals
Action Girl Rank 2
Action Boy Rank 2
Big Brained
Cardiac Arrest
Reinforced Spine
Strength Implant
Perception Implant
Charisma Implant
Agility Implant
Luck Implant
Implant C-13
Implant M-5
Implant Y-3
Implant Y-7
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
[Welcome to Level 27]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
I decided to put 13 points into Melee and put the last 4 points into Medicine.
[Choose 1 Perk]
[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.
[Friend of the Night]
[Heave, Ho!]
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Rapid Relode]
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Run 'n Gun]
[Hand Loader]
[Vigilant Recycler]
[Quick Draw]
[Rad Resistance].
[Super Slam!]
[Mister Sandman]
[Terrifying Presence]
[Math Wrath]
[Here and Now]
[Sneering Imperialist]
[Silent Running]
[Miss Fortune]
[Mysterious Stranger]
[Nerd Rage!]
[Night Person]
[Fast Metabolism]
[Robotics Expert]
[Lead Belly]
[Fight the Power!]
[Light Step]
[Computer Whiz]
[Grim Reaper's Sprint]
[Solar Powered]
[Eye for Eye]
[Mile in Their Shoes]
[Them's Good Eatin']
[Nuka Chemist]
[Ninja]: The Ninja perk grants you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When attacking, you gain a +15% critical chance on all Melee and Unarmed attacks. Additionally, Sneak attack criticals do 25% more damage than normal.
[Spray and Pray]
[Irradiated Beauty]
[Voracious Reader]
[Nerves of Steel]
[Lessons Learned]
[Tunnel Runner]
I chose Ninja. I love having even more damage. MUHAHA!
AP 250 HP610 DT26 CW 0/400 Caps 0 EXP 34720/58050 Level 27
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 45
Explosives 50
Guns 100
Lockpick 100
Magic 42
Medicine 84
Melee 90
Repair 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 98
Survival 43
Unarmed 43
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Atlas Back
Eye of true Perception
Know it All
Matrix Reflex
Too Lucky to Die
Item Fusion
Big Shot
X8 Sneak Attack Damage
Voice of a Salesman
Intense Training Rank 3
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Pack Rat
Long Haul
Toughness Rank 2
Life Giver
Adamantium Skeleton
Jurry Rigger
The Professional
And Stay Back
Shotgun Surgeon
Better Criticals
Action Girl Rank 2
Action Boy Rank 2
Big Brained
Cardiac Arrest
Reinforced Spine
Strength Implant
Perception Implant
Charisma Implant
Agility Implant
Luck Implant
Implant C-13
Implant M-5
Implant Y-3
Implant Y-7
Sub-Dermul Armor
Monocyte Breeder
I was finally home! I decided to pass out on my bed before dealing with anything else. When I got up dumped my dirty outfits on the SICU for cleaning while I took a shower. When I got done with the shower I got dressed in the Scout outfit. I then grabbed my Tailored Terminal and got to work on the Amadeus AI getting it ready to work with my Elite Stealth Riotgear. That took me two days to finish. I placed the chip in the armor. I didn't turn on the armor. I wanted to wait until I got back to the Sierra Madre. I bought both the MVM Robot Bule Prints and the All class weapons. I also had to buy 2 bars of Australium to make the Saxxy and the golden frying pan. I only saved 5000 points to later spend on Panaceas. Aqua had got her keyblade and a book of dark magic for beginners. After that, we pooled our points together and were able to get the escape plan for three members of the chat. We got Oracle, Magumin, and Bell the escape plan.
Made what unlocks I could with what budget I had that I had stored away in the safe witch was fortunately all the weapon unlocks… Now I only have 700 caps in the safe. I feel poor. I made: Frying Pan, Conscientious Objector, Freedom Staff, Bat Outta Hell, Memory Maker, Ham Shank, Necro Smasher, Crossing Guard, Prinny Machete, Saxxy, and Golden Frying Pan.
[1500 EXP]
[37220/58050 to next level]
I put on my only set of reinforced combat armor and teleported to the abound BOS Bunker. Why not find a different route to the Sierra Madre? I just didn't want to. I knew this way would work and I felt too lazy to find a different route. I walked down the metal steps down the hallway to a room with a radio inside and got hit with knock-out gas for my troubles. It was at last time to start Dead Money.
You've heard of the Sierra Madre Casino. We all have, the legend, the curses. Foolishness about it lying in the middle of the City of Dead, buried beneath a blood-red cloud. A bright, shining monument luring treasure hunters to their doom. The world's most famous stars and entertainers were invited to its Grand Opening. An invitation was a sign of exclusiveness.
The opening was supposed to symbolize a road to a brighter future, not just for the world… but for all who came to its doors. A chance for anyone to begin again. Except - the Sierra Madre never opened. The war froze it in time, like a big flashbulb going off. The Grand Opening - one big ending of humanity.
It's still out there, in the Wastes, preserved, just waiting for someone to crack it open. But getting to it. That's not the hard part.
It's letting go.