In Danmachi with A Jujutsu Kaisen System

Chapter 13: New Chapter 13: Recruitment Day (2)

[5 hours later; ~6 pm]

"Alright! That completes the initial recruitment! If your name is called, then you may follow Rethusa into the manor. If your name isn't called, then please exit and try again next time!" Artemis decided to wrap things up quicker than originally planned. She said she found some talent and that the numbers we recruited would be smaller.

Originally, we planned for about 80 additional members, but she decided to go for quality. Thus, only about 20 people would actually join the Familia! Not a bad decision, especially since she picked a majority of men, with the numbers being 11 men and 9 women. The woman with long white hair and blue eyes was included. It would be foolish not to accept her, and she gives off a special vibe, if I had to say.

'What was her name? I can't keep addressing her by her appearance...' I bent down a little in order to reach Artemis's ear, who was standing in front, giving off a dignified aura. Enough time had passed that her pettiness from earlier had vanished!

"Hey, the woman with long white hair and blue eyes—what's her name?" I whispered so only she could hear me. Artemis jumped a little, but it was only visible to me as I was the only one close enough.

"Why do you want to know?!" Artemis became a little angry. I figured that she was jealous, and this would be a good opportunity to tease her, but I'll do that when it's just me, her, and Rethy later!

"I mean, she is strong, so it makes sense for me to wonder. She will be an incredible asset for us!"

"...Tch! Fair enough. Anyway, Rethy said her name was Aura, and FYI, she described her eyes as purple-blue, not just blue."

"Really? They looked like a very strong blue, but I wasn't really paying that much attention to her physical appearance—more toward her physical ability. She's also a good mage; her magic earlier was strong!" I talked up Aura as I really needed Artemis not to make a foolish decision based on jealousy, which I doubt she would actually do, but I wanted to make sure.

'After I get my weapon, I'll focus on whatever can affect her feelings so much. If after I discover the truth she still displays the same behavior, I'll make a move. Until then, I'll just make sure any disgusting pest of a god or mortal keeps their hands away!' My thoughts became more twisted, but I'm not sure why. At first, I just intended to help settle the "connection," but for some reason deep down, a sense of disgust welled up in me!

I shook my head and focused back on Artemis instead of my thoughts.

"Yeah, do you think I should make her Rethy's assistant? You know, vice-captain?" Artemis turned to face me fully, and as I was still bent down when she turned, our faces were so close that from any other angle from a distance, it would seem like we were kissing, but I didn't bring that up! I just answered her.

"Not yet. While she is strong, we aren't necessarily sure of her ability in other areas. She may just be good in combat and not necessarily good with people."

"You have a point, so how should we test her?"

"I'll bring her and a few of the first members of the Familia into the dungeon. I'll watch and see how she interacts and handles being with others in a team." My idea was the best course of action, but I shouldn't have said anything.

"No! I'm going to let Rethy go, and you'll stay with me and follow me to go see Hephaestus."


"No buts!"

'What the hell... Hah~ she's lucky that I consider her a close friend. Otherwise, she would be having a conversation with Cleave!'

I wryly nodded and said, "I'm going to let Rethy know, and then I'm going to go practice my ability on the new members as per our original plan."

"Then let's go!" Artemis twirled her body and started heading towards Rethy, and I couldn't help but take a glance at her back view.

'Sukuna, I've thought it a million times, but choosing you first was the best decision of my life. This woman is such a succubus without even trying!'

[Artemis POV]

W-why is he looking at me like that? I could feel Enkidu's gaze peering into me from behind. I don't think I did anything, but h-his eyes feel so... hot? I could feel my face getting hot, so I pinched my hand out of sight from Enkidu. It didn't help that much, but at least my mind started focusing on other things!

Thankfully, I kept him away from that vixen of an elf! He's a man, and I'm sure if I let him interact with her too much, he might bed her... ugh?! I can't let that happen. The sheer thought caused my light steps to become stomps as I pushed towards Rethy. I got to make sure she is on the same page as me!

I quickened my pace and reached Rethy, who was talking to Aura.

"Rethy, come here real quick!"

"Yes, Artemis-sama."

Rethy sensed my urgency and hurried in front of me, leaving Aura speechless, her purple-blue eyes staring at us. I didn't care and focused my entire being on explaining things to Rethy!

"Rethy, listen to me, keep her away from Enkidu! I don't care what has to be done, but make sure it happens!" I whispered, but that didn't take away from the weight of my words. Rethy nodded seriously, but she suddenly became silent... it couldn't be. I turned my head to face behind me, where Enkidu should still be quite a distance away.

"So that's really why. I considered jealousy, but this definitely proves it, hahaha~!" His laughter echoed in my left ear, where his face resumed the distance we had earlier, a few millimeters separating us.

'Any closer and we'd be kis-kissing!' This time I couldn't stop the heat from reaching my face, which just made Enkidu laugh harder. 'T-This bastard—hmph!' I raised my right foot and stomped down, right onto his left.

"Haha—OW! Was that really necessary?!" He winced, but it was clear to both me and Rethy that he was being sarcastic, especially me when all I felt right now was strong resistance.

Did he use that strange ability of his to strengthen his foot? What a lame way...

"Ahem! Artemis, I'll have you know it's not lame to use my ability this way."

"H-How did you know?" Can he read minds now?!

"No, I can't read minds. It's just that when you expose your thoughts with your expressions, it makes it easy."

"...screw you."

"Anyway, since you really want to keep me to yourself, I'll allow Rethy to do the thing."

"Why do you act like you had a choice! I've already scheduled an appointment with her for tomorrow at 11, muhahaha!"


'God, that was embarrassing—oh wait... I am one. I'm going to forget that I just did that.'

"Yeah, you can try to forget, but Rethy and I aren't, pfft!"


Enkidu and Rethy, for the first time ever, acted in sync.

'It seems I'll have to teach her a lesson. Also, I need to control my expression better, or else this bastard will keep laughing at me!'

[Enkidu's POV]

"So, how do you want to handle the lodging and living situation? I'd say we just tax them and let them keep any finds. That should be enough and reasonable for everyone." Artemis, Rethy, and I were still standing away from Aura, who seemed curious but didn't try to pry. However, as an elf, she more than likely had greater natural hearing, so it wouldn't surprise me if she was actually listening.

"Yeah, that works, but what would the rate be? If I make it too high, then it will definitely cause more problems." Artemis answered while Rethy seemed to want to stay out of this conversation. Rethusa (Rethy) enjoyed combat more than paperwork, which had to be done as captain, so this topic was something she wanted to avoid. However, she knew she still needed to listen, but I could see her send a few glances toward our new elf friend!

"What's the current tax? I wouldn't be surprised if you had a low one."


'Yikes... Artemis! I understand that before your Familia was a different type, but that's atrocious. I was expecting a bit higher than that.' I could feel my mouth open slightly, and there was nothing else I could say.

"I don't think I need to say that 5% isn't going to cut it anymore." I made this clear in case she harbored any intention of keeping it. I knew she didn't, but one can't be too careful, as she might think we can manage. But as she hadn't reacted strangely, I guess I can let that thought die down!

Artemis nodded, and at the same time, she raised her right hand, pinching the bridge of her nose, seemingly thinking hard about a good number. I thought it would have to fall between 15-25%, depending on various factors, but the benefits, which will work out, should be worth it. 'I need to ask her about the benefits she offers as well. I really only needed her name, so I didn't care before.'

"How about 15%?" Hearing Artemis's choice, I couldn't help but sigh. Sure, I was thinking the minimum could be 15%, but then that leaves us with little to no extra room. Once we work out ALL of the benefits, I feel that the rate should be 25% of the income. Which is a lot, but considering again that most of the things her people need will be covered, I doubt many will care in the end as long as we can keep it up.

I cast a glance at Rethy, who was still trying to stay out of our conversation, but her face even showed the same struggle. Their goddess was way too lax on these matters, but fortunately, she wasn't dumb—more like she didn't have experience with being an exploration Familia.

I turned my eyes back toward Artemis and answered, "We should talk more about this later after we discuss the cost of running everything we will do and what we will offer."

Artemis nodded her head, and Rethy just sighed. I understand not wanting to talk about this subject; however, it can't be avoided. I need this Familia around for a while, so I can't risk any major mishaps at the management level!

Wrapping up our little conversation, we linked back up with Aura, who had a slight smile as she stared at me. Quickly, I observed Artemis's reaction, and she wasn't happy, but she didn't say anything—perhaps because she realized the woman didn't technically do anything wrong.

'Artemis is more sensible than I thought! It seems that connection is either weaker at the moment, or she is getting better at controlling it. I believe the former rather than the latter since if she could really control it better, then I feel she wouldn't behave strangely in public like she did earlier!' I kept my thoughts to myself and focused back on the situation around me.

"Aura, right?" I asked, giving her an opportunity to introduce herself. To make her feel like we care when in actuality we don't. Believe it or not, many employers use this method to make it seem that one is important, which some might say doesn't make sense. However, think about it: you turn an application in, and they have all the information they need already, so why would they need to actually ask you? Exactly!

Aura nodded to my question and followed up with more information, "Aura Moriel, previous vice-captain of the Dionysus Familia." She bowed slightly, which gave me a perfect angle of certain aspects, but I didn't really care that much about those and was more focused on her words.

'Experience as a vice-captain! Perfect, which only leaves testing her trustworthiness or at least ensuring that she won't risk the Familia's well-being. If she does, I'll teach her what true fucking fear is! I can't have my whole plan messed up.'

I nodded, not leaving her hanging in silence. With a single glance, I could tell that Artemis and Rethy both had similar thoughts to mine, which is perfect. This means I can leave for a little bit and let these two get more comfortable with her. Also, they can finish up the final parts. Technically, I have no important role, so if I slip away, it wouldn't affect anything!

"Artemis, I'm going to leave for a little bit! I'll be back around midnight or a little later." I turned, getting ready to dash, but Artemis's response made me pause.

"Fine, you want to just leave the boring stuff to me!" I didn't need to be facing her to know that she was puffing her face, and the mental image was super cute.

hahaha~, you know me well, and it's only been a little over a week."

"Of course!"


Judging by how the other two women present didn't say anything, I guess they were either speechless or stunned, but it could also be both. Rethy should be used to this, and Aura is probably the stunned one. Either way, it's irrelevant, and I dashed away quickly without turning around once. I won't lie; my face felt a little warm!

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