Chapter 5: The Dragon Mountain
The Bitches arrive at the mountain they have occupied and pack their stuff as Suga grabs the map from her pocket.
It will take at least three days to arrive at the Dragon Mountains.
Atsu looks at her.
What do you want me to do?
Kaashi pointed at Shiro, and Atsu shook her head.
I didn't say leave him. Can he change his size? We can't have him attract attention since his vast.
Atsu looks at Shiro.
Um... Shiro, can you shrink as a puppy like the one that Suna is carrying?
Shiro tilts his head and licks her face. Then, poof, smoke surrounded him, and they heard a small bark from where he was.
Not as cute as mine. Hmph!
Yea, yea. At least his in a smaller size, and we can go; I'll place him in my bag.
Flying on most of the trip will strain us. Shouldn't we have a carriage to carry us all the way?
Kenma laughed, and they looked at her like she was crazy.
I have a plan. I need Makki, Kino, Kunimi, Kawa, Atsu, Hoshi, Tanaka, Teru, Yahaba, Yams, and Futakuchi.
The girls she called out followed her as she explained her "plan."
I wonder what kind of plan? I want to see it.
As she started to whine, Suna placed the dog on her face.
Play with her a bit.
She tickled the belly of the puppy. He started to wiggle around, causing Hinata to giggle and bury her face in his tummy.
Ah, shit! I think I'm in love.
Oh no, you don't. That puppy is mine and mine alone.
Hinata pouted and kept playing with the puppy.
At least she's distracted, and it won't be nosy anymore.
I wonder what they are making right now.
She swings around with Makki on her vines and competes with each other on who will fall first.
I wonder when I will poison someone, hehe.
They looked at her, and Shirabu came toward her.
One day, but not yet. Okay?
Time flew later, and she had a huge grin they hadn't seen before.
Come on; our ride has been built.
Feeling confused and excited, they grab their stuff. Flying down behind her, the ones working on their ride were feeling the same with overwhelming emotions.
Holy motherfucking shit!
Hinata! But, like, what the fuck!
Everyone laughed and started placing their stuff inside the carriage.
Did everyone pack their stuff already?
YUP! Let's go!!
Kino, will you?
Kino nodded. She shape-shifted into a horse and made twice the double of herself.
Let's go. We don't have much time on our hands and start training with Harris.
Kino started moving both the carriage, everyone enjoying the view they passed by.
Wow! Look at the tree.
They look at the tree which Yams is pointing at, shaped like a person with puffy hair and arms flexing. They laughed. They pass another kingdom, fifty miles since they have left the cave.
Let's grab some food before continuing, and Kino needs a break.
Some went with Kaashi, while the rest stayed behind.
Can someone watch over Sparky? I need to grab him some food too.
I will!
Suna hesitated to give Sparky to her and looked at Kita.
I will watch over both of them while you're gone. Don't worry.
Suna nod and heads toward Dam Town. Hinata started to play with Sparky, but her eyes became heavy, and Sparky snuggled with Hinata. Finally, both fall asleep, and Kita watches the two while Hoshi, Teru, and Ten trap a flower in a bubble.
Pop the bubble, pop it.
Okay, okay.
She slides her finger inside the bubble, which pops, and bursts on their faces.
Shit. Do another one.
The group came back, but Suna hasn't.
Why is she taking so long?
They shrugged and waited another minute for her; Suna ran toward them.
LET'S GO! The villagers are here.
They drove out of the town and hurried down the road.
What happened?
Suna raises her hand and tries to catch her breath.
I went out to get food for Sparky, but while in one of the stores, I noticed Maria and some guards posting posters that 'The Queens are under arrest. If found, come collect your rewards at the castle.' So I sneak away just in time.
It's good you got away. But, next time, we should be careful about which towns we are heading to.
Everyone nodded, and silence surrounded them. Kawa cleared her throat after a while, and Atsu glared at her, shaking her head. But she smirks in return.
Did anyone find their target at the Tops kingdom?
They glared at her and stayed quiet.
Don't look at me like that. I've seen how you guys glanced over and what you said about one person.
Nobody said a word. Hinata was sound asleep with Sparky.
Hm. Well, if you do not say something, then I will. The first victim will be Suga.
Everyone's eyes widened, thinking she might be asking for death; Suga tensed up.
Kawa, if you dare say more. I will have Yachi choke you with the stars.
Kawa froze, hesitating whether she should say, and smiled.
That girl. What was her name again?
Suna, Ten, Teru, Futakuchi, and Yahaba await the tea to spill.
I think her name is Daichi, right?
Suga flinched and launched herself at Suna.
You little bitch! I swear!
Suga, calm down. We saw the way you both looked at each other. Nothing you say will defend you.
Suga whined and kept hitting Suna until Kaashi removed her from on top of her.
Kawa, stop. We all know you're making Iwaizumi jealous whenever you huddle close to Atsu. He keeps glaring at you two.
Kawa could feel hot little burns on each cheek rising and her ear. She buried her face in Atsu's lap.
N-no fair!
Then everyone started exposing each other except Kino because she controlled two carriages simultaneously. Their girls' talk lasted for hours, the sun already setting and losing the light on their roadway.
We need to find a place to stop. We can't continue down the road.
It took them a while to look for a place to stop, Yams found a big tree, and they settled down.
We need to make a house on the tree. We can't sleep on the ground. So, Kawa, Makki, and Yams will set up the place.
The rest started to unpack.
But we can't just leave the tree house. I mean, what happens if someone is following us?
We can't burn it down. That would leave smoke in the sky.
Yahaba giggled.
I can do it. I mean, the three of us can cover it.
Yea covering is better than burning it down.
Yahaba, Makki, and Kawa came down.
We are done, but Yams need to keep the places together with the stickiness from the webs.
Okay. Kita, Kaashi, and I will start cooking our food tonight while everyone waits when Yams comes down.
They nodded and waited for ten minutes more until Yams finally came down.
I'm sorry that it took a while.
She staggered a bit.
It took a bit of my energy to put it together.
She swayed, her legs not having enough strength to hold her any longer, and she slowly fell, but Atsu caught her.
Shit, shit. Are you okay, Yams??
Yea, I think so. I thought I was going to fall right there, haha. But, like, I feel so dizzy. What the hell is happening?
Suga looked at the girls, then Kaashi, Kita, and Yaku, who nodded.
Everyone freezes, hesitating whether they should listen or not. Her tone gave a different chill down their spines, not a warm tone they usually hear, but something sad and cautious.
They look at her, fear looming in their eyes.
I'm sorry, but the more we use our powers, the less we have left in our bodies.
Meaning that they will disappear, but our wings will still have them.
Why didn't you tell us about this before?
Because we knew how much you guys love your powers like it's your life, but...
She stopped, her voice stuck at her throat, and she couldn't continue explaining.
But your powers don't define you; it's what you're capable of doing, and who you're is what defines you.
Everyone looks at each other, either with determination or sadness or fear, mixing feelings they can't pick.
What happens after we lose our powers?
Hinata spoke out the one question they were all asking each other right now, what would happen? Do they continue to rule the kingdom without their powers? Or would they have to keep running away?
I know what you all are thinking. You all have mixed feelings; yes, we will continue to rule the kingdom whether we have powers or not. However, we cannot abandon the kingdom we have ruled since the day we graduated; we will not cower in fear just because we are losing our powers. So right now, we will eat and get some rest.
They all busy themselves with something they can find, Atsu and Ten carrying Yams to a more comfortable place to sit up.
I wonder what we will see at the Dragons Mountains.
She broke the tension that was creeping up in everyone's skin.
Haha, I have been there myself.
She sees shock and curiosity in their eyes.
When? How? What the fuck!?
Their laughter filled with a bit of awkwardness.
It was before I set out to look for you bitches, the day when I first met Daichi.
Every one of them receives their dinner, listening to her.
I was maybe 17, haha. It was a sad and wonderful time, and I think I fell in love at first.
What happened next?
Suga's expression shifted.
Well, we both had so much fun with each other's company until she was pulled away by her father. He wanted her to marry someone from a different kingdom where they would connect their families and build a bigger and better domain. That was the last time I saw her until we met again for a peace document for my and her kingdom.
You guys didn't talk when you finally met again?
We couldn't; more like neither of us didn't want to.
What!? Seriously!? What the fuck!? Why though?
Haha... That's the problem, I don't know what she felt, and I am trapped by feelings I will not expose.
She slips the soup down her throat, trying to clear the guilt she has been trying to erase from the bottom of her heart.
Some of us are already starting to get sleep while some are...
She looks around her and shakes her head.
I don't know, so everyone heads up toward the tree house.
Kita, Suga, and Kaashi stayed behind, cleaning after the mess. Then, they flew up, losing strength in their wings and holding each other for support.
Fuck, I'm so tired. I can't even fly straight even more.
We all are, so come on! We are almost there. Then we can pile ourselves on the bed.
Nodding, yawns escaped from their lips. Finally, all threw themselves to the bed, their legs and arms tangled.
Was it alright to tell them about their powers, and you know who?
Even if I didn't tell them, they would find out eventually, but I needed to say to them before they panicked and prepared themselves.
Kita and Kaashi look at each other, she doesn't answer about Daichi, but they nod because they understand not to question further.
Come on, girls. We need our rest too.
Suga placed some little devices Kenma had made around the tree and the carriage.
Are you sure we should have followed them?
It's my dog, you dumbass! I can't find him, where did he go?
Stop worrying about your goddamn dog, bitch. We need to go before they find us.
Who will find you?
The three turned around, Suga twirling the knife in her hand.
Sheesh, and I thought it was an animal.
Kita and Kaashi smack the two while Suga uses the bottom of the dagger to hit the person's head. Then, they dragged them toward the carriage and threw them inside.