While Saval was sprinting home to tell his best friend Semiel the good news, Semiel was in the middle of his usual conversation with his father.
— Hey, Semiel! I'm talking to you, kid! —shouted a forty-year-old man, holding a newspaper.
— Ugh, old man, I told you I was out with Saval. I had to go with him, you know how he is.
— Again? That kid is such an idiot, especially if he keeps confessing to the same girl over and over.
— Hey, don't talk about Saval like that, old man. He has to figure things out for himself. —Semiel raised his voice, annoyed.
— Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Now that I think about it… wasn't that Antonella girl our neighbor years ago?
— Yeah, before we moved here, you senile old fool.
— HEY! Show some respect to your father, you insolent brat! And speaking of that, when are you bringing home a girl? Last time was, what, three years ago? You're not a kid anymore, you're almost twenty.
— I'm almost twenty-one, you forgetful old man. And I'll bring someone home when I feel like it. I'm going to my room.
— Don't forget to check the mail before you go. I hope the electricity bill didn't go up.
— Already did. You got a letter from the insurance company. You're behind on a payment.
— I WHAT?! Damn bloodsucking leeches, I paid everything! Let me see that! —the man snatched the letter from his son's hands.
— Dear Mr. Mark Vesper, we regret to inform you that your last life insurance payment is overdue. Please settle the amount as soon as possible…
— DAMN IT! I paid that already! I'll have to go down there tomorrow and show them the receipt. You'll be home alone, kid. Don't burn my house down… but hey, if you do bring a girl over, have some fun, alright? —Mark smirked.
— You wish, you dirty old man. Just go to bed early so you can deal with your mess tomorrow. I'm heading to my room. —Semiel sighed.
Mom, I swear, this house really needs you to keep this old man in check.
Oh well… time to play a bit while I wait for Saval to come back with the big news of his inevitable rejection.
And so, Semiel went to his room to kill some time.
— WHAT THE HELL, WHY DIDN'T YOU USE YOUR ULT?! He was right in front of you, you damn noob!
— Ughhh, why do I always get stuck with people like this in my matches… —Semiel sighed in frustration.
Let's check Discord or WhatsApp… maybe Saval left me a message.
— Let's see… Cinnamon, Slime San, Cristobal, Cansaurio… Nope, nothing yet. That means he's still not home.
Waiting for him like this reminds me of the first time we talked alone on Discord… what a memory.
Yeah… that was a nice moment. And kinda funny too.
The memories hit Semiel as if it were just yesterday…
— I can't believe it, I'm about to talk to Saval! I've been watching him for a month now. It's crazy that he actually agreed to play with me online.
Alright, stay cool. Don't say anything stupid. BUT… if he turns on his webcam and I see that smile again, I might lose it.
Suddenly, the sound of an incoming Discord call rang through his computer.
— It's him. Okay, act natural. Hello?
— HEEEEEY!! IT'S YOU, SEMIEL?!!! —a loud voice practically screamed through the call.
— Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's me, Saval. I'm a huge fan.
— Uh… Saval, could you maybe lower your mic volume a little? My eardrums are about to burst, haha.
— Oh no… please don't tell me my mic was at max volume. —Saval groaned in embarrassment.
— Don't worry, it happens. Anyway, how are you?
— Eh, I'm feeling kinda meh, but I'll be fine. Besides, this is my first time actually interacting with a viewer like this. It makes me happy.
— Same here, it's my first time asking a streamer to talk in private. Wanna hop into a Minecraft world? We can chat while we play.
— Hell yeah, I love Minecraft! Let's do it! —Saval said excitedly.
And just like that, they started playing together.
— Saval, behind you! —Semiel warned, shooting an arrow at a skeleton that was about to knock Saval into the void.
— Thanks, Semiel! You really had my back there. I was too busy dealing with these Creepers.
— Now all that's left is to find the End portal and take down the dragon. We're close… huh? COMING! Sorry, Semiel, a family member is calling me. I'll be right back.
— No worries, I'll wait so we can slay the dragon together.
— Thanks! I won't take more than 30 minutes. —Saval said before muting his mic.
— Take your time. —Semiel muted his mic as well.
Alright, this is going great. We've got good chemistry, and we even like the same things. Anime, video games… Who would've thought?
Now, I just have to not mess this up. Though… I do wonder if he's coming back or not. Well, he'll let me know.
40 minutes later…
— I'M BACK! Let's keep going! —Saval said, his voice rushed.
— Everything okay? We can play another time if you want. —Semiel asked, concerned.
— Yeah, don't worry. My parents just needed some help because of their age, and I'm the only one who can take care of them. But it's all good. Let's finish this game, and then I'll go be with them.
— You're really responsible. You must care about them a lot.
I wish my mom was still alive so I could take care of her like Saval does…
— What matters is spending time with the people you share a bond with.
— B-but… what if those people aren't here anymore?
— Then cherish what connected you to them. The memories you shared will be your greatest treasure. And really, it's not like they're gone. They're still present in different ways. Through memories, through their actions, even through you yourself. Bonds don't just connect people. They connect souls too… At least, that's what I believe. Maybe I'm weird, huh? —Saval said shyly.
— No, you're not wrong. That actually makes a lot of sense…
Why did I never see it that way before? Soul bonds, huh…?
— Alright, Saval, let's go take down that dragon!
— YEAH!!
Who would've thought that damn dragon would take us nearly an hour to beat? Hahaha.
Huh? A message? Must be from Saval.
Yeah, it's him. Let's see…
Saval: Semiel, I KISSED Antonella! And… other stuff happened. Call you in an hour.