Chapter 31: Chapter 32
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Maeve sat by the bedside, listening to the measured beeping of the medical equipment and the quiet sniffling of her... friend. A sigh escaped her at those thoughts, filled with fatigue more mental than physical. She didn't know what she was even doing here. She'd had a fight with Helena, and then she'd come running as soon as she'd found out she was in the hospital. She had no idea what she was going to say to her when she woke up from surgery. If Maeve had at least said a proper goodbye to her before dumping her, things would have been a little easier.... maybe. She frankly didn't know anything about ex issues. So in what way the dialogue would go, the redheaded heroine had no idea.
Looking at the peaceful face of the woman who was lying on the bed, she just couldn't help but remember the circumstances that forced her to leave Elena. She'd told her it was because of her career and acted like a mercurial bitch by simply stopping communicating with her. At the same time Maeve managed to leave Homelander, explaining to him that he was cheating on her all the time. But she knew about the regular cheating and before that, including because of this in her life appeared Elena.
But the real reason for the breakup was really Homelander, or rather his incredible jealousy. In those days she was horrified to read the news about how everyone who got close to her had died from a variety of causes. It could have been a car crash or gas poisoning. And all too often she saw his suspicious eyes on her, which didn't add to her mood at all. The day was not far off when the blond maniac would find out about her affair with Elena. She didn't even want to think about such an outcome, so she had to act as radically as possible. And now, seven years later, here she is.
- Isn't the appearance of these super-villains in our city a red flag? - In a well-practised voice, the news anchor asked his guest. - Should we have a curfew?
The words about super-villains made Maeve look away from her heavy thoughts and turn her attention to the screen of the miniature television. The volume was kept to a minimum so as not to disturb her friend, and her incredible hearing allowed her to hear very clearly the sounds that this not-so-modern device was making. She'd kind of turned it on just so it wouldn't be so quiet, though the incomprehensible crackling was a little annoying.
Maeve frowned, a look of incomprehension on the face of Vaught's anchorman. She had no idea what kind of super-villains she was talking about, as she had switched off the phone because of the frequent calls, which annoyed her immensely at the time. Now the insistence of the management, in the person of Stillwell, became clear. If this was going to happen, keeping her at an accessible distance was essential.
- David, there's no need to panic. As if we haven't had uninvited guests with bad intentions before. - John smiled indulgently, who sat casually in front of the presenter.
- So there is nothing to be afraid of?
- There is always something to be afraid of. Super-heroes are constantly patrolling the cities, but it does not always save from the unexpected, - he sighed with regret, answering the question. - So first of all I can advise you to rely on yourself, then on God, and only then on others.
- That's very good advice, Homelander. - David nodded, looking at the hero understandingly. - Is there any chance of another super-villain?
- Unfortunately, the possibility is not zero," the blond nodded thoughtfully. - That's why Seven will be patrolling the city all week to make sure no super-villain escapes justice.
Maeve stared unblinkingly at John's face and sighed, looking away. Their relationship was too wimpy right now, so much so that sometimes she felt uncomfortable. It simply caused dissonance, despite her full understanding of the situation. She'd never had that before, not even with Elena. Completely atypical feelings swept over her lately, towards him.
And it wasn't like it had been with him before. It wasn't even like her relationship with Elena; Maeve wanted to hold her close, to protect her, to keep her safe. In terms of carnal pleasures, things were scarcer, purely because of the different physiologies. Here, pouncing on him had become commonplace. She wanted to cling to him, to lean on him to protect her. And something told her that John would protect her, even though it wasn't necessary. The thought made her heart warm, and she smiled involuntarily.
When she felt her mouth dry, Maeve got up and walked out of the room into the corridor, then went to where there seemed to be vending machines with snacks and drinks. The search was immediately successful and the girl stood in front of the drink machine, looking for something she would like. The beauty began to bite her lip, not knowing what to choose. In recent months, all alcohol had disappeared from her daily ration, so she was content with only the taste of the drinks themselves. Oddly enough, she had tried just about everything in the vending machine's assortment and was just choosing which juice she wanted now.
- Grape seemed pretty good.
- I like the cherry one better.- I don't see much difference.
- Maybe because you haven't tried it? - She turned with a smile to John, who had come up behind her quite silently.
Despite her smile, Maeve tensed up a lot at seeing him here. After all, if he found out... she just didn't want to think about it. The blond man was in his, already becoming familiar to her, image. Slightly dishevelled hair and glasses without dioptres, it was highly doubtful he would ever need them. She couldn't help but appreciate the genius of such a disguise, and even began to use the work of her colleague.
- You're wearing glasses," John said with a chuckle. - Some people said it looked ridiculous.
- John, there's a big difference between the way you wear glasses and the way I wear them," Maeve said in a deliberately smug tone, adjusting her glasses on her nose and saying, "They look good on me: - They look good on me.
- I can't argue with that. - The blond smiled, seeming to stare at the woman, which couldn't escape her attentive eyes.
- By the way, I wanted to ask you. Why are you here? - Maeve decided to ask, wanting the most detailed answer possible.
- I wanted to tell you to be on standby," he said, after a brief hesitation. - 'One of the super-terrorists is on the loose, and he's Kimiko's brother, so...'
- Wait, Kimiko has a brother? - Maeve was surprised.
- Didn't she tell you? - With a frank sneer in his gaze, John replied.
- 'Obviously she hasn't. - The woman frowned, sighing quietly at her colleague's inappropriate jokes.
- That's why I'm here. - The man stated.
- That's not the whole reason," Maeve rolled her eyes defiantly, expressing her attitude toward his words. - You could have said it on the phone, or written it down. But you tracked me down and came here. What was the reason?
- I thought something serious had happened. Usually you never miss a meeting, even though it's just a formality. Did something happen?
- Why the question? - Maeve snorted, looking at his concerned face, not sure if he was playing or sincere in his emotions. - You can literally see right through people, and how do you think I feel?
- I'm not well-versed enough in anatomy to figure this kind of thing out in the early stages, though I plan to fill that gap.
- What early stages? - Maeve asked perplexed, having no idea what he was talking about.
- Pregnancy. Isn't that why you're here?
- Wait, you've decided I'm pregnant? Why would I go to a hospital for that when there's a specialised hospital?
- Anonymity? - John admitted, after a moment's hesitation. - So it wouldn't become public.
- Logical, oddly enough," Maeve smiled, pulling herself together. - But it was far from the truth.
The man sighed softly, as if releasing the tension he'd been holding in for so long. Maeve only now noticed how excited he was, which made her smile involuntarily. To think of the great Homelander fretting over her supposed pregnancy amused her.
- But then why...
- I have a friend in the hospital. - She interrupted him, still in a headlong rush.
- A friend?
- A friend. - Maeve exhaled, realising from the look on his face that there would be no repercussions, despite her fears.
She liked John as the new owner of the Homelander's body, or maybe even his mind. Who could tell with these supers? There were so many of them now that sooner or later there was bound to be someone who would subjugate the body of the strongest of them to himself. So she wasn't particularly shocked when his whole demeanour and even his way of speaking changed. Now she was even glad that this was exactly what had happened. And maybe one day John would admit who he was. She didn't want to rush him.
- And let's get this straight," she looked carefully into his eyes, and he nodded. - You'll be with me for this important examination, and that's out of the question.
- Understood, ma'am," the blond smiled, taking her hand under his elbow. - There's a nice café across the street where you can grab a bite to eat. And I'd like to take you there for a late lunch, if you don't mind.
- Is this a date?
- As a matter of fact, it is. - John nodded solemnly, barely holding back a smile.
- Then take me there, sir. - Maeve replied in a similarly solemn voice, heading obligingly for the lift. It would be nice to have something to eat, and if it was in good company, it would be great.
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