Ice vs Fire

Chapter 9: Tíger vs Tìger

There will be 10 games if we both draw at a ceratain number or both surpass the 21 limit... or one of us gets exact 21 that will mean that the other player will have to sacrifice 2 fingers instead of one. Just think about it when you are trying to get to 21 but you go over it and then suddenly I get a 21 then you will have to lose 3 fingers "Leoanl makes a three with his left hand fingers" hehehe wouldn't that be exciting to watch?

I would love to see your face when I get 21.

We call this machine Finger Chomper As you can see this Finger Chomper will be dealing us cards and throwing them into this trash bin once used no card will be used again. And there are around 1000 cards in it so we don't have to worry about running out.

Nun, da die Regeln klar sind, sollen wir anfangen? (Now that the rules are clear, shall we begin?)

"Alex slowly and steadly nods in response as if it was not a nod but a command to start the war to launch the nuke to initiate an execution with a battle cry all aimed towards Leonal".

"Finger Chomper deals there first cards".

A 5 and a 2 good I can order more, the kid seem to be paying very high attention to his card meaning his card's value is something high.

A king and a six on the first turn good.

Hit me. oh a 4 that makes my score 11 now i only need a combination of 7 and 3 and to secure my win.

Give me. hehe a 3 only 2 more to win.

Hit me. 2.

Should I call? or fold I can take the risk to get a 2 and win by full points or simply win by staying ahead, what should I do? No I'll call this is gambling I can't be pulling my punches. "Alex waves his hand in a forward motion to singal the finger chomper to deal him card".

Fuck! a 8? why? no way my instincts can't be wrong then?

Hehehe you seem to be a little puzzeled Alex are you alright?

I'm fine no need to worry about me.

If you say so, l'll stay.

*The winner is*... Leonal 11/27.

Now for the payment.

"thuuuuhhh" "thunnnnmp" "chomp!" within a split of a second the sharp blade slices through Alex's finger chopping it clean off "thump" the sound of Alex's amputated finger falling onto the tray echoes throughout the entire room".

!Aaaaa! "Alex punches the table with his right hand to relieve some of his frustation".

Herr Alex should we continue, you know we have to hurry up before you pass out from the loss of blood and I can't be here all night now can I?

"Alex somehow recovers from physical trauma he relaxes and takes deep breaths to slow down his heart rate and stop the bleeding". get me a bottle.

You are a smart one, get Alex a bottle fast hurry up!.

Right away sir. "The goon sprints to the 4th floor and snatches a water bottle from a customer".

Hey! you bastard that's mine you'll pay for it remember I will complain to the manager and you will get fired.

"Goon runs off with the bottle into the elevator as the fat guy's screams faint away".

Where you runni' you nigga? "the fat guy puts his hands on his legs and bend forward to catch his breadth" if only you were here I would beat the shi-

"The 6'0 african-american body guard

comes back to the guy".

What did you just call me? "takes off his tinted black glasses and closes in to face to face level".

ahahehwiabdisksikan "the fat guy gets scared to his soul" nothing I jus just said can I ha- hav- have my bottle ba- ba- ba- back please? You don't have to I'll just get another one "gulps" "he shutters uncontrollably".

"The goon punches the fat man and takes out a fresh green rectangle with Andrew Jackson printed on the left and puts it in the fat guys breast pocket and sprints back to the 6th floor via stairs".

Here you go Herr Alex.

I read about this in my science's text book that if you block the vein on your armpit the bleeding on your hand will slow down or stop "Alex takes the bottle and puts it under his left armpit to stop bleeding from the axillary vein".

*30 seconds later* now that the bleeding has stopped you won't have to worry about me passing out on you let's resume our game.

"The next round of bloody blackjack begins".

Now I'm on my senses I will not over commit I will not fall in 'his' trap I will have to make logical decisions or tonight could be the worst night of my entire life nonetheless I will have to try my hardest. Thank you.

What? Have you gone crazy already?

Hehehe No I feel alive thanks to you.

How is that? can you please explain I seem to be missing on something important.

Being alive grants you the will to survive to keep on living without this pain, without knowing there is blood flowing through my veins I would never have unlocked this 'power'.

I don't want to kill your motivation but you are experiencing a thing called 'adrenaline rush' which makes you feel alive nothing has changed your finger is chopped off and your luck seems to be fading away with each turn.

*After three calls from Leonal and two from Alex the round 2 comes to an end*.

*The winner is... Leonal* 18/17.

You hesitated you could have called but now you just lost another of your precious finger.

"Tuuuuh" "Thump" "CHOP" "The guillotine fires towards Alex's ring finger and kills it from the proximal phalange".

No, it can't be happening not like this twice in a row my two fingers the third no I don't wanna lose another one no no way I have to win at all costs.

"Alex starts sweating prefusely maybe it's the blood loss or the nervousness whatever the reason may be but Alex is in a dire situation will he be able to survive?".

Fuck! what is being stressed gonna do? this man hi- his eyes he has seen hundreds of desperate gamblers he knows when a person is weak I can't show him my weakness I have to stay strong.

So he found out, my theory is simple yet effective gambling is not about winning in your terms but to break your opponents mental so he himself self distructs and dugs his own grave I just have to push him in that grave he dug up for himself.

*Round 3 begins*.

My starting hand is not all bad a king and a 6 so I have already secured 16 the major problem is that bastard sitting accross the table there is no way to know the shape of his hand he has a very relaxed poker face.

He is in no shape or form to even consider a big gamble he will play safe and I can take advantage of that weak mentality. Hit me.

"Leonal's face roses with a grin".

I'll stay.

Hit me. "His grin becomes so large his wisdom teeth starts to peek out of his mouth".

Deal me. Why is he so happy did he? no way he got it he completed his 21 no way I have to do something or else I will be left with only one finger I'll have to draw this round at all costs.

Aaa- "Alex's jaw drops as he indeed got crushed under the pressure of losing twice in the same turn that he blundered his advantage and chose to risk it all"

Hehehe looks like it's over, no more please.

Three times in a row what kind of magic is he doing to my psyche I can't even think straight the pressure the stress the frustation i can't breath I can't think I ca-

*The winner is...* Leonal 19/18.

"The guillotines beheads one of Alex's fingers this is the point beyond which normal people gets crushed".

Now Kid it's your time to get crushed under pressure or turn into a diamond.

Adrenaline, Beta-endorphin, Tyrosine, Enkephalin, Valine, Lysine, Leucine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Isoleucine, Cortisol, Norepinephrine, Catecholamines, Oxytocine Vasopressinall, Somatotropin, all the chemicals rush into Alex's brain the bleeding intensifies but there is not a single drop of sweat left on his body.

Now the real match will begin.

*The forth round begins*

This is the path which divides a normal person and a monster you defeated my big bro what are you Alex? A mediocre child accepting his defeat or a lion climbing a tree.

"All expression of stress, fear, nervousness, dizziness, desperation, anxiety disaprears from Alex's face as if he does not give a fuck about his lost fingers".

Queen and 8 on the first turn goodness gracious now Alex I don't think you will be able to win this one.

"10 seconds of staring in the space".

Alex have you stopped function beacuse of the trauma or wot?

I'll stay give me a cigarette.

If it's your last pleasure you want to experience I will not hinder it give Alex a nice cigarette and light it up. As for my turn i think I'll stay "there is no reason to take unnecessary risks it will only delay his execution".

"After finishing the cigarette" I'll stay too there is no reason to prolonge this round the outcome will be susprising nonetheless.

*The winner is*.... Alex! 18/21.

Wat de fuck a perfect 21 how? "Leonal slams the table with his open palm".

Hehehe now for the payment the loser has to pay.

"Yes there isn't a single person in the world who keeps on winning such a human being does not Exist A GAMBLER WHO KEEPS ON WINNING FOREVER DOES NOT EXIST".

"Tuaah" "tuaahh" "both of the gullotines get ready to dig into there victims fingers" "thump" "thump" Leonal's screams of agony echoes through out the room.

Sir you ok?

ah fuck! fuck! fuck! I did not expect to lose like that your fate Alex it will not allow you to die like this the heavens are guiding you to victory but I am here not solely based on luck if you are Indiana Jones I am John Wick.

"Alex escapes the pit of despair into the river of hope, the hope to walk out of here alive".

*The fifth round begins*

No way I am letting a kid 9 years younger than me defeat me in my own speciality there is not a one in a million chance I'll show you Alex that I've lived longer in this world than you, you are just a small inconvenience to my victory you are by no means a major threat to me.

Good king and a jack gg Alex. I'll stay

No I can't take it in my hand it won't materialize I'll have to call. hit me aah! "Alex looks stunned".

By all this time Finger Chomper has judged us both and with that in mind it chose me heavens chose me they want me to succeed not you Alex I will win my victory is inevitable I'll take my revenge and you will DIE.

*The winner is...* Leonal! 20/18.

Hehehe so you couldn't risk overflowing hence the last round will mark an end to our death match.

"Tuuh" "thunnn" "just like that Alex lost all his fingers but to everyone's surprise he does not even blink let alone scream".

Next round let's end it all.

Hmhhe now that's the spirit Alex I will give your example as the bravest gambler I have ever faced don't worry even if you die today your memories will be immortal in our hearts.

You done? blah blah blah is that all you do a dog who barks never bites and a dog who dosen't bark will certainly bite off your hand.

Uhh Alex have you gone insane from all the pain and emotional burden of death Jesus Christ! don't worry I'll end your misery sooner than you could blink.

*The sixth round begins*

What no way a 7 and a 2 that's a bad start or is it? is there any way I can transform this piece of a shit starting hand into a flush.


What done?

Hehehe my hand.

No way his hand is completed on the first turn that can't be true he is bluffing he has to be he thinks his bluff will work on me no it won't you are not done Alex you just have a high point hand there is no possible scenerio where you will get an ace and a 10 point card twice in one game that is just a fantasy a false hope you are holding onto a rope which is already burnt Alex. Deal me What? why am I getting lower value cards all of a sudden I see the gods are testing me if I am capable enough to kill this boy I will pass their test.

Sir Alex it's your turn please choose your option master Alex!

"Alex glares into the goon's eye telling him to shut up".

I guess that means he'll pass.

Gimme another. I will win.


Another one.

Alex: zzz.

So now I have 3, 4, 6, 7, I only need one card and I can end this boy's entire career let's test it even in the worst case scenerio i'll lose only one finger lets go. Hit me.

*The winner is... Alex* 22/21.

WHAT? "Leonal's world stopped as the land he was sitting on was no longer there it had magicaly vanished he couldn't even comprehend what just happend it was like getting struck by lighting of 1.2 billion volts and a speed of 270000 mph on the tip of your head there will be no time to react you will be nothing but a roasted chicken after that".

"Leonal bangs his head on the table

to hold his unending stream of tears he was undefeated his entire life was perfect but this one loss broke him".

Now for the remaining three fingers to fall.

"Thump" aaaaaaa! "Scruuuh" "Thump" Aaaaaa "Schhh" "Thump" AAAAAAAAA! "after finally getting over the realization of what had just happend he looks at his chopped off fingers and question Alex with a crying desperate voice".

How just how did you get soo lucky tell me?

Hope and Luck are for weakling I won by sheer brute force.

No way how can you manipulate finger chomper this machine is designed to deal fair cards every single turn.

You remember that I punched the table after losing my finger then and there I snatched an ace and when your goon came with the bottle I hid it in my breast pocket I was waiting for a 10 pointer then when I finally got it i used my combo.

Then how did you have the ace again every turn cards get re shuffled.

I slid it under the ashtray, smoking cigarette was an excuse to retrieve my secret weapon.

Oh my god you had it calculated from the first round so then all the nervousness was it all

Yeah I was acting now may the fingers rest in peace.

"Thuuuuuuuummmmmmmpppppp" "Thump" "Thunmp".

"Click" "click" "the belts of both players unlock".

You cheated you bastard.

It's not cheating if you don't get caught.

"Turrnm" "the transperant hemisphere opens revealing the 10million check".

Now that I have won what are you just gonna stare at my face go and bring two ice bags.

"The black goon rushes to 4th floor in search of ice where he finds the fat guy using an icepack on his swollen eye".

Hey! you there.

Who? me? oh no he is back.

"The fat guy tries to run but trips over by his untied shoe lace".

Please don't hurt me I will do anything you want.

Gimme that bag NOW!.

Yeah sure take it.

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