Chapter 80: …can we call it even with this? If not I won’t mind talking to you again ;3
The next part wasn't as hard as the last one, she started by discarding those skills she wouldn't use, nor had all. Namely: [Encore], [Singing], and [Dancing]. She guessed that there may have been some possible synergy between [Encore] and her spell casting, if she managed to tie them together then perhaps she could even spam-cast her spells!
And that would be very useful indeed, should her spells not be optimized as much as she had them, or if she didn't have her royal mages at the ready to help deal with the load of the spell casting. As it was, the skill was useful for her except to help her in cases where she needed to do the same thing over and over... And sincerely, that sounded more like a way to insanity than anything else, so no [Encore] for her.
[Singing]... Well, maybe if she moved into chant spell casting? She knew of the innate power of that type of casting, especially since [Idea] moved using words imbued with power, so having her chant turn into something like a song may help her with a faster cast and with better effects...
If she had a talent for singing...or songwriting, as it was, she didn't have either. Nor had a [Shadow Dragon - Songstress] nor [Shadow Dragon - Singer] have turned up to help her with that, so to the trash can it goes!
[Dancing] on the other hand was more interesting, she could see the potential with this skill, she did resemble some kind of dance while using her [Shadow Puppeteer] skill, as her body moved with a grace that...she sincerely envied. More so after seeing the recording that her [Shadow Dragons] made sure to take of her use of the skill, half of them seemed to enjoy seeing her use the skill to fight and the other seemed to be analyzing it to find flaws and ways to fix her use of mana and combat.
And she wasn't quite sure which side was scarier to her, either way. For now, the skill would go into oblivion and that was certain as of now. Now for the next part... The two skills that she wanted to work first with.
[Endurance] & [Body Tempering].
Rossie's Mother had said that she needed to think about what to connect the skills to, and to channel those parts of the skill she wanted to enhance. What did she want from these two? They helped temper her body and allowed for her skewed build to work, but did she need them? Not as long as she kept a safe ratio between her body stats and her mana. Besides she already had [Perfect Self] to keep her as she was, that would help her stay true to herself....
Oh...That skill only allowed her to stay [True to herself] it didn't help her at all with endurance or anything! Yes, it was a nice skill that would prevent her from being overwritten by some random spirit of a long-forgotten war (And who would think you needed something like that right?), but that was all! (And while important, it didn't help her with the conditions of her body at the moment). So she needed more... Another [Skill] to help take the brunt of the weird bodily shenanigans she decided to do.
So first, "Think of what you need Elizabeth, then work toward that." Elizabeth said to herself while making sure her body wasn't doing anything weird to Rossie in the real world.
She found herself with the pink-haired girl only staring at her with a smile, even if she seemed to fiddle on the ergonomic chair...These weren't comfortable at all actually.
"Let's move to the sofa Rossie, these weren't made to stay too long without moving," Elizabeth said while pulling her girlfriend towards one of the sofas at the side of the room. The pink-haired girl sat first and taped her lap, so Elizabeth did the obvious thing and rested her head on her girlfriend's thighs.
Also, it had a very good view, she would pay for this sight...If she had money to do so at least.
Right, what did she want...?
She wanted her body to be able to withstand the raging mana she was capable of producing, she knew that her [Heart] could make copious amounts of the thing, and with her new [Engine] she would probably only increase the production and ferocity of the [Mana] she was able to create. It wouldn't be long till the thing wanted to morph into a higher type...Or turned completely from her neutral attuned to an element.
So to help her body with the load she needed to be able to withstand the same energies her [Heart] seemed to want to create. But what did she have in her repertoire to help deal with that? She had [Mana] that's for one, she had the [Shadow Haven], the thing that her [Soulscape] had turned into...
And while she didn't think it was that different, she did start to notice that after naming it like that, it had started to react... differently, unlike how Rossie's or even Rena's Soulscape seemed to react to them, hers...Seemed different in perspective. And it wasn't the fact that hers was bigger nor was populated by the [Souls] of the damned...
No, it was how when she wanted to speak about the place at large she couldn't think about it like a simple [Soulscape], when she wanted to think about her [Soulscape] she ended up thinking about either the spire in the middle of the city where most of her administrative [Minions] worked and were the most important parts of her [Skills] and [Magic] stayed (Also the [Lock]).
So how to work this information into her new skill...First, she took the two skills that would make the fusion. Using the template that was [Endurance] & [Body Tempering], adding the [Title] that was [Iron-willed] into the mix for good measure...She started trying to connect them all to her [Heart] and in turn, tried to breach that connection into her [Shadow Haven]. To the base of where all came from, the very [Core] of her [Soul].
The place where Nyx had been resting and where he had been tempering not only himself, she needed something that would keep her body in place, something that would help her [Temper] her body at the same pace that her [Mana] grew. Something that would uplift her at the same pace... And more importantly... something that would help her keep those she treasured safe.
So with all those requirements in mind, she shaped the mana in her [Heart], she thought of those she wanted safe. Her parents came first to mind, it was a silly thought, and some may think that it was a ridiculous notion, to think that she could keep those who had ascended to godhood safe as a mere mortal. But she knew how much they sacrificed for her, even if they never said a thing...
Papa took a dive into politics even though he loathed with all his heart what the leaders of the nation did, he even went as far as spearheading several laws, she had seen those when in Londinium when she read about the world at large and could identify her papa's strokes at the laws that they wrote.
Mother while not showing it outwardly, she knew how much she missed traveling around the world, around the world even, but she didn't travel outside this dimension after she was born. She stood at home and was her first playmate. She even went as far as to make sure to teach her all the precautions she needed even though they weren't sure if she would develop magic. And even taught her a few ways for a nonmagical entity to defend against mind tampering...Talk about weird things to teach a six-year-old girl...
More importantly...both sacrificed their mortal lives to turn into one of the few things they hated more than anything, they took a step to [Godhood] even though they made a living of dealing with and killing those same entities. All because she made a mistake, all because she had turned into a hostage.
All because her body hadn't been able to withstand the forces she was dealing with.
After her parents, she thought of all of those [Souls] that had flocked towards her, from another world. The souls of those Alexanders hadn't been able to save. The souls that made the hard part of the work of her [Minions], the reason she had so much more freedom with her skill than normal people. She didn't need to deal with contracts to entities in other realms, nor did she need to worry about betrayal from said contracts.
She would make sure to make justice for them since they too had made great effort for her. And after them? Who else did she have to care for?
The answer was obvious, if she could worry for the souls that flocked towards her, be it because they were enticed by something in her [Shadow Haven] then she would take care of those that she had bound willingly to her.
Rena being one, she wanted nothing more for the girl than for her to spread her wings and be free from the terrible future of being bound to someone without any agency on it. Granted she couldn't survive without such a chain stuck in her soul.
But unlike her [Minions] or those who had decided to work under her (Like Aura), she wasn't able to move on. That never had been an option for the red-haired girl.
So Elizabeth would care for her till she was able to stand on her own, should she decide to stay under her...well, that was a problem for future Elizabeth to deal with!
And so, this long list is at its end, Elizabeth had named everyone she wanted to protect but one. Rossie, her lovely and adorable Rossie. She wanted for her body to be strong enough that Rossie would never have to cry at her bedside staring at her unmoving body.
So the tears that fell from the beautiful face of Rossaline Singh never again be borne from sadness.
So she put all her emotions into her [Mana] and thinking of all the things she had gone through since her double awakening she infused her [Wish] for her body to follow.
So she would stand proud, so her body would never falter, so she would achieve her best with what she was working on.
And channeling all of this the [Idea] started forming, a pledge, a prayer, the embodiment of what a petitioner asked for the gods, a prayer towards [The World]...
And it sickened something within her [Soul] screamed at her, that she was doing it wrong, even though her [Mana Manipulation] told her that the [Idea] was right. Even though her [Instincts] told her that this would work.
Everything her [Heart] stood for revolted at the [Idea] of her uttering the words that were about to come from her mouth, and her newest skill, the [Crown] that stood in the spire was amplifying the feeling.
So Elizabeth asked herself, would this work? Yes.
Of that she was sure, this would make her a skill that would fulfill almost everything she needed at the moment.
She could feel Papa's [Prana] at the back, she could feel her Mother's [Prana] shaping and preparing to help her make the best [Foundation] for her body.
And yet...
"No..." She just couldn't go forward with it, something within her would break, she wasn't sure what, she wasn't sure how she knew, but she wouldn't go with that, then what?
She had shaped the mana into the correct form as she was taught, she had infused her will into it, and she was ready to utter the [Idea] that formed from it.
...She was doing everything as she had been told.
This would work, of that she was sure, and it would give her exactly what she needed for the occasion. And nothing more.
But what about the future? When her strength increased, would this work then?
She wasn't sure. Her crown had space for more gems, and if that wasn't a foreshadow of her future then she wasn't sure what it was. Her [Heart] seemed to be willing to accommodate more things. And her [Shadow Haven] had enough space to host many more people.
She didn't see herself inviting more in the future...But what if one of her [Minions] decided to return to being a [Human], or if they became a living being who couldn't stay long times in her [Shadow Haven], they would need a way to return here. They would need the [Space].
Could her [Shadow Haven] tolerate that stress? Yes
Could her body tolerate such stress? If it was a few then probably, but if it became many then No.
Could whatever the hell this [Idea] create tolerate such a future…?
Her [Instincts] told her....that no.
So she needed more? Could she use this to create something else? No.
She didn't have enough skills, she didn't have enough mastery over what she needed. [The World] wasn't giving her enough allowance.
Nyx didn't have enough allowance anymore, he had but a fraction of the connection he used to have. That wouldn't be enough, what he had at best could serve as a way to call his [Mother] to speak to her.
Not that she wanted... That last spear hurt...
...oh...she could call her... And [Speak] to her...
"Rossie, I'm about to do something very stupid!" Elizabeth said to her girlfriend while momentarily opening her eyes. And closing them before her girlfriend could say anything.
She did feel the pink-haired's girl mana flooding her body as she cast one after the other multiple diagnosis spells and preventive measures to heal her.
And while doing so she summoned her always loyal cuddle pillow. "NYX!” the shadow dragon manifested itself promptly with a lazy yawn.
“What do you need of me today Mistress?" Asked the shadow dragon, seeing her eyes however was enough for it to narrow his draconic eyes at her, "What manner of mischief are you up, today mistress?"
Accurate, but still, RUDE!
"Remember how your Mother sent that lovely spike my way before? “Elizabeth started easy, the shadow dragon nodded warily at her, "We are returning the favor...kinda, I'm not sending attacks her way but I will lodge a complaint!"
"That seems...oddly mature of you Mistress, what do you require of me?" Nyx answered, his voice was stabilizing more and more as of late, he could speak in a way that didn't involve the use of [Idea]. Even if his words seem to hold some kind of [Authority].
That had been the main reason she got his brilliant idea to use [Idea]!
"I will need to use the vestiges of your connection to her... This may end with you not having any way of speaking to her in the future. Are you sure about this Nyx?" Elizabeth said as she prepared what she would need, first by discarding the [Idea] that had formed in her [Core] but leaving the components there, she would use them if Nyx accepted. "I don't mind it if you don't want to. I can always use other means to achieve this."
"I can feel your reticence for the other means Mistress...its fine... Mother will understand, or she will not. It matters not. " Nyx said as one of the scales in his chest gave way and she could see a marble similar to the one the other shadow dragons had shown her before, the marble that symbolized their [Soul], Nyx's had another thing near his. A small thread purple in color. "This is what is left of my link towards Mother. Use it as a catalyst and you will be able to speak with her, but only words will travel through it, as the connection is barely standing by my own effort. I wanted to use it as a last-ditch effort should you need help. But if it helps you now or later it will fulfill its reason to be."
Well, that was ominous. Nyx wanted to use it as a way to make a deal to save her later? Yeah, she couldn't see a single scenario where that ended well, either for her or Nyx. So she was using this.
"Thank you Nyx, you can leave if you want. The next part may not be pretty since I will be harsh with your [Mother]." And on that note, Nyx only nodded and sank back into the shadows, he hadn't left the area and seemed to be only sleeping, but she knew he was paying attention to her. "Well, might as well... [Oh threads of fate that connect us. Link yourself and pave the path between the one who would Inherit the seat of knowledge and its keeper in this plane.]".
As soon as Elizabeth touched the thread the words popped in her head, what she needed to speak so she could link to Nyx's Mother. And if it would work or not.
"[Speak Inheritor, what is that you desire to know? What is that you desire to seek? Tell me, what is your WISH?]" The voice that spoke back at her wasn't what she expected. She had seen what the entity behind this [System] had said to those around her.
How she offered a deal to Rossie, how Ethan and Nyctophagia spoke about it. And while haughty she seemed more... detached when speaking directly to her.
Almost as if the entity was reading a script.
But it mattered not to Elizabeth, she had a time limit and the timer was running out. "Oh Hello, nothing much I just wanted to-" She started easily enough, and she could feel the entity at the other side nod at her words. “I COMMAND YOU, GRANT WHAT IS NEEDED, OFFER WHAT IS REQUIRED. ALL WILL BE PERMITED UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE ONE THAT WILL RULE ALL UNDER THE STARS!"
"Wha-" The panicked voice at the other side of the connection made Elizabeth smile, "No- STOP!"
She almost felt bad for whoever was behind the other side, but then she remembered all the terrible things that happened to her, and more importantly, how much Rossie had suffered when that spike stuck at her chest.
The wound still ached!
"[UNDER MY AUTHORITY I COMMAND YOU. DESIST!]" And then all the mana, idea, and authority that had been flooding her way stopped. "This wasn't very nice of you Inheritor."
It was as if she could see the world and reality listening to the commands of their owner. She could feel the thread pulsing in her hand as it was a connection to this vast amount of raw [POWER] over [The World].
And then...another bad idea struck at her, Elizabeth first thought about it. Then reaching into it with her [Senses] the world halted to a crawl.
All that was, had ben, would be, all of it was laid bare to Elizabeth, the connection. The woman with purple hair on the other side of the call who was trying to look calm.
Her Papa with a smile on his face as he [STARED] at her, her Mother who wasn't sure if she should attack the purple woman or not.
Mother no.
Was all it took for the spell to break apart, and as if that was the signal needed she felt the attention of the purple girl turn to [HER]. Her face was one of confusion and bewilderment.
So better get to work before the time runs out, the thread was burning and her connection wouldn't last.
Breathe Elizabeth, one more time.
And as the words left her mouth, the world restarted and she was standing once more in her [Shadow Haven]. The purple thread was gone and only two blue screens remained.
All the mana she had prepared for the fusion of her skills was gone, and the skills were gone too. And instead, a new one was there waiting for her.
With some notifications from [The World] at the side. Well, at least she got what she wanted...
A Complaint: |
What is a human, well, for one they have [Human]'s parents, they have a human heart, a human brain, a human's blood, and a human's [Soul]. His mana is that which was granted either by [The World] or by refining it on his [Soul] to make his, should he be advanced enough in his path of power. This is logical, this is how a [Human]'s work. You aren't like most. Your [Father] was closer to a demi-god when he sired you. Your [Mother] was a mess formed from trauma, mana and whose [Soul] had been butchered so many times by both [Gods] and herself that she was closer to becoming an eldritch entity than anything, keeping the [Human] form just because it was easier to interact with [Magical Girls] than anything. And from the impossible union of both, you came in. This would be enough to make sure that you would be anything but [Human] already. But you weren't precisely human to being with, were you? Your [Soul] while clean and seemingly innocuous, was the [Soul] of someone whose path of power was paved with struggle and suffering. The [Soul] of someone that committed one of the greatest taboos possible, the [Soul] of someone that [Killed his own world]. And the [Soul] of someone who carried the memories of the dead with him, the [Soul] of someone who willingly made himself into a world's graveyard as penitence.
That could be worked with, the soul of the dead could be integrated into your new world one at a time, with time. It is the [World]'s responsibility to make sure his inhabitants have a good life after all.
But that wasn't the end, you who decided to [Awaken] your birthright, moved past the boundaries that were there to keep you [Human]. Was it because of necessity? Perhaps. Was it because you needed to survive the decisions made by the agents I picked? Also perhaps.
How was I supposed to know that they would revolt? That they would try something as utterly DUMB as to try and ascend to godhood just because their pitiful mana was spread thin across the world? It would have broken from the strain. No [Human] can spread his mana across the world, connect to others, and then expect it to survive the strain of [Apotheosis]. At least someone whose talent is so pitiful that they needed [MY SEED] to even be relevant to being with!
But I guess you didn't know that, and acted on instinct. Yes, it is an [Anima]'s survival instinct to do so.
And what did you get from that? You awoken your [Heart].
Now your [Soul] while I tried my best to turn it human, was the soul of a hatchling dragon. One who did his best to try and save my [Sister] and that is the only reason I even accepted his [Soul] on my [WORLD], not because he was tangled with the remains of my [Sister]. Not because I attempted to separate her from him and she was too [BOUND] to him to even work. But this is what I get from trying to save those who came before us I guess.
So let's recount it yes? You have: 1) A [Dragon's Soul] instead of that of a [Human]. 2) A [Dragon's Heart] instead of that of a [Human]. 3) A [Dragon's Mana] instead of that of a [Human]. 4) [THAT CROWN] stuck in your puny little brain, no way that stays [Human] with that thing near. 5) Your parents, a [Demi-God] and [Catherine].
And now you went ahead and tried to make yourself something nice to keep your body from breaking down? I applaud your effort and the fact that you thought to fix something before it broke down. But tell me Elizabeth, WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT USING YOURSELF AS A BASE WOULD GET YOU?!?
...The most normal thing you have around is Rossaline Singh, and that girl ain't normal. And then you went ahead and took Aurelia... I don't mind the fact that you kept the pooch you know. I just wanted my [Authority] back, not so much the pooch. I didn't even name the thing... Alexa did, [Nyxfyre, The Twilight Dragon of The End], what kind of name is that? He was just a lizard meant to breach the [Wall] between myself and the [World] so it would be easier to spread the mana around and uplift the world. He didn't need a name, just as you don't name each blood cell in your body, why would I name a door?
But you know what? I didn't mind those things that much, you want the pooch? keep it. I don't even like Lizards that much. They are slimy and scaly and they keep trying to walk around when I am managing all the little things on this planet. The pooch wants to stay with you? He can stay, he wants to return? He can return. Whatever.
YOU made the connection to speak with me. So I thought, hey, perhaps we can solve our misunderstandings? Perhaps you want to ask: "Hey girl, why did you try to impale me a few weeks ago?"
I could have answered, I had my answer here written too!
It even says and explains everything: "Sorry, It was a knee-jerk reaction. You know how when someone walks nearby and you [Know] before you see it? And you kinda try to stay five meters away so you shove your way around? Well, that was my [Mana]'s reaction to you suddenly spreading your [Authority] willy-nilly."
It also doesn't help that I need to deal with your parent's authority too. The bastards don't even use the allowance I gave them and rather waste their own [Divinity]. YOU CAN USE MINE TOO YOU KNOW, IT ISN'T DIRTY OR ANYTHING!
...They don't even use the rooms I prepared for them you know, your Mother just went ahead and used part of a broken world and stuck it in the backyard...It's uncomfortable you know, like someone brings the arm of one of your far-removed cousins and just nibbles at it on your face. And she has the gall of wondering why I scowl at her?!? GIRL YOU ARE USING MY COUSIN AS A F#CKING CHAIR! THAT BED? THAT WAS MY UNCLE!
Well, we aren't family in the same way you may think. But close enough. I didn't send you this to rant, I promise. I just want to make something very extremely clear. This wasn't on me. What happened to you, while unfortunate, wasn't on me. I do not hold anything against you, the pooch, or your multiple psychotic love interests. YOU decided to use parts of yourself to make something. YOU decided to take the [Title] that I crafted to make sure you stayed somewhat human. It may have been my mistake to not write down that it was one of the functions, but how was I supposed to know that you would even try to fuse a title with a skill? THEY AREN'T EVEN MEANT TO WORK LIKE THAT! I swear to myself that the goddamned blonde asshole left that tidbit there for himself, for when I reincarnated him...
Focus right, the thing.
Well, congratulations Elizabeth Starbright, you made something that will make sure your body will not break, it will keep up with you all right. And I claim no responsibility for it. |
Draconic's Foundation: |
You are the embodiment of your [Will], your body is your temple, your blood is the raging fire ignited by your own choices in life. You made sure that you would never change unless you wished for such change, but what happens when your mana is too strong for your body? If your body will not be able to adapt, then that power will turn to poison. To prevent this you searched inside for an answer, and your body answered. The answer had always been there waiting. Your body in the past was tempered by raging storms, from wars, from betrayal, and more importantly, from the weight of your choices. This may have been in another time and another life. But if your [Soul] remembers it... Then once more, be tempered. And this time spread your wings and fly, do not let the weight of sins from another life tie you down. For we dragons are those that never will bow down to anyone.
[Your [Mana] will nourish your body and make sure it will always be healthy, if you arrive at a threshold that would hurt your body, your body will adapt its anatomy to make sure no harm will be done to you.] [New mana organs may be created both in your SOUL or in your BODY to accommodate your mana.] [You will have an easier time attuning yourself to your draconic inheritance.] [You may increase the effectivity the STATS have in your mortal body. This may require additional organs to be made, if you don't wish for a permanent change this may be temporary.] [You have access to your ■■■■■■.] [Your body is waiting for your CALL, Inheritor. Let your roar be heard for a TRUE DRAGON hasn't been born in ages.] |
Yeah, I'm not dealing with any of that. No sir. I haven't even finished dealing with the problems Catherine and Ethan left behind. I have a body stuck in my wardrobe and I need to make sure Sister's second chance doesn't get derailed... AND I also need to make sure to read her obituary when it's done... Nope, not dealing with it, you brought it upon yourself, you deal with it. |
...Was [The World] a girl with communication problems?
Either way Elizabeth could only confidently say something after reading those blue screens.
"...well shit."