Chapter 76: The true might of [The Sage], also Rossie doesn’t understand Elizabeth!
"Soul Gem huh? That seems like an appropriate name for these things." Michael said as he summoned the three gems Agatha had taken.
How had those ended in his hands? Wasn't Agatha going to use them as a bargaining tool to shut some stuck-up dumb magic council? What was it with Councils and doing dumb stuff?
"Wasn't Agatha going to examine these?" Elizabeth asked, so far neither Rossie nor Rena had reacted to their gems, so what did Michael do?
"She did, Teacher Agatha took plenty of notes and used a vast array of magic to confirm the nature of these. Then when all was said and done she took those results and called me to test these with the council." Michael said, his eyes still somewhat haunted. "Those included to see if the blue was indeed something that came from my Soul, even though there was no evidence of me having contact with Akira besides casual talks."
So they tried to synch Michael to his Soul Gem?
"Eli-Eli said that those were made with fragments of our souls?" Rossie asked on the side, peering at the pink one, and perhaps she imagined things, but for a fraction of a second, she could swear that the pink-haired girl showed a sign of disgust on her lovely face.
"That one at the very least does have something from me, my [Instincts] tell me as such," Rena added on the side.
"Yeah, the main evidence the council was using against Agatha's claim was that my soul didn't have evidence of tampering unlike Rena or the other girl's Akira toyed with," Michael smirked on the side, only for his soul gem to shine a dark blue light, and at the same time Michael's Mana seemed to react, his [Presence] climbing higher, his mana turning denser, more refined even. "But this reaction was proof enough of the connection I had, damming evidence since I didn't have contact with Akira enough for him to have a piece of my soul. Hell, my Soul doesn't have any evidence of tampering like Rena or Rossaline."
Yeah, Akira never seemed to pay too much attention to other men around him, he was even more dismissive of Elizabeth when he thought she was a man on the inside...
"So? What are you doing here?" Rena asked, the girl had turned more talkative as of recently. "You woke up Elizabeth, so you better have something important to say, for your own sake."
...Nope, there is the good old Rena we love! Still a psycho!
"Rena, we don't show hostile behavior towards those that bother Eli-Eli. We just take care of them where no one is seeing, we don't want pesky evidence lying around that could prove dangerous to Eli-Eli's sleep schedule." Rossie admonished Rena at the side, it was good that both girls were having understanding, but please don't fraternize over murder!
Like, really. Why was Rossie so adorable when she wanted to murder someone, but Rena looked more wild doing the same?
Not that she minded what they did in their free time, besides, it was kinda hot how both girls seemed to be ready to pounce at someone bothering her sleep schedule...
"Just came to ask a few things and then you can go in your way." Michael said as he threw the pink and red gems towards Rossie and Rena respectively, "First, what do you know about these gems?"
Rossie eyed hers and threw the thing into their shared [Inventory], while Rena seemed to be unsure about what to do with hers, it wasn't like she was a [Mage] like everyone else, so really. What could she even do with hers?
"Those were made with fragments of your [Soul] in your past life, they were part of ritual grade magic..." Elizabeth started recounting the event at the end of Akira's past life, she of course didn't mention the multiple lives they had gone through, nor how they ended.
"...So for some reason I cast the [Ritual Magic] that ripped apart our souls, funneled those towards Akira, and at the same time embedded memories in the gems. All so I could take revenge, not that I had the opportunity to do so." Michael nodded as if understanding everything, "So, where do you come in into the equation? As far as I am aware no gem with your [Soul Wavelength] came out. I checked."
Yikes, so this was the real [Sage] and not the top student of the [Magic] department, she could see parts of the great magic caster that he had been in his previous life.
"That would be because I wasn't part of your party of heroes. I didn't reincarnate from that world like you all did." Elizabeth answered as such, Rossie was aware of who she had been in her past life, even if the girl didn't seem to believe her. Or that she cared about what she had been. "While I did reincarnate like you all, I didn't keep any of those memories or identity. While you may not have kept all of your memories, you should be able to tap into the memories of your previous life by using those gems...While I wouldn't recommend doing so, that is your right."
And she really hoped they didn't tap into them, "I don't need to know what I did in any previous life, any life that doesn't have Eli-Eli is worthless." Rossie said as she huffed at the side.
"Elizabeth I offer this to you," Rena said as she grabbed her hand and placed the red ruby into Elizabeth's hand. "I can feel it, if you take this in you will gain great power, my [Instincts] say as much."
...She was right of course, her [Dragon Eyes] also said as much to her, that should she take hold of that gem, her power would grow to new heights. Her [Heart] was beating even faster at the idea.
"Are you sure? This isn't something that can be taken back, you will forever lose that part of you." Elizabeth said as she toyed with the gem in her hands, her mouth salivating at the idea of [Eating] that.
"I'm sure, there is nothing there that will benefit me. Even if my [Soul] could return to its peak, chances are that I would lose more than I would gain. My [Instincts] tell me, whatever memory that will grant me...Isn't worth it...As it is I can barely remember what I did the last year, and what I did the years before that is a blur." Rena said as she shook her head, "No, better this way. Please, do it for me too. So I can't be tempted to try and find who I was and what I did..."
"Well...If you insist..." Elizabeth said as she placed the gem in her mouth, then following her instincts she focused her mana into it and [Devoured] the gem.
She felt as she felt the fragment within break and the energy travel towards her [Heart], the [Dragon Heart] beating faster and faster as her Mana settled the new addition. It gave more context to what she had done before, even if that time had been more instinctual.
Now she understood what her [Heart] needed, Rena had embodied the raging fury of [Wrath] in her past life, first as she went into the fight, then as she fought against everything as she searched for someone to love her back.
She bathed so much in that feeling that her soul turned into an embodiment of [Wrath] and this meant that her own existence was tainted by this, it gave her power yes. That was the true nature of her [Instincts], for when her senses abandoned her only rage and fury remained. And she needed a way to function even while her mind was clouded.
And what did this mean for Elizabeth? Well, first...
Notice: |
You have found a compatible [Sin] to fuel your [Heart], the [Soul Fragment]'s [Vestige] is willing to be assimilated within you. No backlash will be suffered.
Assimilating into [Dragon Heart]...
Acquired: Wrath's Engine You will no longer fear having your bloodlust take control of you, for you have conquered the cardinal sin of Wrath. Let your rage fuel your rampage, know that nothing will stand in your way for you are the embodiment of [Wrath]. Fight, kill, murder, and bathe in the blood of your enemies, for that is the way to victory... After all, if no one remains around you, then surely that means that no enemies remain either. [Your Instincts are heightened, you will naturally know what is around you, the mana in the world will be analyzed and the information will be streamlined into your mind.] [Your body will react to the instincts better, and your reflexes are increased.] [You are immune to altered states of mind.] [Beware of the Rage and anger, for while you conquered Wrath. Wrath still dwells deep within your mind, waiting for your Will to falter. Should you fail to control your emotions, your Rage will be enhanced.] |
And sure enough, she saw the notification pop into her field of view as her [Heart] settled and the feeling of pleasure settled down, she now was painfully aware of the world around her. Not in the same sense as before, the information didn't come from her [Shadows] nor her [Dragon Eyes]. But it was more like...her [Instincts] were telling her what could happen.
How Michael's finger twitching meant that he was preparing himself to cast a spell, how Rossie's hand casually playing with her hair was a disguise for the girl weaving mana using her hair as a medium to turn her hair into very dangerous needles.
How Rena checking her fingers was in reality the girl shaping the mana in her hands, preparing to sharpen her hand and use it as a sword.
....Why were her [Instincts] telling her such dangerous things? Couldn't they tell her what to say Rossie to get the girl happy? Or what to gift her?
Such a useless skill!
"Do you want mine too?" Rossie asked at the side.
Did she?
...Yes, she did want to gobble up Rossie.
"Not here Rossie. I don't mind eating Rena's Ruby since her soul wouldn't be able to hold the stress of the soul gem." Besides even if she felt bad for Rena, her soul just couldn't survive the integration of her soul gem. Rossie on the other hand.
Rossie's soul was more stable, part of it was that her soul had started to recover after they started to more seriously deal with their relationship, and the other was that Rossie's [Soulscape] was settling in the ruined city that was her [Soulscape].
Her [Shadow Haven] Aquila... She didn't like that name, even if it was the true name of this capital city. She wasn't sure if she would ever use that one to refer to her [Soulscape].
Speaking of...
Notice: |
[Soulscape] of Watanabe Rena has fully settled within [Domain], please endeavor to have a healthy relationship with those under your care. |
What was she supposed to do about this?
She wouldn't say anything about it, but her [Instincts] told her that both Rena and Rossie were aware of that. Rena she understood, since her own [Instincts] probably told her as much, but how did Rossie notice?
"Okay then. I will not absorb it either, like I said. I have no need of it, when your [Soul] is ready to take it in, just tell me." Rossie smiled and turned her attention back to Michael, "Was that all?"
Yes, Rossie deal with the annoying blue mage!
"Just one more thing, if you really didn't live with us in our previous life. How do you know all of that? You seem to know what these memories hold, does it have anything to do with the [Soul Gem] you took with you?" Michael struck right at the plot hole! I mean, right where it hurts! "Who are you Elizabeth Strabright?"
And wasn't that the important question of the day? Who was she? Well, that was easy.
"I'm Elizabeth Starbright. To some, I'm the daughter of the most powerful [SuperHero] and the most powerful [Magical Girl] that ever walked on this planet." She started, she really liked this introduction, "To others. I'm the daughter of an engineer and a world-class model."
Couldn't her Mother's ego tolerate a more normal job? Probably not.
"If you ask the government... I'm an orphaned girl." And she was wondering how to deal with that one, it was annoying. "But if we ask of past lives...Then In another world, I was the [Scion] of the most powerful intergalactic empire that spammed several galaxies."
But that wasn't what Michael was asking was it? Even if he seemed intrigued by her answer, "But as to what you really want to know... I'm a simple girl who wants to nap all day while snuggling my girlfriend and pet. Nothing more and nothing less."
Now after saying that, she understood why Rossie was blushing, but WHY IN THE SEVEN HEAVENLY PLANES AND FOUR HELLSCAPES WAS RENA BLUSHING?!?
"I see... But you missed a few titles on that explanation, you forgot to add that you were a [Hero] too." Michael said as his eyes shone with a very complex magic circle, one that seemed to be created by the [Soul Gem]. "You can't hide that from me, not now that I know what to look for thanks to this little thing."
Well yes, but she didn't like that title, "If we are speaking of missing ones...Then I'm also in another life on this planet I was the Daughter of [The Mother of Monsters] too." Or more like she technically was that on this one too? Her body even if it had changed, was the one of Chloe after all.
"...Your life seems like it came from a story you know," Michael said with a laugh as his mana settled down, the multiple spell circles within his body powering down. Her [Instincts] told her that the man no longer held animosity towards her, and she found that surprising. Why the hell did he hold animosity towards her?
They weren't friends that was true, even though he had tried to get friendly with her, and he suddenly was hostile?
"I will choose to believe you for now." Michael continued as he pocketed the sapphire soul gem, "I will not let you have my [Soul Gem]. Not sure I want the damned thing either, my previous self was clear enough that I should not let this thing anywhere near my [Soul] unless Akira was hostile towards me..."
His previous self? Had the previous [Sage] left a message to his future self hidden within the [Soul Gem]? That meant that he wasn't just letting himself be toyed by Akira...
Had the [Sage] been playing along with Akira's schemes while planning his revenge? She may have given the blue-haired mage too little credit, he had been a powerful mage on his own... Even if she didn't see too much about him besides him getting comically killed as a comedic relief in Akira's memories.
She now wanted to see what his [Soul Gem] held, she hadn't seen within Rena's because she was half sure that it would be full of debauchery and not the fun kind. Also who wanted to see Akira naked? Not her at least.
She wouldn't mind if they were only images of Rena...But Akira in the picture? Yuck, the world would be a better place if those images never resurged ever again.
...She may try to see if she could engineer a new kind of spell to cut parts of the information hidden within the [Soul Gems] later, she would try to do some surgery in Rossie's one later, she kind of wanted to see what Rossie looked as a hot nun.
An older hot nun, she loved her petite pink-haired magical girl girlfriend, but if Akira had done a single thing right, was dressing her pink-haired Rossie as a nun and making sure she [Developed] right.
...Was she giving the reason to Akira?
"I will be seeing you around Elizabeth, but before that. Here, this is a gift..." Michael said as he started speaking, he wasn't speaking in any language or even using [Idea]. " ◄■♠•◘♀♪♫☼‼¶↑↓→↑∟▲↕▼±‗¶§■►"
It was utter gibberish, "Your destination is Camelot right?" Michael spoke as a Magical Circle manifested under their feet and the world around them turned gray. Everyone stopped moving beside them, was Michael using an Isolation Barrier and a Time Barrier at the same time?
"Yes, If you can get us near the embassy that would be preferable," Rossie answered for her, she didn't even question what was happening.
"Sure, that should be doable. The margin of error will be around 5 mm...You should be fine, so far the magic of this planet seems to be focused more on flamboyance than on efficiency. Also, they have this weird fixation on barriers and contracts. Really...who even taught them?" Michael smirked as he shook his head.
I'm sorry, that was Mama, she likes to make a spectacle of everything...
"Will you be fine after this [Sage]?" Rena asked on the side as the red-haired girl took their dummy luggage, she had told her that these were to pretend and weren't important. But the girl still took care of them.
"I will be fine. I'm currently on a secondary [Shift] spell, only you three can see my real appearance. Everyone else just saw you speak among yourself to a pink-haired girl, one of Rossaline's minions actually." Michael shrugged the concern away, "Have fun on your vacations, also. Take care on your return, the people here weren't planning on letting you leave. So you may want to check your immigration status on the other side."
And with those words, the magic circle under them alighted once more and Elizabeth felt herself travel through space, it was different from what she had experienced before. It was a travel way smoother than anything she had felt before too.
Unlike how it felt when her Mother teleported her to the MPI on the first day of classes, that time felt more like her mother encased her in Mana and brute-force the travel. The last time at the teleportation station was more rugged, as she had needed to spearhead the tear in space using the mana and try a stable wormhole.
But this?
This was a work of art, she didn't know anyone who could do something closely similar to this.
"[Mistress, I take offence to this. I can do it too!]" She ignored the voice of Aura at the back of her head. That girl didn't count since she seemed to have an [Origin] related to space.
Michael on the other hand didn't have one, so he was using his own knowledge about magic to do this? How much knowledge did he hold in that gem?
...She may need to steal that one after all. But for now? For now, she would worry about what followed after this. She would arrive at Camelot soon enough.
"Welcome to Camelot Eli-Eli...My hometown." Rossie said as they landed in a deserted alleyway.
"Oh, I know this place...There was this bakery nearby that always let us take some bread for free so long we cleaned the street." Rena said as she walked to the street, "Yes, there it is."
Elizabeth's shadow extended and their dummy luggage sank into the floor as she walked after Rena and Rossie who shared their knowledge of the area.
"Well, do you want to eat first? Or shall we go to your home first Rossie?" Elizabeth asked, hoping the pink-haired girl would like to spend a couple of months eating instead of going home.
No wait, she wasn't married yet... SHE WAS ABOUT TO BE JUDGED BY HER TO BE IN-LAWS!
"We can go home first, take a shower. You can take your nap while we wait for my parents." Rossie said with her lovely smile.
Dang it Rossie, why can't you read my mind for once...