I Started To Gain Sentience In An Eroge

Chapter 124: [An] [An] I’m super cute and super nice and super generous!

"Hey, Kumo! You want to hear the story of how I met C?" Walking through the midnight streets, not letting the atmosphere turn grim and awkward, I suggested. 

Keeping my mouth shut was nearly impossible. Only that faceless person could pull such a thing. He would have to try his best to do that, too! I liked to talk!

Of course, to keep the lady in my control, the knife was firmly pressed on her back to remind her of the situation she found herself in. Or the situation I forced her into... Hm... Either way, since her black dress was the type that had an open behind that stretched way too low, all the way down to her buttocks, I was sure Kumo was feeling the cold sensation of the metal and the air around us. My character settings gave me a jacket, so the wind did not bother me so much. But I had no clue how she was not shivering from the low temperature.

By placing a weapon within my reach, one wrong move, and kachick! I would dig her spine out and use it as a whip! We could even use it to show Kurokawa and see how she would react. 

People said I did not have a bright mind. Hah! I would show them—I would show them all!

It was not because I was violent! Not at all! C's An had always been the most delicate angel! At least, he had always complimented me that way, even after hitting someone in the face. C would never lie to me!


Unfortunately, Kurokawa's mother, a.k.a Kumo the bummer, the master baiter, the great party-pooper, still did not reply with anything. She barely made any sounds, just dragging her feet forward. It was as if I was talking to a brick wall or something. At least a brick wall would not wear skimpy outfits! 

Although her face seemingly twitched out of annoyance periodically, she preferred being silent rather than talking to me, who was undoubtedly eager to enjoy a conversation between fair ladies. Evidently, she would only do something when the matter of her daughter came up. Besides that, nothing mattered to Kumo that would make her react. And because of her silence, all I could hear was the howlings of the nightly breezes, the unending footsteps, and my voice. 

It got boring quite fast.

Why did my house have to be so far from the station anyway?

"It was a night just like this..." Ignoring her ignorance, I started yapping. "I was going through the trash at Han's place, digging through the rubbish with rubber gloves to find anything that I thought at the time to be worthwhile..."

Kumo kept her mouth shut the whole time.

But I no longer cared. Actually, I never did.

"I know your living condition is quite... odd, yet I doubt you cleaned your house. If my memories serve me right, Kurokawa made it so that the place was not a dumpster. Still, what we did was the opposite of each other. She was cleaning. I was fetching valuables."

Oh? Was that another twitch I saw?

"Anywho, it was actually C who came to me and offered a hand. Don't you think it's weird? Someone helping someone else look through the trash of another person? It's weird, right? Even I think it's weird. It made my first impression of C as the same kind of person I was, religiously devoted to Han, a bit coo-coo in the coconuts... Oh! Make a left here! We're almost home. Just a few more turns, and we're right where we should be!" 

I did not look at the time earlier, but it was probably past midnight. There were hardly any black shadows around us, even though there would usually be loads of them in the morning. With only me trying to lighten the mood while Kumo mustered her utmost effort to be a living statue, we continued walking through the empty roads. 

Everywhere I looked was dark and deserted, but they were lined with houses. Some of them were brightly lit on the inside, and their windows shone, perhaps because there was someone home. Of course, we all knew it was more or less this world's way to make everyone immersed in it better. Except for us, there was literally no one else present.

"However, unlike me, that boy had no gloves. Funny enough, I did not even notice that he possessed no face! Everything about him screamed abnormality, yet he dug out anything I pointed."

And soon, as words and cherished memories created images of a distant past, I could feel my lips curve upward to make a soft smile. My eyes were no longer looking at the back of Kumo but at the scene of our first interaction. 

I stopped talking to think of the happy days we spent together, remembered what had happened, and continued: "While we're on the topic of trash-digging, perhaps you don't know this since you were already gone. After your death, Kurokawa emptied all the rubbish inside your room. Oh, my bad! Not just trash! The bookworm threw away virtually everything in your room and broke the mirror into pieces with her hands. Blood was all over the place, holy moly."

"I guess she didn't want to let anything that reminded her of you in the house." Looking at the mature woman walking ahead of me, I muttered. 

Hearing Kurokawa's name, Kumo's head lowered as her shoulders dropped. Her fists probably clenched tight, too. However, since she had one pinky removed from one hand, that one had some motor complications. 

It was fun messing her up like that, but I had better use it in moderation. Pressing enough buttons, and things would soon go out of control. Using my brain could sometimes be too much of a hassle, but not using it altogether meant certain death. I did not want to make Kumo stress out and kill herself in the process. She still had her uses.

...Who was I kidding? If I saw buttons, I would push them. I would push those buttons so hard they would be worn and fall off the machines! Once they broke, I would install new buttons and try them again. It was not like C was here to stop me from messing around. How long until I would get a chance to play? With an exceptional specimen like Kumo, no less?

"Too bad Kuro died a while after that, too."

Right after my incredibly sorrowful commentary, the woman in front immediately stopped her footsteps and turned her head. Shady brown eyes gazed at my face with an immense amount of fury as if I were the murderer of her daughter. Her body was tensing up like she was a puma about to pounce or something. 

Thinking about it, she probably never knew Kurokawa's fate afterward. By the time the bookworm offed herself, her body was worm food already. That kind of reaction seemed normal to me.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm easily frightened!" 

While saying that with a teary tone, my hand moved the knife a bit, just enough so she remembered what was going on, and carved a sliver of crimson out from her back. I had to admit. Droplets of blackish-red slowly dripping and running down her porcelain-like skin were nothing short of an art piece. I could make money by selling pictures of her bloodied back!

Then, with a deep frown, Kumo started to talk: "Shut your fucking mouth!"

Interestingly, her voice was low but calm. Perhaps too calm.

"What did I do? Come on! Kumo! How come you think it's my fault she killed herself! Me? Who is... like super cute and super generous?" 

"If you dare hurt her...." This time, Kumo's voice became more forceful, with a little hint of losing her control.

Too bad I cut her off in the middle of her revengeful speech: "If you hurt her, I will blah blah blah yappy yap yap. Find something original, please! Besides, I didn't do anything to your beloved daughter before she could do it herself. C didn't tell me how he found her cold corpse, but it was sudden. And that was even before we got together, so I couldn't even ask him directly, duh!"

"You are lying! You must have done something to hurt her! She would never... She would NEVER!" Distressed, Kurokawa's mother turned her body to face me and grabbed my collar, completely disregarding the weapon I was holding. 


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lady! Murderer? Yes. Sadistic?

Okay, maybe yes to that as well. 

But at least I did it while looking super adorable!



(I just love writing An so much. She's such a puppy.



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