I Don't Need To Log Out

Chapter 86: Karmel

"I was a normal Trionian, living among others. Back then, there were countless countries fighting each other.

I never understood what they couldn't share, but soldiers died every day. My brother was one of them.

At the time, only humans lived in this world. There were no other races.

I was told to enlist, but I needed to care for my mother. So, I stayed behind to live with her.

Apparently, it was a shameful decision, and I was mocked daily. But I didn't mind.

When the wars peaked, some countries were already in ruins.

My country was in better shape than the others, but not by much. Food was scarce, and hope was fading.

Then Zeno came.

Zeno... No one cared about the games or anything. Zeno gave us nutrition. That's why everyone started playing the game called EVR.

Just as you are helping us now, I helped someone else then.

I became the best player, a mage leading my team through impossible challenges.

Still, the purpose was always survival. Playing EVR ensured we could eat while escaping to another world.

My mother, who was gravely ill, regained her health thanks to Zeno.

In a short time, wars ceased. With food, shelter, and necessities provided, Trion found peace.

Of course, it wasn't a permanent solution—human greed is infinite—but it worked, for a while.

I rose to prominence in the game, staying at the top of the leaderboards. The monthly leaderboard rewards helped me stay on top.

But then, we learned the truth. EVR wasn't just a game. It didn't change anything, naturally, since we had no other chance but to play.

I started thinking that I was just helping them as a payment since they shared their food with us. Continue reading at My Virtual Library Empire

Eventually, we beat the game. It wasn't easy. The final monsters were like Trion's current Keldars—users of Zeno.

And there were monsters native to that world in addition to the attackers.

Still, we prevailed.

We did everything we could, and

I struck the final blow against the last boss and was granted a wish. But before I made it, I learned the painful truth I'll now share with you.

EVR is omnipotent but lacks a will of its own. And some exploit this.

Imagine this: You have power and soldiers. You can invade a world that used Zeno before, let's call it planet A, and use their Zeno to attack the planet they saved, let's call it planet B.

After that, you can save planet B from the attackers coming from planet A. And you will get a free wish and planet A's Zenos.

Oh, you are naturally wondering how to save planet B since planet A attackers are using Zeno. The short answer is; it doesn't matter.

The ones doing this are strong, much stronger than me. Naturally, weaker than EVR, but they are still stronger than Zeno, so it doesn't matter if they have Zeno or not. That rule is only valid for the weak.

They can also find Zeno if needed from planet C or D.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. You could save Planet A you attacked as well, without needing Zeno at all.

Anyway, in short, there are many out there using this technique to deceive EVR's balance.

Untouched worlds are safe for now. The balance tips too drastically if they're invaded since they can't defend themselves and the interference from EVR would be much bigger.

But, think again now. Our world, Trion, received Zeno, completed its quest, and came back. And let's say I wished for something else like immortality or money.

How would we defend ourselves from being invaded, you ask?

Just so you know, once we received Zeno, we were already under their radar.

In the end, I wished for magic. I don't care what everyone else says about me. I did it to save Trion.

I brought other races to learn from them and cooperate.

I brought magic and a sword to defend myself.

I brought the monsters to get stronger.

The wars between nations ended.

Well, race war began, and humans died out. I regret it, but it was beyond my control.

Also, after I summoned the other races here, I couldn't turn my back on them to favor the human race only.

I couldn't choose a side in that war since everyone there was Trionian and my wish was to protect all of them from the outside.

Before I forget, they haven't attacked Trion yet.

Keldars are a separate threat unrelated to this. I can't tell you why they're here.


What do you mean why?

It's not the first secret I've withheld, why wonder about this one? You will learn about it soon, don't worry.

Lastly, I will talk about what happened after the magic came to this world.

When magic came, monsters followed. My friends and I resolved to eradicate them, leveling up to ensure Trion's safety.

This way, everyone would be safe.

Ah! I see you've absorbed an Atlas Core. What a waste...

But you've already realized that skills are meaningless, much earlier than I did.

Hmm? I can't see your thoughts. As I said before, I don't read your mind. But if I don't know what you are thinking, it means it is the power of some higher existence.

So there is a reason you know things earlier than you should, but it is related to a higher existence.

Don't worry, I'm not curious about what I shouldn't know.

Hehe! And no, I can't see your status screen.

Let's get back to the topic at hand.

Back to the topic: we killed monsters, knowing skills held no true value. We used their cores to craft equipment instead.

Haha! If you behave, I will teach you how to make them, but it doesn't matter since there aren't many monsters on Trion.

Okay, okay don't get angry, I am just joking.

Well, we thought we killed them all. Now, I know that some lived.

But it is okay. They won't do anything for now. You can even use them if you can find them.

Where was I? Aha! We killed the monsters and made equipment. But the monsters were also strong.

My team had 25 members. The top 25 of the leaderboard. But in the end, we were only left with five, including me.

My comrades died to monsters. And unlike the game, they didn't revive.

Well, we didn't think they would, anyway.

I blabbered a lot. There are a few more things I want to convey, but I can tell you about them later.

The conclusion is that your world is now under the radar of them. So, if you want to save them, wish for it.

I am not claiming my wish was the best.

You can also still choose to come to Trion. Your life would be safer than it would be on your original world.

Or, it may also be the other way around since we don't know when they will attack your world or Trion.

I am just giving you a warning I once received myself.

You were thinking this was my revenge story when I mentioned my mother and brother, right?

Hehe, they are unrelated. I just wanted to talk about them since it has been too long."

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