I Don't Need To Log Out

Chapter 73: The Gamers

"I'm a magic swordsman," Arlon revealed.

The revelation left the players stunned, their jaws dropping in unison.

"Wait, what?" Zack blurted, breaking the silence. "What is a magic swordsman?"

Before Arlon could answer, Zack leaned forward, shaking his shoulders in excitement. "Tell us, man!"

Arlon calmly removed Zack's hands from his shoulders, suppressing a chuckle. "It's my class," he said simply. "It's one of a kind, so please don't ask how to get it. And before you ask again," he continued, preempting the inevitable follow-up, "there might be other secret classes, but they're not something you should waste time searching for."

The players exchanged glances, their imaginations running wild. If Arlon had a secret class, what other hidden paths might exist in this world?

"Besides," Arlon added, cutting through their fantasies, "this isn't a game. You won't find secret classes tucked away in obscure corners like in RPGs."

His tone carried a note of finality, and the group quieted, absorbing his words.

Lei broke the silence with a sigh. "Man, this world is so weird. I feel like I understand less every time we talk to you."

The others nodded in agreement, but despite their lingering questions, they didn't push further. For now, they had more than enough to think about.

Especially for Zack. 'So that was how he was so strong... Anyway, it doesn't really matter anymore,' he thought.


Time passed while the group sat at the café, chatting and enjoying their drinks. Everything seemed good—almost too good.

Arlon, however, had overlooked something critical.

Since he didn't rely on it much, he had silenced the notification for the approaching logout time.

"Ah, it's already too late to head back to the inn. Let's at least step out of the café to log out," June suggested, standing abruptly.

For a moment, Arlon didn't understand what she meant. Then, it clicked—logout time was here.

They had less than a minute left, and there was no way for Arlon to hide now.

Even though he hadn't gained any strength from his title even after staying logged in for around three months, he still didn't want to log out.

The group quickly moved across the road, away from the busy café, ensuring they wouldn't accidentally bump into anyone when logging back in.

As they exchanged quick goodbyes, everyone disappeared... Everyone except Arlon, of course.


June sighed deeply as she logged out. The events of the day weighed heavily on her mind.

They had learned about their upcoming training, chosen their secondary jobs, and had to confront the reality that their choices would have lasting consequences.

She wanted to be an alchemist.

But she was still thinking about her decision to stay in Trion to help.

The logout brought her back to the early morning in her world. Stretching, she got out of bed, dressed, and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where her family was already awake.

"Good morning, honey," her father greeted cheerfully.

"Good morning," June replied, her tone a little subdued.

"Hmm? Is there a problem?" her father asked, his perceptive gaze narrowing slightly.

June blinked, startled. She was sure her face hadn't betrayed anything, and she prided herself on keeping her emotions hidden.

On top of all of that, her goofy father was the one who caught on immediately instead of her mother.

"Are you curious about how I knew?" her father said as if he was reading her mind. June was shocked for the second time today.

Her father chuckled warmly. "You're my daughter. Of course, I'd notice."

After a moment's hesitation, June asked, "Dad, if I decided to stop working on my game research and just played EVR... what would you think?"

Her father laughed heartily, catching her off guard. "Is that what's been bothering you? We'd support you wholeheartedly, of course."

"What? But why? Wouldn't you want me to focus on my career and stop playing games?" June wondered.

She couldn't understand. Most families on Earth would tell their children to stop playing games, but her family was saying they would support her.

He shook his head firmly. "June, you've always worked so hard, taking on responsibilities you didn't need to bear. Your mother and I don't need your help. What we want is for you to be happy. If playing EVR is what you want, we'd be thrilled for you."

"More importantly, we would be happier if you played games. We know that you felt responsible for the support you received from us and didn't play any games.

Instead, you studied and worked to take the load off of us. But, you know that we don't need your help, right? We just want you to have fun, even if a little.

So, go ahead and do whatever you want, we will support you no matter what."

Her mom also looked at June and nodded while smiling.

Her mother nodded in agreement, smiling warmly.

For the first time in a long while, June felt an immense weight lift off her shoulders. Perhaps it was okay to do something for herself for a change.

It was somewhat the opposite of what Zack was trying to learn. June learned that it was okay to be selfish once in a while.


While June was talking to her family...

A message popped up on Carole's phone:

Hey! wanna meet up? (Lei)

The message was from Lei. Just as how Zack and Pierre were close since they were the only boys in the group, girls also had their own separate message group.

This message came to that group exactly.

I am down. (Carole)

Carole answered instantly, somewhat more energetic than ever before.

June also replied positively after a while. So, the girls of the Gamers Guild went for an outing.
Enjoy new tales from My Virtual Library Empire


An hour later, the trio met up at a coffee shop.

"It's getting colder these days," Lei said, sipping her hot chocolate. "Fall is the best season!"

"What do you mean fall is the best?" June retorted. "Spring is way better!"

Carole tilted her head, confused. "Aren't they kind of the same?"

"The same? No way! Spring is all about shaking off the cold, lifeless winter," June explained, her tone dramatic.

"And fall is about escaping the unbearable heat of summer," Lei countered with equal flair.

Their spirited debate filled the café with laughter, and Carole couldn't help but smile. For a moment, their usual lightheartedness returned.

Eventually, the conversation turned to more personal topics.

"Didn't Zack seem different today?" Lei asked suddenly.

Carole stiffened but feigned indifference.

"Yeah, he seems like he's trying to change. Good for him," June said, glancing at Carole.

"What do you think, Carole? Isn't it time you forgave him?" Lei pressed.

"Hmm? Forgive him for what?" Carole asked, playing dumb.

"Come on, Carole!" Lei exclaimed. "It's obvious he's changing for you."

Carole sighed, her mask of indifference slipping just slightly. "Not yet. I still don't know if he's genuinely changing or just playing at being a better man."

"Aha!" Lei's eyes widened in surprise at the easy answer she got. Normally, she needed to talk to Carole a lot before Carole told them anything about Zack.

They also talked about Lei and Pierre. This wasn't a secret between them. June gave Lei a hard time with her personal questions and Carole watched.

After a bit of front and back, this time it was Carole's turn to ask and June's time to suffer:

"Alright, June," Carole said, shifting the spotlight. "What about you? You seem pretty close to 'Mr.' Arlon."

June nearly spit out the coffee she was drinking. She was both startled by the question and the one who asked.

Normally, Carole was the one trying to put an end to the topic of love lives.

Just as she was about to give the same answer she always gave, the one about 'I don't want to be together with anyone, I have more important things to do', she stopped.

Just that morning, she had learned that it was okay to be selfish sometimes.

So, instead, she answered differently for the first time:

"Even if we forget the fact that we haven't even seen his face, I don't even know the guy. Who he is? Where does he live? What does he like? He doesn't even talk to us unless necessary."

The answer was still negative, though.

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