I Don't Need To Log Out

Chapter 67: Hesitancy

Zephyrion's expression shifted as Arlon explained. "Ah, do you mean the stone that came from space?"

"Huh?" Arlon blinked, caught off guard by the statement.

"Yes, the Samera Stone," Zephyrion continued. "It is said to have arrived in Trion long ago, falling from the heavens during a meteor shower. Many believe it is not of this world."

Arlon's mind raced. He had never considered the origin of the Samera Stone before. To players, it was simply a quest trigger—an unassuming object in the marshlands.

But to hear it described as an artifact from space added an entirely new layer to its significance.

"So… you knew about the stone?" Arlon asked, trying to mask his surprise.

"Of course," Zephyrion said, smirking slightly. "It's no secret among scholars and administrators. But its true purpose remains a mystery. Few have dared to venture into the marsh to study it closely, as the area is teeming with dangerous creatures."

Arlon nodded slowly, absorbing the information.

He hadn't expected this turn in the conversation, but it aligned with his growing understanding that Trion was far more complex than he had initially thought.

"Well," Arlon said, redirecting the topic, "the Samera Stone quest is where the titles come into play. Completing the quest grants saviors a title. Mine, however… is different."

He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "My title allows me to bypass certain restrictions—one of which is the pause time. That's how I've been able to act like a Trionian."

Zephyrion studied Arlon carefully, his piercing gaze seeming to weigh the truth of his words. "Interesting. And this title of yours… does it have a name?"

Arlon shook his head slightly. "I'd prefer not to share that if you don't mind. Also, I don't plan to share this information with anyone else."

What Arlon meant was that Zephyrion shouldn't mention this to anyone else. This information was dangerous.

Even though Arlon was the strongest player in Trion, his body was still on Earth, defenseless in a Zeno capsule.

He was almost sure that he wouldn't be caught since he was wearing a mask in the game whenever he acted like a player. Explore more adventures at empire

"Fair enough," Zephyrion said, leaning back again. "You've given me much to think about. Also, having someone who doesn't get affected by the pause time on our side will help a lot."


Arlon still had many things to talk about like the Magus Council or, more importantly, EVR. But Zephyrion didn't have time.

He had spent almost a whole day with Arlon, but he was even more busy than the other administrators.

It was just that Arlon had brought important and interesting things.

So, Zephyrion needed to go back and work extra now.

The events of the day weighed on Arlon, but he knew he still had his own tasks to manage.

Pretending to log out was one of them, a necessary ruse to maintain his dual roles.

Just as he settled in his room back at the inn, a knock sounded at his door.

"Come in!" he called out.

The door opened to reveal Maria, standing hesitantly in the doorway. Despite having seen her earlier that morning, she seemed like a different person now. Her complexion was pale, and it looked as though she'd lost weight in mere hours.

"Mr. Arlon, can we talk for a bit?" she asked softly.

"Of course!" Arlon replied, standing immediately. "Let's head to a nearby café."

He had anticipated this moment and was prepared to lend a listening ear.

The two walked to the café where the players often gathered. It was a medium-sized place, but the wide spacing between tables made it easy to have private conversations without fear of being overheard.

After they took their seats, Arlon ordered coffee, while Maria only asked for water.

"How can I help you?" Arlon asked, breaking the silence.

"Mr Arlon..." Maria started but hesitated.

"Just call me Arlon," he said with a reassuring smile. "I don't like being called 'Mr.' anyway." He was trying to ease the air a bit.

"Ah, okay. Arlon," she said, managing a faint smile. "I've been thinking a lot about what we learned today, and I just... I don't know what to do. I feel so guilty. Can you help me?"

"Hmm... I don't know how to help you. Do you want me to answer it for you?"

"Ah, i-it's not that... I just don't like it." She faltered, lowering her gaze. "I killed so many of them— those Keldars. Even if I didn't realize it at the time, I can't stop thinking about it now."

"I see. First of all, though you killed some Keldars, they weren't exactly people."

"What do you mean?"

"This is a long-asked question and a moral dilemma, to be honest. Since the Keldars you killed weren't sentient, they are no different from animals. Do you think it is ethical to kill and eat animals?"

"Yes, but that is for our survival and definitely different from this."

"Is it, though? If you didn't kill those, they would kill the villagers. I don't know which village was your starting town but think about it.

You have been thinking about the Keldars you killed since the time you learned this wasn't a game, but also think about the children in that village.

They are also real and thanks to you killing the Keldars, the children survived."

Maria looked conflicted but didn't respond. Arlon continued, recalling his own experience when he first learned the truth about Trion in the past timeline.

He had been shocked, though not as deeply affected as Maria or Carmen. Even so, the weight of it had made him question his decisions.

He even thought about quitting the game for a while. But he didn't. So, he needed to make sure Maria also understood what her actions really meant.

"I get it," he said. "But survival here isn't as clear-cut as it is on Earth. If you don't act, others will pay the price."

He paused, letting his words sink in before offering another perspective. "Let me tell you something that's still a secret for now to give you a different perception. Do you know why Arlon was rewarded? Ah, of course, I mean Arlon the guide?"

Maria shook her head. "I assumed it was just part of a quest we'd learn about later. Honestly, I thought it was tied to the story— like Lady Rael's 'love life' rumor I chased down. That was so embarrassing now that I think about it!"

She was also angry at herself. Since this turned out to be real, the things she wouldn't feel embarrassed about were catching up to her.

"Anyway, Arlon was rewarded because he found the Keldars' plan to kill everyone in all of the starting towns."

Maria's eyes widened in shock. "What? How?"

"Do you remember the quest we had after the tournament? We caught a monster under the city. That wasn't hidden by the administrators.

That wasn't an isolated incident. Every starting town had one or two of those monsters hidden away.

Their plan was to let them grow strong enough to attack the towns and kill everyone inside.

So, the Keldars you killed were also for survival."

"But it wasn't my survival," Maria said weakly. "Why should I be the one to kill them?"

She wasn't trying to be a bad person. She just didn't like the idea of killing since she was from a modernized world where she didn't need to kill to live.

"Huh? Then, Arlon's tone softened further. "Do you hunt, raise, or process the meat you eat on Earth or does someone else do it for you?"

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