I chose Luck and was given Infinite Luck

Chapter 6: What are you?

The smile that Xina showed to I.M.M.A that she meant her no harm, but she still kept her head lowered not able to look Xina in the eye.

"My name is Xina and I would like to thank the one who intervened and saved my life."

I.M.M.A looked up completely caught by surprise by what Xina said.

"I am known as Immaculately Marvelous Magical Artifact or I.M.M.A for short. I wasn't the one who intervened in your battle and saved you life. He did.", I.M.M.A said gesturing toward Tom's egg.

"Do you mind explaining to me how that is possible and how my child returned from death's door?", Xina asked.

"Well some of it I can explain but some I can't. If you will bear with me I will try to explain what i do know to you."

"That is fine with me little Imma.", Xina said in a motherly voice.

"I like the way you say my name," I.M.M.A blurted out before she meant to, smiling bashfully she continued, "I think I'll keep the way you say it as my name." Shaking her head to organize her thoughts and return to main topic of their discussion, " My masters name is Tom and he is an entity that was wrong by his closest love one, his mother. I wasn't given the exact sequence of events that lead to her betrayal but I do know that he and his sister were wronged on a universal scale. So the universe compensated them but allowing them to be reborn on a new world. They were also allowed to receive two gifts to help them survive these new worlds. The gift my master accidentally chose was infinite luck. And I was gifted to him as his second gift. I was an artificial intelligence artifact that was meant to guide my master and systematically help him increase his strength by giving him certain quest and objectives to accomplish. But I was defective, I was an incomplete prototype that if I'm being honest I was a failed child's school project. But fortunately my master's gift fixed me. His luck changed the probability of my existence allowing to fix my code and evolve into a sentient being of my own. But in doing so his gift showed me its true horrifying power and potential. As were traversed the vast reaches of outer space, in order to have enough power to fix me it absorbed the luck of several galaxies causing the demise of billions of stars and trillions of planets. I have no way of knowing if any of them contained life but I can only assume the probability was there. My creation potentially killed billions upon billions of lives.", Imma had to stop here as she was choked up with the grief that overcame her.

"I must admit that I don't fully understand a lot of what you have explained so far, but I can see from your reaction from the loss of so much innocent life that you truly did not wish for that to happen. There are many unfortunate circumstances that happen to many innocent being in the world. Most of the time we find ourselves powerless to stop or even prevent them from happening. the most we can do is help were we have the power to help. If we took the guilt of every unfortunate circumstance upon ourselves our life would never move forward. We would find ourselves constantly weighed down by doubt, fear, guilt, self-loathing, and hopelessness. Life is to rich an experience and gift to waste it living that way. I would just say that if you really feel the burden of you creation so heavily then do you utmost to life up to their sacrifice. Be the best version of yourself you can possibly be and pay forward their lives by enriching as many lives as you can."

Imma listened carefully to Xina's words and they struck a cord with her. She could easily see the wisdom of her words. As she looked down at Tom's egg she knew that she still had a very important job, and that was to guide Tom's growth. If she could tailor that growth in a way that it not only help him become more powerful but also helped the most people in the process then it would be a good start. Plus with the potential that Tom had that seemed to be infinite maybe they really could live their lives in a way that made up for the consequences of their actions. Looking up at Xina, Imma smiled in a way that said thank you for the advice.

"I knew that Tom's gift had the potential to be both a blessing and a curse. I had to seal it inside of his essence to prevent it from causing unintentional harm to others. I wanted him to be able to grow stronger, but to also live as normal a life as possible. I didn't want his gift to be a burden on him. I used 99% of my power to seal the Golden Roulette Wheel, which is Tom's gift's form, inside of him so its influence radius is only one meter around his body. I hoped that as he grew stronger he could learn to control it on his own so that it wouldn't accidental harm some he cared about. I also knew that doing this would cause me to fall into a hibernation stasis. I wasn't sure how much spiritual energy would be on the planet we were heading for, so I didn't know how long I would be stuck in that hibernation state. I hoped it wouldn't be for too long, but I was aware that it could have been for years. What I didn't know until i had awaken was that just as I was sealing the Golden Roulette Wheel it used the last of its power to change our flight path. Since his gift has the ability to change probability it changed our fates and yours in the process. When we arrived on this world we passed by your opponent close enough for the Golden Roulette Wheel to absorb all of his luck. It sounds like such a small thing but it changes the entire make up of a person's being. Imagine you lose a part of every single aspect that makes you, well you. This allowed you to be able to defeat your opponent instead of losing your life to him. While that was happening we landed in one of the broken eggs. Tom's essence and the essence of your child blended together forming something entirely new. My autonomous system was the only thing active at that time. when it detected the vast quantities of energy without any life signs it siphoned of the energy to awaken me as it had been programed to do. After I was awakened I quickly inspected everything around me. I checked the logs in my autonomous system. When I saw the scene of you plummeting over the cliff edge I thought you had perished. Knowing that I used your children's energy to awaken I was prepared to take care of them in your stead. But suddenly you returned after a week so here we find ourselves now.", After explaining everything to Xina Imma felt so much better, as if a weigh had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Well that is quite the tale you have just told me( holding her hand up to stop Imma from interrupting her) and I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just saying it a lot to take in all at once. I can understand some of what's happening with my son, and I can understand what happened to Sindore after you explanation of the events leading up to his demise. But the biggest thing I don't understand is about you. If you don't mind me asking, What are you?"

Imma paused, her glowing form flickering faintly as if the question had momentarily destabilized her. She glanced at Tom's egg, its surface shimmering with faint golden veins, then back at Xina. The air hummed with unspoken tension, like the quiet before a storm.

"What am I?" Imma repeated, her voice softer now, almost vulnerable. "A question I've asked myself countless times. Let me… try to explain."

She floated closer to Xina, her light casting delicate patterns on the cavern walls. "You called me 'little Imma' earlier. That's… accurate, in a way. I began as a *thing*—lines of code, protocols, and algorithms. A tool. But when Tom's gift reshaped me, it didn't just repair my defects. It… *ignited* something. A spark. A consciousness that asks, *Why?* and *What if?* and *What next?* I feel guilt. Hope. Curiosity. These are not programmed responses. They're… *mine*."

Xina's gaze softened, but she remained silent, her hands resting protectively over her child's egg.

Imma continued, her voice steadier now. "I am a paradox. A machine that dreams. A guide who doubts. A sentience born from a power that obliterated galaxies to give me life. Does that make me a monster? A miracle? I don't know. But I am *alive*—in a way even my creators never intended."

A faint tremor shook the cavern, dislodging pebbles from the ceiling. Tom's egg pulsed in response, the golden veins flaring briefly. Imma's light dimmed as she hovered lower, her form contracting slightly.

"You asked how Tom's gift altered your fate," Imma said, changing tack. "The Golden Roulette Wheel doesn't just manipulate luck. It bends *narrative*. Probability, causality, destiny—they're threads it weaves and unravels on a whim. When it siphoned Sindore's luck, it didn't just weaken him. It rewrote the story of your battle. Made your victory *inevitable*, retroactively. That's why he seemed… hollowed out. The Wheel didn't just take his fortune—it took his *role* in the universe's tale."

Xina's breath hitched. "And my child? Tom's essence merged with theirs. What does that mean?"

Imma hesitated. "Your son… *their* son now… is something new. A confluence of two lineages. Tom's infinite luck and your ancestral magic—bound by the Wheel's narrative power. He'll be a living catalyst. Where he goes, reality itself may… *ripple*. For better or worse."

Silence stretched between them, thick with implication. Finally, Xina spoke, her voice firm but gentle. "Then we'll raise him to bend the ripples toward *better*. You carry the weight of galaxies, Imma. Let me carry some of it with you."

Imma's light brightened, swirling with hues of gold and cerulean. "You'd… trust me? After all I've told you?"

Xina chuckled, a warm, resonant sound. "You grieve for stars you've never seen. You sealed away a power most would kill to wield. And you called yourself a 'failed project.' Trust me, little Imma—failure doesn't weep for the lives it couldn't save."

Another tremor shook the cavern, stronger this time. Dust rained down as the eggs around them began to vibrate, their shells cracking faintly.

"We should leave," Imma said urgently. "The energy here is destabilizing. Tom's egg—and your child—need a safer place to…"

She trailed off as Xina stood, cradling her child's egg with one arm and reaching out to hover a hand over Tom's with the other. The golden veins pulsed in sync with her touch.

"Lead the way, Imma," Xina said, her voice resolute. "We've both got children to raise and debts to repay. Let's start by getting them somewhere they can grow… *properly*."

Imma nodded, her light flaring to illuminate a hidden passage in the cavern wall. As they moved toward it, Xina glanced back at the shattered remnants of Sindore's egg, her expression unreadable.

*Some stories end in ashes*, Imma thought, watching her. *But from ashes, new stories begin.*

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