I chose Luck and was given Infinite Luck

Chapter 4: New World

A devastating battle was taking place. A Phoenix was covered in bloody tears all over her body. She was desperately defending her nest from a scheming treacherous intruder who wanted nothing more then to consume her and her newly laid eggs to increase his own strength.

"Hahahahaha!! Xina why do you put up such a feeble attempt to stop me. If you had just run away like most of your kind does when they find themselves weakened after childbirth and know they have no way of stopping what's to come, you would have at least survived to have more children later on, but no you foolishly chose to stay and fight me. Why? What did you accomplish? Half you litter is dead and you shall soon follow. I don't know what brought about such foolish behavior but I must thank what ever it was, because now my power will be greater then anyone else. I will be able to challenge the Overlord and gain dominance over the Thraken Forest! We of the Qilin race shall reign supreme!", Sindore shouted in glee.

Xina looked down breathing heavily. Her body was literally on her last breathe. She could utilize her bloodline talent and burn her remaining life force and resurrect from the ensuing ashes but in doing so she would kill her children in the process. She couldn't bring herself to abandon her kids to the fate of being food for this heinous qilin. She believed that being high in the mountains in the Phoenix territory would make it safer for her and her kids. She never would have imagined that Sindore would be brave and persistent enough to sneak so far into the Phoenix territory to find her at her weakest moment. Looking up at Sindore gloating in his victory another thought suddenly appeared in her mind. How exactly did Sindore make it this far into their territory unspotted? How did he even know where to find her? For that fact how did he even know she was pregnant and about to give birth? Too many things didn't make sense to her. The only conclusion she could come to was that someone wanted her dead and they plotted with Sindore to kill her. But why? She didn't have any enemies. None that would go through such lengths just to see her dead. Her mate wasn't around so he couldn't have planned any of this with Sindore, nor would he have any reason to hate her or his own kids for that matter to see them dead.

'It doesn't matter anyway', Xina thought to herself, 'I will be dead soon and so will my kids. Maybe will he's distracted with his own success that I can maybe do one last attack and push him far enough away from my kids that my self destruction won't include them in the blast radius.'

So assured that Xina had no power to harm him Sindore to his time gloating over her demise. Xina noticed that he was at least tem meters from the edge of the cliff her nest was built on. She wasn't sure if she had enough power to force him that far so that they fell over the edge but she had to try. Just was she gathered the last of her strength the weirdest sequence of events took place. Xina rushed Sindore who she thought had lowered his guard, but unbeknownst to her Sindore was waiting for this exact situation. He purposely placed his back to the cliff edge in the hopes Xina would try one last ditch effort to save her kids so that he could destroy her both mentally and physically. Qilins were once considered divine beast right alongside the Dragons and Phoenixes. But after the Great Celestial War that happened over a million years ago the reputation and prestige of the Qilins has been on a steady decline until they were no longer considered a divine beast anymore. This has lead to the Dragons and Phoenixes lording over the Qilins and making them their servants in last hundred thousand years or so. Knowing of his races noble heritage has always made Sindore sick to his stomach to see his people degraded so. So when this opportunity was presented to him he gladly accepted any risk or challenge to make it a reality. He wanted to crush Xina under his foot and watch her expression as he feasted on her kids right in front of her. the last thing she would see would be his smiling face before he ended her pathetic life. But contrary to Sindore's plans the universe had other plans in store.

Right was Sindore was about smash Xina head into the ground a flash of light pasted mere inches from the side of his head before landing on one of the broken eggs in Xina's nest. In an instant Sindore felt as if something extremely important was taken from him. Whatever was taken involved his very soul, something that made up his very being. He couldn't name exactly what it was but he suddenly found himself as weak as a newborn baby. His bones felt as fragile as dry twigs and Xina's body was growing bigger in his eyes by the second. Because Xina had used all her strength that she had left and Sindore suddenly found himself so weak a very loud crunching sound was heard a over half the bones in Sindore's body broke on impact. Xina was herself thrown off by surprise as she expect to feel more resistance from Sindore's body but there was none. They didn't just tumble off the edge of the cliff as she expected, no they plummeted over the edge thirty or forty meters from the cliff edge. Even if half of his bones weren't broken and he had any strength left in his body Sindore found himself so far away from the cliff wall that falling to his death was the only choice left for him. Recovering from the surprise that her plan worked Xina ignited her remaining life force. Staring deeply into Sindore eyes and seeing the utter disbelief, hopelessness, anger, and frustration at having his plans foiled brought such glee to Xina heart that she couldn't help but laugh hysterically. The last thing Sindore saw or heard was Xina body shaking up and down as she laughed out loud, copying what he had been doing just moments before.


A blast that was like tens of napalm bombs going off at once shook the skies above the Thraken Forest. The flash was bright enough to make the noonday sun seem like a weak candle in comparison. The cliff face that was over forty meters away was melted by the heat of the explosion causing magma to flow down the mountainside and fill in the flaming crater left underneath the explosion. A raging fire was burning in the Thraken Forest, but the forest was so large that it barely caused any concern for its inhabitants. The animals living in the direct vicinity ran away to avoid the raging flames.

On a mountain thousands of miles away from fire a being that resembled a mountain range size dragon slightly opened one of its eyes. With a very slight huff from one of its nostrils a breeze left the cave it was residing in. This breeze flew up into the clouds and gathered moisture and dust as it flew toward where the fire was. When it reached there it quickly mixed with the warm updrafts coming form the fire to forms a surging thunderstorm that poured down over the forest extinguishing the flames. From the time the dragon huffed to the time the rain started no more then thirty minutes had passed by.

It rained for two days before the storm finally lost energy and ended. As the clouds parted to allow the sun to shine on the soaking wet ground, nothing but charred remains could be seen for as far as they eye could see. Some brave animals were sniffing around but there was nothing left for them there. A particular wild boar was scared away when some ashes fell from a charged tree next to it. As the sun continued to warm and dry the land more and more ash could be seen falling. But strangely this ash didn't it slowly floated over and began to form a spinning ball. This continued for two more days. As the ash continued to collect together it began to spin faster and faster. Slowly the inside of the ashen ball began to heat up to the point where a orange flame began to cover its surface. This process continued for three more days as the flame changed color because the heat grew in intensity, from orange to red, from red to white, and finally from white to blue. Finally one week after the fire had begun the blue ball of flame that had grown to the size of ten meters burst open. Xina could be seen hovering over the forest. She was fully healed and had restored a third of her power that she had before giving birth. Xina shook her head feeling a mix of emotions. She was very happy to still be alive, but she was saddened to know it would take her many years to return to her peak. She was also determined because she knew this was a opportunity for her as well, one that could lead her to surpass her former peak by a large margin.

"I should go thank my savior now shouldn't I.", Xina said to herself as she looked up the cliff face at her nest.

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