I Am This Murim’s Crazy B*tch

Chapter 565

Tang Nan-ah had a heavily annoyed expression.

Of course, since Tang Nan-ah never picked up on social cues, whatever she thought just popped out transparently.

“What’s up with you guys? Why are you following me? Don’t you have a home? No place to go?”

“Lady Seomun. Uh. Uh.”

“Why are you all talking like this? No home? Nowhere to go?”

“My heart. None. None.”

Quite the poignant tidbit from her personal history.

Feeling that, Tang Nan-ah scrunched her face, even the famous Evil Woman of Sichuan—

“Are you a beggar?”


Hmm. Nope, I guess I underestimated Nan-ah.

Thinking back, I have a vague memory of Qing being called a beggar too,

Oh, I think someone asked if she had no mother.

Of course, there was no malice intended—

“Well, if you’re a beggar, just laze around on the street. Why are you following me? You’re trying to mooch off Qing, aren’t you? Hey, Qing, did you hear that? This one here is up to no good!”

Such a heavy dose of malice.

Then again, a feisty puppy really does bite.

“Tsk, can’t do.”


“Don’t wear such a sad face for no reason.”

To be honest, if it were truly a sensitive matter, Seoliri wouldn’t have just stood by and let her bark.

And, well, Gunyongi really was a beggar.

Seriously, if not for his face, how could he survive?

“Enough about this leech, but what’s with you? Why are you following me?”

At that, Pang Dae-san shrugged his shoulders.

“They say the martial arts of the Yangtze River are breathtaking; what a coincidence that our paths cross.”

The three gorges of the Yangtze River, Gu-dang Gorge’s Serung Valley showcases the finest scenery along the river.

To boot, the stunning cliffs seen from the river are renowned, and the most beautiful Divine Maiden Peak is especially celebrated.

And on the side that can’t be seen from below, the Divine Maiden Sect is situated.

“Are you a pervert? Why are you spying on someone else’s sect?”

“Guess I can be a pervert just fine.”

Tang Nan-ah’s harsh words are nothing new.

In fact, it doesn’t even matter.

“Hey Qing! Did you hear that? This guy’s a pervert! A filthy scoundrel. He admitted it himself! As soon as I saw that shameless face, I recognized it at once?”

“I thought you called him your husband when we first met. You were all sweet to him—”

“What? No! I can’t stand guys like that!”

If she says so herself.

Tang Nan-ah is from the Tang family, living all the way out in Sichuan.

With the Divine Maiden Sect on the way to Sichuan, she’s using that as an excuse to go home.

But I figured Qing Seoliri would naturally tag along, and considering that Gunyongi really was a beggar, he probably would’ve stayed at the Divine Maiden Sect if it weren’t for a Martial Alliance mission.

But I didn’t expect Dae-san to follow too.

Well, didn’t Choi Riyong complain that his child wouldn’t go home at all?

He does seem to have a penchant for wandering around, so it isn’t particularly odd.

And there are plenty of types who just don’t want to go home; even after a banquet ends, they keep dragging everyone out, “Hey, can we go crash at your place? Let’s grab some hangover drinks in the morning!” That’s just how some people are.

The kind who cling to their subordinates, too pitiful to just go home, and those nuisances whom you want to tell to just go home already.

Some folks simply can’t stand being cooped up at home and must go out.

Remarkably weird types who lose energy if they stay indoors at all.

For normal people, being outside drains energy, and you recover by staying home, right?

How could it be otherwise? Truly a mystery.

Anyway, with Nan-ah complaining nonstop, grumbling on and whining about Qing, we slowly made our way.

The carriage touched down at Jagwi-hyun. Jagwi-hyun?

What’s this? Is the coachman trying to abduct us again?

But no, he had seemed suspiciously friendly.

For some reason, it felt like I was seeing Jagwi-hyun for the first time in half a year.

The land around Jagwi-hyun belongs to the Divine Maiden Sect.

And that land was directly granted from the Imperial Family.

The Seolga Merchant Association, which manages that land, doesn’t even need permission to build here.

They’re just constructing houses plop after plop, and the workers are suspiciously skilled masters, likely using supernatural abilities they learned through martial arts.

This was all part of the wicked plan to transfer the capital of the Demon Cult.

The future sacred city to house the divine flame won’t be Musan, but Muhan.

Anyway, this coachman was no ordinary guy; he behaved like a thoroughly dedicated servant.

Strangely enough, with his shoulders confidently puffed up, there were people looking at him with envious eyes, wishing they could be him.

Of course, Qing, busy chit-chatting with friends in the carriage, wolfing down snacks, was blissfully unaware.

Thus, we arrived at the Seolga Merchant Association.

The group hesitated as they got off the carriage.

“What’s with that seductive-looking woman?”

She was the very embodiment of lust, radiating allure just from standing still as she awaited the arrival of the group.


“Did you come back? Oh! You’re hurt again? Are you feeling okay? Be careful.”

Gyeon Pohee approached without hiding her worried expression, casually taking Qing from Nan-ah’s arms.

“Uh, uh?”

Before she even knew it, Tang Nan-ah had basically handed Qing over, the transfer was as smooth as passing off a load to a servant.

Even the subsequent embrace, oh so skillfully executed, made it clear that the now-held Qing looked quite comfortable leaning against her.

It was an entirely natural posture that nobody would question, whether they were on serving duty or not.

This was the true grace of a supportive figure!

Only the rookie handmaidens, a step short of their training, would fail to bring such supreme comfort.

“Oh, right. If Hi-mae is here, then where’s… the other one? He’s not here, is he?”

“Huh? You mean the nephew?”

“Forget the nephew, who cares about him anyway?”

“The nephew was taken away by the shamans. He originally wasn’t supposed to be out, but he seems to have snuck away.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

Qing let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Ah, are you guys meeting for the first time? This is my, um, well, my sister… uh, yeah.”

In an instant, Gyeon Pohee’s eyes widened, and that seductive look she had quickly transformed into a cheerful smile like a child’s.

Wow. If she’s happy like that, what’s going to happen to me…?

“Huh? Nan-ah, I saw you last time when we went to the opening, didn’t I?”

“Oh? Is this the same one? But she didn’t look like this back then, all prim and proper. She seemed so dull and plain. Hmm, but she’s definitely got that pretty face now.”

“She just had a makeover and looks way prettier now.”

While this was happening, Seoliri politely bowed her head.

“Hello, I’m Seoliri. Can I call you Sister Gyeon?”

“Hmm? Sure! Oh, my! I like her, she’s sweet. She’s pretty too, her hair’s lovely, her eyes are nice. Hmm? Does she look a bit like Seol, huh?”

“Thank you.”


Tang Nan-ah had a moment of realization, her expression showed she was caught off guard.

But Qing’s perspective was somewhere else.

Right. She could talk normally.

Qing already knew why Seoliri answered every question, as Seolga had told her that the barbarian brats from the North Sea would automatically answer if they weren’t treated like dirt.

Not answering was also why they had short replies.

They’d get slapped for being too chatty, considering their low status.

“Here’s San-i, Pang Dae-san, the most handsome in the world. Hi-mae, have you heard of him?”

“Umm, no. I haven’t heard of him, but should I have? Ah! Could he be the future brother-in-law? Do I get a brother-in-law now? Can I see my nephew?”

Gyeon Pohee’s “yes” was a nod, while her “no” refused.

But her eyes sparkled, while Qing chuckled, dashing that excitement.

“Pfft, as if, he’s just a friend.”


San-i even agreed in his low voice.

At that moment.

The main building’s door creaked open, bang!

“Why are you standing there, get in! You don’t look so good. What are you walking around for, girl? What ridiculousness are you up to, causing your face to look like that? Tsk tsk.”


Since she wasn’t feeling well, Qing just smiled as she greeted him. Choi Riyong’s lips also softened.

But that was just for a moment.

The moment his gaze landed on Pang Dae-san, his expression changed, twitching into something fierce, his face suddenly transforming from warmth to malice.

The once-great Demon Lord hadn’t lost his edge at all, seeming as fierce as ever.


“Uh, no. Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat.”

Qing thought.

Interesting. Since a while ago, every time Grandpa sees my face, it’s like he offers food first.

Hmm. That’s definitely my grandpa. The best grandpa ever.

The dining room of the Seolga Merchant Association is large.

Larger than even the main building, it’s almost ridiculously spacious for a manor.

Anyone looking would think, “Wow, that looks fantastic! They say that family-style dining helps to build bonds!” But-

In reality, the dining room isn’t so spacious; the giant banquet hall occupies most of it.

Every time, I wonder why it’s built this way.

According to Seolga, the association needed to treat guests well; thus, it found a way to showcase its splendor in banquets.

Certainly, they must be making an impact.

With so much extravagance that makes a first glance feel like a high-class banquet, and yet with pretentiousness lacking entirely, the ambiance definitely screams elegance.

And in there stands an exotic beauty who’s more handsome than beautiful.

“Seolga! Whoa, how come you keep getting prettier? Should I just call you the most beautiful in Hubei now?”

“Right off the bat with insults, I see. You came here too.”

“Yes. But you got prettier.”

“Well, you don’t look too bad either. That’s good enough.”

“Aah, Seolga, have you managed to squeeze out the last of that plan? Is Seolga-ryun dead now? No longer around?”

“I buried him well. Uh, let’s not talk about that. They say he visits the grave every day, sobbing for a bit. This guy who was all about the courtesans has become unexpectedly sentimental. Thanks to that, they pushed him outso he had to stay at the association and can’t leave.”

That was a very harsh and suspicious conversation.

“Can you at least say it nicely? What’s with all the vulgarities? In front of the kids.”

“Tsk. Do your friends only stick to certain types? You’re no fun at all.”

Every one of the three’s expressions turned sour in unison, failing to witness the blushing face Seolga had wanted.

Seems like this beautiful Auntie still can’t kill those lewd instincts.

“Here’s Seolga. The smartest in Hubei and most handsome guy, my chief advisor, the uncle of this girl here. Uncle? Is that right? Or more distant? Cousin? Second cousin? Third cousin?”

“Uncle, indeed.” “No way.”

At that, the two Seolga brothers exchanged glances.

And Seoliri, more so, chimed in once more.

“No way.”

“Well, it’s a bit awkward to call you uncle when you’ve not done anything for us yet.”

Seolga shrugged.

“What’s with that? Are you a eunuch? You seem to have some sunken blood there, you a man, right? Isn’t your family known for being eunuchs?”

“Ah, I just absorbed my martial arts poorly. And besides, there are women who equally have such traits as well, right?”


Anyway, on a table filled with dishes coated in sweetness, spice, and saltiness, with steam rising from them, everything was perfectly prepared.

Qing, having no particular thoughts, went about her day.

However, Pang Dae-san seemed slightly bewildered.

Did the cooking get coordinated to coincide with our arrival? As if the timing was perfectly optimized for when the carriage rolled in.

But Qing was clueless, as usual.

Instead, she casually remarked.

“Oh, right. Did I take a step into the Realm of Transformation?”

“……?” “……?” “Wow! Congratulations!”

Only Gyeon Pohee offered her congratulations.

Somehow lacking in common sense and believing everything Qing said, she’d react as if it were just another everyday accomplishment.

“Hey, you should’ve said that in advance. You have such a big event and just treated us to this small affair?””

“Small affair? I doubt they’d serve this in the Imperial Palace. Seriously, though, how ridiculous. Just because I achieved such a trivial step, do you want me to throw a feast?”

“Why not? If you had let it be known, we could’ve served food out in the square. When did it happen?”

“When did it? Was it the night before the last full moon? Is that right? Oh, was it the day prior? But why do you want to know?”

Why, indeed?

It’s just another added commemoration for the future Muhan Sacred City, one more anniversary.

But Choi Riyong pretended not to know.

“Hmph. Shouldn’t an old man like me find out a month later? Why didn’t you send me a letter? How could a girl be so oblivious?”

“I was still deciding whether to announce it to the world. And it’s just that, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s not something grand. Just a little more like picking up a fallen coin, oh, wait. People who aren’t in the Realm might not understand, right? Grandpa knows what I mean, right? Just like that.”

“Wow! Uncle, you’re amazing!”

Qing was feeling quite proud of herself.

Her friends had gotten used to it and simply ignored her again as if it were a routine.

Seolga’s expression, however, was slightly twisted, which only fueled her excitement.

Ah, this is why I’m charged up for the transformation I took!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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