I Am The Annihilation Maker In Marvel

Chapter 17: Summoning A Legend.

When Samuel arrived in front of the planet Morag, he could tell that the planet was only home to beasts. With his bond with Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia he could sense the past that had happened here. 

Many centuries ago, Morag had been a thriving civilization, but the scientists and those in charge tried to weaponize the Power Stone in it's base state. Unlike the Tessaract or Septer, without a housing unit the Stone's raw power was unleashed. 

In the end, the civilization had been decimated leaving just beasts behind. The survivors sealed the Power Stone in the orb and hoped no one would find it. Samuel tilted his beastial head as he sensed this. 

"This is why only the strong should even think of holding the stones."

He held his hand out toward the planet dragging the Orb containing the Power Stone from its temple. The orb flew into his open hand instantly making his mood quite cheerful. His meeting with Death had opened his eyes. 

If he wanted to be more than just another upstart, he had to go big. Not too big, but big enough for now. He flexed his hand crushing the casing causing the stone to fall into the palm of his hand. Much like the Space Stone, just touching it caused it's boundless energy to flow into his body.

Unlike the Slave of the Collector who was vaporized, his cellular structure, drank in the Stone's raw power. This energy was fused with his mana causing the energy of the Space Stone to react. 

Even now, the Space Stone in his heart increasing its output. From what he could tell, the Space Stone was trying to flee. It was outputting huge amounts of energy, but it just gave him more energy to create his monsters. 

"Down the hatch."

He tossed the Stone into his mouth and just like what happened to the Space Stone, he felt the stone get dragged into his Heart. It took its place next to the Space Stone causing the power of both stones to magnify. The infinite energy of both stones merged with his mana which then flowed through his very being.

He could feel his cells, Annihilation Maker and his very soul drinking in this power. His mind expanded and with it the Divine Authorities of his three pets.

"2 down, 4 to go."

The sheer preasure of his power radiated off him like a pulsar which he drew into himself. Now that he had two Stones, he used them to find the next one. He focused on his bond with Dialga, The Pokemon God of Time. With the power of the Space and Power Stones and Dialga's divine authority, he searched the universe for the Time Stone.

When he found its location, he didn't waste a second. He teleported to its location which was in the center of a quasar in a galaxy near the center of the universe. For a moment he looked down at the titanic super black hole as he could sense the Time Stone in the core of the Black Hole.

Even this supermassive black hole couldn't put a scratch on the Infinity Stone. He did wonder if Thanos truly destroyed the Infinity Stones or if he only temporarily destroyed their current form. 

"Questions that have no answer, as for the Time Stone why was it here of all places?"

As he flew down into the center of the Black Hole, he was subjected to the titanic gravity of the black hole, but he didn't even feel it. With Palkia and Giratina, spatial and gravitational anomalies weren't even a danger.

If anything, he the two gods were drawing in this energy into themselves. He smirked as he communicated with the two. 

'We can come back later. For now, we got bigger fish to catch.' 

The two accepted his words as he reached the core of the Black Hole he saw the Green shimmering Time Stone in a pocket of Time Energy. Samuel reached out and grabbed the Time Stone directly.

When he did, the Stone's potent power surged into him just like the other two. However, since he was currently merged with Palkia and Dialga, the Space and Time Stones were even more compatible with him.

The Power Stone on the other hand seemed to resonate with Giratina even though it's power was empowering the four of them.

"Three down."

He opened his mouth before he swallowed it as well. His Heart almost on instinct pulled the Time Stone into itself causing it to resonate with the Power and Space Stones.

He was going to instantly move to search for the Mind Stone, but he was forced to stop. He placed a hand on his chest as he could feel the Infinity Stones trying to escape him. 

The stones which were sentient began to try to overload his heart to kill him. At the same time they began trying to fly out of his heart, but his organ didn't allow them. His heart held them in place and drew more energy from them to fuel Samuel's power. 

The more they strugled, the stronger they made Samuel. Even now, he could feel his body begin adapting to better hold the stones and dealing with their energy bursts. Any minor damage regenerated instantly which was why he took in Doomsday's and 682's adaptation.

"What doesn't kill me, just makes me stronger. You're not going anywhere."

Still in the center of the mega black hole, Samuel closed his eyes as he searched the universe for the Mind Stone. He expected Thanos to be in control of it, but he was wrong.

Instead, he found the Septer in a Galaxy near the Milky Way. Rather than the Mind Stone being in the hands of Thanos, it was under the control of a alien cultist. The humanoid being had gotten his hands on the Stone and he used it to take control of his entire world. 

He spread a religion on his world which he hoped the spread to other worlds. Samuel smirked as he teleported to the planet where the Mind Stone was. When he arrived he didn't do so in orbit. He appeared in front of the Alien Cultist.

The alien was humanoid with dark indigo skin with four arms. He sat on a throne of pure gold with the Septer in his hand at the top of a pyrimid. He was using the pyrimid as a conduit for the Mind Stone's power to dominate the entire world's population.

The people here swere laves away, committing violent acts in the name of the Stone's Master. They were used to built statues in his honor, or just sing praise. However, when Samuel appeared just his presence alone caused the alien holding the Septer to freeze in place. 

Being looked at by essentially four gods with three of the Infinity Stones was more horrible than anything he imagined. The Alien was subjected to the instence Spatial, Gravitational and Time based horrors of being in the presence of god like being killing him. 

Samuel reached down and picked up the Septer without even having to do anything. 

"With this, that makes four. Power, Space, Time and Mind."

He grabbed the casing before he crushed it exposing the yellow Mind Stone. Without hesitation, he swallowed it as well. One the Mind Stone was swallowed, his heart like a hungry predator swallowed up the Mind Stone.

When this happened, Samuel felt his mind itself grow stronger, and the power of all the stones increased. The sheer amount of energy merging with his mana was rising by the second. He was glowing in a corona and power and this was empowering Giratina, Dialga and Palkia directly. 

Even now, the Stones were desperate for release, but he would give it to them in the future. The Stones were powerful, but so many others in infinite universes held them. The Stones were a tool, nothing more to be used not the end game.

"That is how it is." 

Rather than leave directly, he flew down to the surface before he landed on the ground. In his resonated state, he was over 30 feet tall looking like a humanoid draconic beast in colorful armor.

Since he was in a rush, he didn't plan to stick around. He closed his eyes as he used the four stones in his heart to sense the location of the last stone he could get to by himself.

The Reality Stone which had been turned into the Aether by unkown means, was hidden away in a pocket dimension between Dimensions. Jane Foster found it by steping into a spatial anamoly in London during the convergence. 

Samuel didn't need to do that so he teleported back to Earth in London. Now with the Mind Stone, he decided to be more subtle. He drew back every last piece of his power as he arrived in the abandoned building where the anamoly had been located. 

He shrunk himself down until he was just 10 feet inside the abandoned building. Their was nothing as the convergence wasn't for another three decades, but he didn't need to wait for the Convergence. 

He raised his hands as he used the Divine Authorties of his three gods and the four Reality Stones to open the portal anyway. A invisible tear in space time opened for him which he used to step through. 

When he did so, he arrived in the cave where Bor had hidden the Reality Stone. Even now, he could feel the Four Stones in his heart trying to reach out and warn the Reality Stone. It was almost amusing as he held his hand out breaking the Stone monolith housing the Aether. 

The liquified crimson Reality Stone shimmered toward him until it was in the palm of his hand. With a flex of his fingers he forced the liquid Aether to solidify into the Reality Stone once more. 

With the Reality Stone in his control, it meant he had aquired all the stones he could aquire by himself. The Soul Stone on Vormir still required a sacrifice and he had no intention of giving anything up. 

He couldn't give anything up either since he was quite greedy. Then again, he didn't have to he could just wait patiently. He tossed the stone into his open mouth and swallowed it. His heart dragged the Stone into it's self causing the five stones energy to feed Samuel even more power.

With the Reality, Power, Space, Time and Mind Stones he was basically the strongest being in this universe. However, without the Soul Stone this power was incomplete. 

He shook his head as he could just Time Travel, but that would cause a splinter time line and he wasn't in the mood to deal with that. 

"Then again, what does it matter. The first five are good enough." 

With part of his goal complete he returned to his Pocket Dimension in record time as well. He appeared on the top of his castle where he released the resonence. When Dialga, Palkia and Giratina seperated from him, he could see that they had vissible evolved in some ways. 

The power of the Stones had empowered them to new heights. 

"I couldn't have done it this well without you three. You are my greatest creations, my companions." 

He meant those words which made the three Godly beings bow their heads to him. He would reward them, but for now, it was time for him to get creating. He clasped his hands together as he drew his mana infused with the power five Infinity Stones. 

Depending on what he made, he could basically make anything. 

"I hope you are watching, One Above All. This one, is for you." 

He really meant it as The One Above All's curiosity and deals had led him here. He slammed his hand down into his shadow feeding a truly dreadful man. The Eternal Night God himself, Ahrimane Reagen Blade. 

A Life and Death Hunter who could feed on Life and Death itself. Reality itself seemed to buckle as a truly ludicrous amount of energy was being devoured by Annihilation Maker. 

Normaly, he would run out long before he could finish, but with the Stones he could summon him now. From his Shadow a type of intent was released, it was not Killing Intent, no, it was something even above that. 

His Pocket Dimension seemed to bleed and tear which made his Pokemon Gods, and his Titans work overtime to maintain it. Death from her realm looked out at Samuel in wonder. She wanted to see what this monster he was bringing to life was. 

Not just Death, her sister Life was also looking. What Samuel was making went against both Life and Death, a monster that even the gods feared. Humans that fed on Life and Death itself. A Life Hunter and a Death Hunter rolled in one. 


Above them all, the supreme power The One Above All watched with great curiosity. As the creator of everything in the Marvel Multiverse. he knew everything about his creation. That is why, he was greatly intrested Mysteries, things he didn't know. 

When he was approached by those gods from outside, he accepted. It let him learn, see knew things, things even he didn't know. While he watched Samuel, he watched others like him who would never meet each other as long as he willed it. 

He couldn't let these fun individuals run into each other risking them against each other. However, now as Samuel brought a truly powerful being to life, he got his full undivided attention. 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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