I Am The Annihilation Maker In Marvel

Chapter 12: Solar Charged

When Vomi and Stark reached Cerebro, they got to work with the supervision of Beast. Since Hank had been the main engineer behind Cerebro he was the one who watched over the two. 

When they entered the chamber, Hank saw 21, fly over to the headset of Charles while Tony began to scan the entire room. He moved his hand back and forth through the entire room scanning and analyzing how the machine amplified psychic powers.

As he did that, Beast looked at Tony before realizing something.

"You look familiar, your name is Tony right?"

Tony nodded.

"Yup, Tony Stark.

Beast now felt confused.

"Like Howard Stark?"

Tony snapped his fingers.

"Bingo. You might be wondering how I exist while Tony Stark is barely 12 years in this universe. Well, the-"

Beast cut him off.

"Multiverse theory, you are from another universe explaining how you exist alongside this universe's Tony Stark."

Tony nodded as it was better than telling others about Annihilation Maker. Not everyone had to know about that.


As 21 analyzed the headset and it's hardware Tony finished his scans. Beast did want to know one thing.

"So why does your Master want this?

"Consider it a World Sage thing, curiosity. They are curious about magic, technology, and anything they find interesting. Plus, Cerebro can be used to enhance his powerful mind even further. Magic takes a lot of brain power which he has in spades, but little more doesn't hurt."

Beast began to pace as his mind as a scientist began to question magic. How did an energy that didn't function on the rules of physics work?

"So what is magic? A type of external energy that is controlled through calculations or something."

Vomi raised her head as she looked up from the headset. 

"Depends, there are several kinds of magic. Chaos Magic, blood magic, sorcery and they all have different origins. World Sages were just better at it than anyone else and they produce their own as well."

Beast began thinking of the World Sages as a race. What could really drive such a powerful race to commit genocide against each other?


Speaking of Samuel at the moment he and the entourage were in Charles Xavier's office. The Professor felt he really needed a drink now that he could walk. Storm and Scott stood with Xavier who seemed to have a lot on his mind. With Samuel were 2B, Grayfia, Puck, and Diablo.

They sat down on the chairs by his sides looking a bit out of place. As for Belion, Beru, and Igris, they had returned to his shadow for convenience's sake. Xavier for a while remained quiet before he asked the question.

"Tell me more of the Celestials, please? I need to know what threats we face. The truth of our world?"

Samuel stood up before he waved his hand projecting his magic. He showed the three X Men the past, Earth in its primal form. While it still was just a fire ball of molten rock.

"Let's start 4 billion years ago when Earth was a molten fireball just born after the sun. Back then, it was just that, a rock. However, during the formation of Earth, the Progenitor himself landed on the planet."

He shows them the Celestial crash landing on the planet. The giant Cosmic being was massive, yet dying. Black diseased fluids spilled from its body."

"Celestials are creators, they make life and universes. But the multiverse needs balance. They too must have a counter, meet The Hoard."

He waved his hand and showed those bugs. A swarm that envelopes planets to feast on their life.

"They infected the Progenitor and he came to Earth to die, and quarantine himself. His diseased fluids spilled onto that fireball affecting its evolution forever."

The three mutants watched as The Progenitor died. It fell slack while its black blood spilled onto the molten surface.

"This single event gave rise to extraordinary life on Earth. However, the Hoard that infected The Progenitor didn't die with him. They infested the planet planting their eggs deep underground.

Later, another Celestial came to search for the Progenitor. Zgreb The Aspirant came searching for its fellow Celestial. When it did, The Hoard didn't kill it like they did The Progenitor.

They infected him and turned him into the first Dark Celestial. Dangerous even to others of his kind, but he was stopped by a team much like the X-Men. They called themselves The Avengers which because of time travel bullshit doesn't exist in this world just yet.

As for this team members got together over a million years ago if you would believe that. Their names were Agamotto, Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Phoenix (Firehair), Odin, and Starbrand. 

If my surviving memories serve me right, the team broke up because Odin tried to force Firehair to marry him after the death of Black Panther. Anyway, forget them as that was Ancient history, what they did though matters. 

Earth currently has three Celestials on it. Progenitor who is dead under with his corpse at the bottom of The Artic. Zgreb the first Dark Celestial sealed under what is now South Africa ready to rise again. 

Finally, Tiamut slumbers in gestation in the core of the planet. As for the Hoard, they are still on this planet. Buried deep underground, dormant, but will rise to feast one day. That is why I say, prepare to jump ship unless you can find a solution."

Xavier watched the projections before he sighed. Learning the history of their world and why mutants existed answers many questions. He always assumed that mutants came about after the nuclear age.

"This is a lot to know, to know that such risks are under our own feet. Mutants and humans, at each other throats, have been keeping us all alive."

Samuel shook his head as they were not the only ones.

"You're not the only ones, Humans, Mutants, Mutates, Deviants, Eternals, Inhumans, Atlanteans, all of your squabbles and wars are keeping you alive. As for me, well I am here to learn, gather information then jump ship when the time comes."

Storm rubbed her head as she thought of the horrors to come. Even the strongest Mutants couldn't face a Cosmic being that could create universes on a whim. However, she did want to know one thing about Samuel.

"If you don't care, why stay at all? Why warn us? You must care at least somewhat if you want to tell us to prepare for the future. It can't just be for Cerebro, can it?"

Samuel stood up before he walked toward Storm until he towered over her. Scott and Charles tensed as Samuel gently cupped Storm's cheek. He raised her chin to look him in the eyes. 

Taking the moment, microscopic tendrils of the blacklight pierced Storm's cheek. She didn't even notice as skin and blood samples were taken from her.

"You're right, I do care somewhat about your planet. Because of the Celestials and the many cosmic events, it is a breeding ground for extraordinary beings. It is like this across the Multiverse.

In the universe and multiverse, Earth is just unique. Something to treasure and I like to watch how the Earth evolves and changes. I consider it a learning experience after all

Storm reached up and removed Samuel's hand from her cheek. It was too late as the Black Light Virus began to decode her DNA, especially the X gene. He could feel how his DNA integrated her powers and how delicious they were.

His own magic reacted with the X gene of Stom to control the weather as the two systems worked together. Storm reached up and held his hand. She knew if they wanted to live they needed him. If he knew what was coming then he had to know how to stop it.

"Then help us save this world and its people."

Samuel looked down at Storm before he thought about it. Did he really have to care about this single planet in a single universe in an infinite number of them? There were so many greater cosmic beings out there that a single universe was nothing. 

However, he decided to at least stick around this Earth for a couple of years. If needed he would jump ship as he did want to set up in Earth 616 which this was not. 

"I guess I could try to help, while I am still here anyway. As I said, we World Sages are not known to remain on one planet for long."

Xavier wondered something. Samuel seemed pretty well-informed for someone with little memories.

"You said you had no memories so how do you know all this?"

Samuel pointed at his head.

"I said I had no memories of my past, except for the traditions and knowledge of what I am and my experiences. I have been in this world for millions of years, slumbering like the Celestials. I was last awake a million years ago.

When I woke up, I used my magic to relearn the culture of this planet and its ancient history. Does that answer your questions?"

Xavier shook his head.

"No, just makes more but I digress. What can we do to halt the threats that endanger all of us mortals? Anything at all?"

Samuel shrugged. 

"That is for you to decide. Will you gather your human governments, gather every faction in the world once again to try to stop the end of your planet? Create another Avengers team of super-powered individuals to try to stop the destruction of the planet? Whatever you decide, I will be watching with great interest. 

I might even throw a hand here and there."

Puck suddenly flew off his shoulder before flying toward the Professor.

"Yeah shiny head, decide what you will do."

Charles squinted his eyes as he looked at Puck. A flying cat that was talking, flying, and insulting him. He already didn't like it.

"And who might you be?"

Puck placed a hand on his chest before bowing.

"I am Puck, the adorable spirit. I also go by The Beast Of The End, fear me." 

As a result of his adorable nature, no one took him seriously. They just thought he was Samuel's talking cat. Scott even sighed at the annoying cat.

Puck smirked as he flew back to Samuel. He extended his hand catching Puck. Samuel turned around as he could sense that Tony and 21 had plans for Cerebro. Grayfia, 2B, and Diablo got up from their chairs as it was time to go. 

"We will be leaving, I got what I wanted."

Scott crossed his arms.

"You got a phone to keep in contact or are you going to send us an owl."

Samuel laughed as shook his head.

"No need for that. I know where you live. Now, until we meet again, I have things to do."

Samuel was just going to regroup with 21 and Tony who were coming up. However, he tapped his foot quietly on his own shadow. He sent a burst of mana into it and hid it with powerful illusion magic.

From his shadow emerged a swarm of microscopic Nanoscarabs the microscopic nanomachines of the Necrons. The swarm spread out and they began to take DNA samples.

They first started with the Professor and Scott who had powerful X Gene abillities. They then began to spread out through the school where they would collect DNA samples for Samuel. 

This would a while so when 21, Tony, and Hank entered the office Samuel knew it was time to go. 

"You got the plans?"

Tony pointed at his suit's helmet.

"Got the plans, should be able to add this to the Celestial Buster suit. Maybe even combine the Celestial Buster with the future Trypticon Mechagodzila or whatever you want to name it.

Charles looked at Samuel with a small smirk.

"You're building a suit to fight Celestials?"

Samuel smirked back.

"I did say I was preparing for the worst. Besides, I am not the only one to think of it. If you will excuse me, it's time for me to leave. I have to prepare."

Samuel clapped his hands and teleported away taking samples of Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Ororo, Beast, and soon the mutant students of Charles's school. As for where he went, he returned to his castle throne room.

"Tony, 21, go and return to your team. Get to work on the upgrades. Leave the retrieval of The Progenitor's corpse to me. With that, you should have the Celestial body to make the buster suit."

Both Tony and 21 nodded.

"You got it, boss."

Tony flew off while 21 stayed behind.

"What about you sir? What are you going to do?"

"Prepare. This universe is just one with an aspect of each Celestial. There are powers at play even I don't want to offend. At least, not yet. For now, I have to prepare by making some stronger servants and acquiring the corpse of one of them. 

Without explaining further, he teleported them to the place where he would be his strongest. To Mercury, the closest celestial body to the sun. Other than 21 who he left behind, his enteroge was at his side. 

Grayfia squinted her eyes as she used magic to shield her eyes. 

"That is quite bright."

Puck, even put on a pair of ice shades.

"And hot. Too hot." 

2B basked in the heat of the sun while Diablo gazed at the sun with some fascination. As for Samuel, he could feel his viral matter of the Black Light began adapting, shifting as he devoured the potent solar radiation.

He had devoured three different species that fed on Solar Radiation, Kryptonians, Daxamites, and Tamaraneans. Their genes along with Saiyan, Czarnian, and Viltrimites made his cells mini suns of mana. 

"Wait for me here." 

Samuel kicked off the surface of Mercury before he flew directly to the sun. He reached it instantly as here in space there was no resistance. When he reached the sun, his cells drank in the solar radiation before rapidly converting it into mana. 

A normal human had around 30 trillion cells while he had many times that. Each of those cells began to store more and more mana. That mana flowed into his soul and into Annihilation Maker which grew in strength. 

The consciousness of the gear drank in his mana greedily. As it did, he could feel more abillities of the gear surface. His future creations would be more complex, more powerful, and feared. 

When he opened his eyes they were glowing such a bright red that they looked like two crimson suns. Just having Kryptonian genes felt like a cheat, yet he had even more than just that. He focused on the Earth as his awareness increased to new levels. He aimed his hand at the planet as his senses enveloped the entire solar system. 

His eyes locked in on the Artic under the surface where the dead corpse of The Progenitor sat. While the Celestial was dead its spirit lived on among its many iterations across the multiverse. It really didn't care what happened to its body so after he found its corpse under the Arctic Ocean, he used his magic to pull it from the ice. 

He then teleported it to Mercury and when the Celestial appeared on the planet, he prepared to fight just in case the Hoard emerged. He scanned the dead Celestial with his Kryptonian X-ray vision and magic before he sighed in relief. As he had thought, The Hoard had moved on to Zgerb who was now a Dark Celestial. 

Celestials after being infected by the Hoad lost their Omnipotence and became much weaker. Even their armor lost most of their powers, but as Samuel looked at the copse he could feel the Black Light reacting. 

He could try to absorb The Celestial, but the risks were extreme. 

"No, not yet. Better give this over to the science team. They can use this as the basis for the Celestial Hulk Buster suit. Then, I will use the Black Light and become a true cosmic being." 

After enjoying the feeling of the sun's powerful solar energy being converted into mana he teleported them all back into his Pocket Dimension on Earth with the corpse of The Progenitor in toe. 

With this much mana, he had two more members of the Science Team to create to make the final product even stronger. 

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