HP: Supreme Potion Collector [Original Female Protagonist]

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: The Old House

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At the entrance of Waters' old house, Orli welcomed Harry inside. The house remained in its old shabby state, everything seemingly covered in a layer of dust.

Night had already fallen completely, and Hermione had bid them farewell earlier to return home. Orli suspected her hasty departure had much to do with their previous discussion about house-elves.

"Welcome to the world of orphans," Orli said with forced cheerfulness, clapping her hands. The ceiling light responded immediately, though all its crystals had long since been removed.

Dryncorpse flew over with a flutter of wings, perching outside Hedwig's cage and staring at her haughtily. Hedwig began hooting anxiously, forcing Harry to release her. The two owls darted around the house until Orli shooed them onto their perches to settle down.


It wasn't until the end of last term, after everything had settled, that Orli finally found the chance to tell Harry and the others that Dryncorpse was a Christmas gift from Snape. Their jaws had dropped wide enough to fit a dragon egg.

"That's so unfair!" Ron had protested for days. "If he'd give me an owl, I'd speak nicely about him too!" He now believed that Orli's constant defense of Snape was largely due to receiving the owl.


"Sorry, you'll have to make do with the living room tonight," Orli said apologetically, glancing at the old sofa. She hadn't expected to bring Harry home, and while the house had many rooms, only her bed was properly furnished. The other rooms lacked even basic bedding.

"No, no, this is absolute heaven to me," Harry exclaimed cheerfully, dropping his luggage before beginning to explore the living room.

In the decorative paintings, white clouds drifted across the sky, a water wheel turned with a gentle rumble, and a flock of sheep bleated softly at Harry from their pasture.

An uncleaned cauldron still simmered with Bubotober pus, spiral blue smoke floating above it.

The shelves by the fireplace were packed with various potion books, notes, and stacks of ancient parchment scrolls.

An old self-announcing clock chimed, and a miniature Norwegian Ridgeback dragon emerged from its hole, breathing a tiny flame.

Even a Doxy peeking out from behind the curtains fascinated Harry for quite a while—Orli quickly sprayed some Doxycide, worried he might get bitten by its venomous fangs.

"So this is what a wizard's home is like! This is my first time in a real wizard's house!" He excitedly looked around, finding everything fascinating.

"Well... it's actually quite run-down. If you ever visit a proper wizarding family, you'll see how shabby this place is," Orli said sheepishly.

"No, Orli, don't think like that," Harry turned to face her.

"If you'd grown up in a house like the Dursleys', you'd know how lucky you are. Think about it - you've known about magic since childhood, and you even have Polly. I'd trade a hundred Dudleys for her! Don't be upset about what Hermione said. You just have different perspectives. I'm sure you and Polly have a wonderful relationship, and she'll understand that too."

Orli felt her eyes welling up. She nodded and looked away.

"If you haven't had dinner, I have plenty of jam sandwiches from the Muggle supermarket in the kitchen. I'll have Dryncorpse send a letter to Ron soon. He's invited us many times, but since you never replied, he's been quite worried."

Shortly after, Hedwig and Dryncorpse flew out together carrying letters, playing and chasing each other in the sky. Orli figured Hedwig must have been desperate for freedom after being caged for so long.

They ate some sandwiches and snacks, then lay on the living room carpet working on their essays until they dozed off.

The next morning, they were awakened by a knock at the door.

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