Chapter 13: Chapter 12 - Annoying
Hope POV
I have been annoyed since last night, some guy thinks he do whatever to get Karina to come to him, he thought wrong!
Me and Karina are driving to meet Davin, he's a annoying antagonist in this world, no matter how many times he gets beaten up he comes back like a cockroach.
But he's dying today from all the people he's killed, he's the last opponent in the books, I've gotten rid of the other so he's next.
We arrived to the estate this bastard was in as he had security.
Hope: Let's make this quick, being close to the bastard makes me wanna kill him more.
Karina came and hugged my arm to calm me down and it's working.
Karina: I know, will only see what he wants but if you kill him than that's good enough for me especially after what he did to a lot of families really.
Hope: Well, let's get this party started but if anyone insults you then there dead.
We walked forward security let us through the gate as we entered to which we see the front door to make our way to it as it opened to see a maid opened the door to invite us in as we walked in to see vampires lounging around.
But then we were stopped by vampires who had knives I see had eyes for Karina.
Vampire: Well well, look what the cat dragged in, it's been a while Karina.
Karina: Terrance, it's been a while.
Hope: Who's he?
Karina: He was supposed to be my husband but then he used me for status like all the others.
Hope: Him marry you?
I barked out laughing as that's the most funniest thing I've ever heard like seriously.
Hope: Have you seen you and him, it's like Heaven and Earth really.
Karina: Thank you, I do my best.
Terrance: Who's this bitch?
Karina: My mate, so watch what you say or I'll rip your head off your body.
The vampires were surprised cause Karina never really got a mate.
Terrance: Your with her? You belong to the coven you little bitch.
As then I grabbed him by his throat hoisting him up in the air.
Hope: You got a smart mouth, you need to watch who your talking to especially my mate, now buzz off.
I threw him over my shoulder like trash as we kept walking to Davin while the vampires are shocked, Karina said vampires in the coven were over nine centuries old so me doing that they may think I'm way older than that.
We walk through a door to see a man who is bald with a goatee and burgundy suit drinking bourbon, Davin of course.
Davin: Your finally here, you got some nerve leaving me without my permission but your back so that all that matters.
Karina: No, I came to tell you to stop bugging me or you will die.
Davin got angry to sped to Karina but grab him by his throat as we're finally getting to it finally.
Hope: She warned you, Goodbye bug.
I dropped him in midair to plunge my hand into his chest removing his heart as he fell down on the floor dead but burned his body for sage measure as we walked out to see the other vampires dead as there creator is as I led the human maids and prisoners who were being held as dinner out to burn the house down. I called the police as me and Karin left to go back home as another problem solved.