Honkai, why do you only throw me into high-level battles?

Chapter 178: Is This Love?

Lin Wei knew Durandal had met Stan before. That was why he orchestrated their "chance" encounter, using Yae Sakura as an intermediary.

That encounter had allowed him to incorporate Durandal into his plans, avoiding the potential disaster of being blindsided by her—though that risk still lingered.

Timely intelligence was crucial.

That's why he didn't want Durandal getting too attached to Stan. Especially now.

At first, he thought he'd been mistaken. Cats and dogs were common in every city.

But as he got closer, the purple-red markings on the cat's tail were unmistakable. Yae Sakura's confirmation sealed the deal, hitting Lin Wei like a ton of bricks.

"How are they together?"

According to Yae Sakura, their previous encounter had been brief and inconsequential. Durandal hadn't suspected anything, and they had parted ways quickly, allowing Yae Sakura to continue tracking Stan back to Jackal's lair.

But the current scene, the undeniable intimacy between Durandal and Stan, threw Lin Wei off balance.

"When did the plot jump ahead?" Had he missed something crucial while he was away? She's cuddling the cat! Don't tell me you've already captured Jackal?

This thought filled him with a silent "What the f*ck?" Surely Jackal wasn't that incompetent? Defeated in a single day?

If so, things were about to get messy. If Jackal was captured, he wouldn't remain hidden for long. The image of his own demise flashed through his mind.

But even if "Lin Wei" was known to Schicksal, "He Kun" wasn't... yet.

A quick mental assessment reassured him. It wasn't a total disaster. He still had time to gather intel and uncover the truth.

Taking a deep breath, he approached the pair, forcing a casual demeanor.

"I never knew you were a cat person, Durandal-Sama..." he said, closing the distance. "Bringing one along even on missions?"

A quick glance at the collar calmed his nerves. It was still there. If Durandal had been suspicious, the collar would be gone, probably destroyed.

Okay, not a total disaster... but still a disaster! His relief was short-lived. What if Durandal discovered the cat's true nature? That cat is a walking, purring science experiment. It's practically begging to be investigated! If the cat had fallen into his hands…

Turning a "very bad situation" into a "different very bad situation" wasn't ideal. It meant the inevitable clash between Schicksal and World Serpent would still occur, forcing him to choose a side—at least he couldn't let Jackal fall into Otto's hands.

"Please, Durandal, don't let your 'Tuna' nickname down..." he thought, hoping her obliviousness would prevail.

"You misunderstand, Mr. He Kun," Durandal replied calmly. "While I adore this little creature, I'm not its owner. We just happened to meet here." Despite her calm tone, she gave the cat an extra affectionate rub, as if hoarding future pets.

Lin Wei chuckled, recognizing genuine affection.

"Can humans and cats fall in love at first sight?" he wondered.

In the original timeline, Durandal's adoption of Stan had been absurd. She had seen him attacking her partner. He had attacked her as a Honkai beast.

But one belly rub later, she'd forgiven him, insisting on taking him home, stubbornly ignoring all advice—especially from Rita and Otto.

Durandal rarely displayed such "willfulness."

For example, she had also adored the Kevin puppet and wanted to repair it as a sparring partner. But Rita's gentle persuasion had made her abandon the idea. Rational and pragmatic as always.

But with Stan...

Durandal had defied Otto only a handful of times: releasing Fu Hua, the confrontation at Kolosten… and now, snatching Stan from Otto's clutches, even against Rita's drawn blade. (Durandal, you made Rita sad.jpg)

The level of devotion was astounding.

"Maybe this is love..." Lin Wei mused. The valiant, resolute Durandal, a secret cat lover?

Was this the legendary "gap moe"?

Is that why you dote on Kiana so much? Not because you're a siscon, but because she's your "Kiana kitty"? Right? Right?

Sensing his strange smile, Durandal felt a prickle of unease. She knew that look. She'd seen it on Otto and Rita's faces. It never boded well.

"Mr. He Kun, you're very quiet. Something on your mind?" she interrupted.

"Ah, no, just lost in thought," Lin Wei recovered, offering an apologetic smile. "I just didn't expect you to be a cat person, Durandal-Sama. It's quite… unexpected." He gestured towards Stan.

"...Well, I suppose I've disappointed you," she replied, recalling his eagerness for her autograph. Embarrassment? Durandal didn't experience such emotions.

Stan, disturbed by the interruption in petting, opened one eye and glared at Lin Wei. "Mind your own business, kid!"

To his surprise, Lin Wei met his gaze, then quickly looked away.

Hmph, weakling. You wouldn't dare offend Stan-Sama! He closed his eyes, resuming his purr-induced bliss.

"He actually looked at me?" Lin Wei turned to Durandal, feigning interest. "Such a beautiful cat. Could I hold him?"

"Of course." Seeing a fellow cat enthusiast, Durandal smiled, offering Stan. "Be careful, he has a bit of a temper," she warned, remembering the slap.

"He seems quite docile. But thank you for the warning."

Lin Wei took Stan, finally relaxing. If Durandal suspected anything, she wouldn't hand him over so easily. Even to a companion, she would have hesitated, considering the cat's potential danger.

Durandal was never one for pretense. Her lack of hesitation meant she was truly oblivious.

This was good.

Lin Wei set Stan down, petting his back, his hand brushing against the collar.

"You insolent human! How dare you touch me?!" Being held and petted like a common house pet offended Stan's pride. He raised his paw, ready to teach this human a lesson.

His enhanced strength could cripple, even kill, a normal person. He'd held back with Durandal, but he wouldn't show this stranger the same mercy.

"Prepare to die, rude human!"

Cats were notoriously fast, far exceeding human reaction times.

But before Stan could move, his body froze, then went limp. His tongue lolled out as he collapsed at Lin Wei's feet, completely still.

"See? He's very well-behaved," Lin Wei chuckled, addressing the equally crouched Durandal, a cruel smile playing on his lips. So you're the one who hurt Anna? I'll get you for that.

As he'd petted Stan, he'd reconfigured the collar's authentication, transferring ownership from Jackal to himself. Stan's attempted attack had been deemed "insubordination," triggering the collar's "necessary disciplinary measures."

Stan had been electrocuted.

"Huh? Is he alright?" Durandal noticed the cat's stillness. "Did he faint?"

"Of course not! Let me see…" Lin Wei feigned concern, lifting Stan's head. The collar emitted another jolt, startling Stan awake.

"What happened?" Stan, disoriented, opened his eyes to see Lin Wei's smiling face.

"See? He's awake." Lin Wei's voice was laced with mock relief. "You gave me a fright, Durandal-Sama. Very funny..."

"Oh, I guess I was overreacting. My apologies for the misunderstanding," Durandal conceded, seeing the cat's alert eyes.

"You… I…" Stan, now fully aware, prepared to retaliate, but Lin Wei's gaze sent a chill down his spine. The man was smiling, but his eyes held a different, familiar look that made Stan's fur stand on end.

"Meow!" He leaped up and fled, scrambling over the flowerbed and disappearing into the bushes. He didn't know what that look meant, but he trusted his instincts.

"Uh, why did he run off?" Lin Wei feigned confusion, turning to Durandal. "Did I scare him?"

"I… don't think so," Durandal replied, unsure. "Maybe he sensed his owner and wanted to go home?" She sighed, disappointed. "I wonder who his owner is. I'd love to hold him again."

She knew she could have stopped him, but she hadn't.

She stood up, gazing in the direction Stan had vanished. Would she ever see him again?

Lin Wei gave her a strange look. So the invincible Durandal had a soft spot for cats?


But now… he felt a pang of guilt. Had he done something wrong?

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