Chapter 388: Chapter 388: Starting a Club
The Dementors had entered the school without warning, sending Dumbledore into a fury. He couldn't believe this had happened merely because he'd been away for a day. Upon hearing the news, he dropped everything and went straight to the Ministry of Magic to confront Fudge. No one knew what was said between them in the minister's office, but by Monday, most of the Dementors stationed around Hogwarts had been withdrawn, leaving only a dozen or so at critical entry points. Curiously, The Daily Prophet made no mention of the incident, as if it had never occurred.
However, the students of Hogwarts remained oblivious to these changes, and few noticed the decreased number of Dementors. After the weekend, the castle buzzed with its usual energy, the only real change being that Harry's broom was now broken—a misfortune that only concerned the Gryffindors. Meanwhile, Kyle's dragon scale badges were back in demand; Ratton's latest stock had sold out within days, along with most of the pricier dragon tooth jewelry. But these were minor matters, easily overlooked in the larger scheme of things.
That Monday morning, the fourth years had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin looked unwell, his robe hanging loosely and dark circles prominent beneath his eyes, as though he hadn't slept in days. Nevertheless, he greeted them with a smile.
"Today, we're going to learn a very handy little trick: the Tracking Charm," he said in a faint voice. "This charm can easily detect creatures lurking in shadows or magical objects that are hidden or invisible. If you ever find yourself in ancient ruins or a dangerous jungle… knowing what's around you beforehand is invaluable. It can help you avoid Hinkypunks hiding in pools or spot Fwoopers perched in treetops."
He paused, gesturing to them. "Now, everyone take out your wands…"
Originally, Professor Lupin had planned an outdoor lesson for the fourth years. Two weeks earlier, he had prepared a clearing near the Forbidden Forest where students could use the Tracking Charm to find Bowtruckles and Fairies hidden among the trees.
But plans had changed, and he simply didn't have the energy to take the students outside the castle today. The lesson would have to be limited to practicing the Charm and the hand movements in the classroom.
We'll go outside next time, Professor Lupin thought to himself.
After becoming accustomed to Professor Lupin's typically lively lessons, however, the students found simply practicing the spell rather dull. The Tracking Charm, unlike other spells, was tricky to gauge without an actual target, making it hard for them to know if they were casting it correctly. After about half the class, students began to lose interest, their chanting of incantations and hand gestures growing increasingly unenthusiastic.
"Professor…" someone called out, "do you know much about Dementors?"
At once, everyone perked up, their eyes fixed intently on Professor Lupin. This was far more intriguing than waving their wands.
"Of course I know," Professor Lupin replied. "Though I wasn't at school last Saturday, the other professors filled me in on what happened. Dementors are among the most evil creatures in existence. They drain all happiness, every joyful memory, from anyone nearby. If you remain with them long enough, you can go mad… soulless and empty, just like them."
"Why did the Dementors go to the pitch ?" a student asked.
"They were probably hungry," Professor Lupin answered calmly. "The excitement and heightened emotions around the Quidditch Pitch must have been a feast for them."
"Professor, can you teach us how to defend against Dementors?" another student asked. "It's the Patronus Charm, right? The one that summons silver animals?"
Professor Lupin looked at him. "It's difficult, something you'll only learn in your seventh year," he replied. "Besides, Professor Dumbledore has already resolved this matter. Rest assured, the Dementors won't dare come onto school grounds again."
"But, Professor," the student pressed, "there will always be times when the headmaster isn't here—like last Saturday. If the Dementors break into the castle when he's gone, shouldn't we know how to defend ourselves?"
"This…" Professor Lupin frowned slightly. "The Patronus Charm is seventh-year material. Learning it now may be… a bit premature."
"No problem, Professor," Kyle chimed in, "I'm certain we can handle it."
"Yes, absolutely!" Mikel quickly added. "Kyle has already mastered it, so we can definitely learn it too."
Professor Lupin opened his mouth to say that Kyle was an unusual case, that one student's success didn't set the standard for the whole class. But the words caught in his throat. He paused, weighing the reality.
"There isn't enough time," he said finally. "The Patronus Charm requires not only precise magical control but also a high level of emotional command. It can't be learned in half a term. And if we spend too long on it, it would delay your exams—even your fifth-year O.W.L.s. This is why we wait until seventh year."
"But, Professor," came a tentative voice from the corner, "couldn't you keep teaching us until then?"
Professor Lupin suddenly found himself at a loss. He couldn't, of course, because his teaching appointment was only for the current year. And he wasn't the only one; all previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors had only ever held the post for a single year.
According to rumors passed among the professors, Dumbledore's office contained stacks of one-year appointment letters for this position, as plentiful as the new student acceptance letters each summer. Whether or not that was true… well, no one really knew.
Seeing Professor Lupin hesitate, the room erupted into a flurry of eager chatter.
"Professor, we really want to learn this…"
"We promise we'll work hard…"
"We'll even do two rolls of parchment for homework if we have to… mmm—" Before he could finish, someone nearby clamped a hand over his mouth. That offer might've been too much.
"If time is the issue…" Kyle spoke up again. "You could do what some other professors have done and start your own club."
"A club?" Professor Lupin repeated, considering the idea.
"Yes," Kyle said, seizing the opportunity. "After last Saturday, I'm sure a lot of students from other years want to learn the Patronus Charm too. Plus, more spells knowledge is always a good thing. If you gather everyone who wants to learn under the name of a club, you'd only need to spend about two hours a week."
Professor Lupin fell silent, pondering this. After a moment, he nodded thoughtfully. "A club might work… and it wouldn't interfere too much with your regular studies. But teaching all seven years… wouldn't that be too large of a group?"
He frowned, adding, "And I doubt Hogwarts has a classroom big enough to hold everyone."
"Actually, there is one—the Great Hall," Kyle suggested with a grin. "You might not know, but last year, Professor Lockhart asked the headmaster to use the Great Hall to set up a Duelling Club, and nearly every student signed up. Since he was a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he was able to do it, so I'm sure you could too."