High School DXD : Amen

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

[Omniscient POV]

"Has heaven agreed to the location of the meeting?" said a man with shoulder length red hair and piercing blue eyes." Yes, Michael has agreed on the school being the agree upon location. " replied a green hair and placid light blue eyes that hid frightening intelligence.

"Do you believe we can truly achieve peace Ajuka." inquired the red head." At the very least the tension among the three sides of the biblical faction will decrease... if only a little. " replied Ajuka.

" It can't be rushed Sirzechs. It's a delicate process to say the least.The scars of the great war still stick. And a little pressure is all it will take for them to bleed once more. " Sirzechs signs, as usual his friends was right.

Just then a magic circles appears in his office and then Grafiya, an unconscious Rias and her peerage is revealed. In an instant Sirzechs was next to his sister and his wife's side. Besides a few scratches and signs of exhaustion his sister was okay. Looking over her peerage one by owner a scowl appeared on his face as he could tall after scanning them with magic that they under intense holy light poisoning. To a devil on is bad enough a combo is a death sentence, the fact that there alive either means there opponent was holding back or they wanted them to suffer.

"What happened Grafiya" inquired Sirzechs, though Ajuka also focused on her with interest in his eyes. "They were attached by a priest in the abandoned church. Magic fluctuations indicated ultimate class strength. However his control of his magic energy suggest that to be the surface he let slip to gauge my reaction. " replied Grafiya.

Sirzechs frowns at her response. A priest with that strength would have the rank of cardinal and be of some renown like Vasco Strada the violence of heaven a man of might and conviction with his bare fist or worse with Durandal/Durendal. Sirzechs signs, an incident like this happening this close to the three faction meeting could be a coincidence, although fowl okay can't be ruled out. "Who instigated the attack" he asked. "The priest claimed that they were trespassing on the grounds of rescuing a nun. He didn't believe them or he did but assumed she be reincarnated as a devil. Both are enough cause for him to attack when you consider how testy holy men are about churches and holy ground in general. Not to mention the act or attempt to reincarnate a member of the church" she replied and gave her two cents.

"haaaa" Sirzechs rubs his forehead. The first is frowns for an attack. It be like a priest going in to the mansion of a devil or the underworld in general for that matter. The second is a slap to face of the church and an insult of the highest order that heaven would not led slide should it be known.

" Did you see the nun" chimed in Ajuka.

Grafiya replays the incident in her head for a second. "No, but considering the state of the church, and priest worth there salt would get nun combat members of the church to safety prior to the battle."

"Hmmm." ponders Ajuka.

"Never mind the nun Juka get the peerage member to the intense care ward at the Sitri hospital and see if they can safely remove the holy light and please watch over them during there stay." requested Sirzechs.

"..... alright, I'll study the holy light as well... it's quite potent for a human priest to poses. "

with that green magic circles with demonic symbols appeared under himself and Rias peerage before they all vanished.

A slight smile made its way to Sirzechs face. His friend couldn't help himself sometimes when research material presents itself to him. Even if said material is his sisters' peerage.

The smile vanish as his gaze returns to his sister and then moves to his wife and queen. Take her home Grafiya, mom will heal her and want and explanation, so will father for that matter.

"Understood" she replied and a silver white magic circle with demonic symbols appears beneath her and Rias.

"Thank you Grafiya. If you hadn't gotten there in time ..... " said Sirzechs the remainder of his words left unsaid but his wife and queen understood. When it comes to his family her level headed and tactical king and husband becomes emotional and irrational.

A soft smile worms its way on Grafiyas' stoic face as she made her way over to Sirzechs and embraced him a gesture he more than appreciates. He gazes into her eyes and captures her lips with passion for a few seconds before releasing her lips and staring into her eyes. No words were necessary between the two. After a moment she leaves the loving embrace and returns to Rias' side and re-activates the magic circle, before she teleports, however--.

"Did you get his name.. this priest?" inquired Sirzechs.

"Ezekiel" leaving his name behind then vanishes along with Rias.

Sirzechs left to contemplate on his own sat down in his office chair and pondered. The fact that the church had an unknown ultimate-class priest meant that they could be other hidden powerhouses. Perhaps the church wasn't the weakest it the three biblical factions

anymore. The fallen had sacred heart wielders, stray exorcists and magicians working for them not to mention their hidden alliances and spies in various other factions. However primary there strength comes from ex-members of the church and their name sake fallen angels. Although most of the fallen are half-breed two-winged cannon fodder. They only have Azazel, Shemhazai, Baraqiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Amaros, Sahariel, and Samael imprisoned/sealed in cocytus and a dozen or more below cadre class but still in ultimate class. The church until now had second most individuals in its faction but the most relics whether holy or demonic, were in use or sealed away to weaken other factions. The seraphim were the highest in the hierarchy, with only the pope, prophets, saints, and holy maidens having direct contact with them. Cardinal priests are given leeway as well. The hierarchy of heaven is quite confusing but can be simplified with the Four Celestial Princes/Four Great Seraphim the biblical god's first angels at the pinnacle second only to their creator.

God Class ( Minor - Major): Seraphim

Ultimate Class - Cadre Class: Cherubim, Thrones

High Class : Dominations, Virtues.

Middle Class : Authorities, Principalities, Arch-Angels.

Low Class : Melahkim.

The Underworld had Himself and Ajuka in the top 10 making them the strongest faction in the biblical trio, a fact devil's of all generations let go to there head. Thinking themselves untouchable. But it would take one mistake for the other two biblical factions to team up or another stronger faction to take offense and annihilate devil kind. The power system of devil kind is confusing since High class is a power level and a tank at the same time. Low Class is the rank of most reincarnated devils even though quite a number of them had hight and ultimate class demonic power. There's also the fact that the devil faction had the most sacred gears, Grigori second most and heaven the least.


With another sigh Sirzechs ends his inner monologue. More will be revealed during the meeting, so he'll have to curb his curiosity for now. Though Ajuka's findings will either help with that or make it worse.

"Ezekiel huh"

Perhaps the Vasco Strada of this era had appeared. Sirzechs eye glow crimson.

"I wonder how long and how well you can dance .... priest"


Sorry about the late chapter. Exams have been a pain 😩. Will update YJ: Byakko later this week.

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