Chapter 6: chapter 6

Grandma! Grandma!! Lira shouted out of fear ''what is it Moriya shouted back not looking at who was calling her busy with the cassava she was peeling, Grandma your attention is needed for what she asked. Two of them speaking in Chichewa dialect, I have changed the bedsheet again you need to see the blood on it again it seems after the sexual ritual cleansing two days ago Precy was still bleeding the bedsheet is stained all over again, Moriya took a deep breath she stood up sluggishly let go she said, after seeing how she had bled when I touch her body it's seem the fever is back her temperature is so high' Grandma we need to call Gina again, Moriya looked at Precy with wicked eyes, so that she will be hearing the crucifying she wanted to crucify her and her mother she will be speaking in smattering English and is working getting to this innocent star its like dagger words piercing her heart. Eden and Liza came in smelling of Alcohol the coming of Precy they see as their eternal enemy has blessed them financially especially Eden and her daughters they have sold all the things in her box including expensive Jewelries she got for Moriya and other gifts but the spirit of Unforgiveness strongly working with Moriya never allowed her to ask anything about what did she come with she can smell the alcohol on them but did not say anything, she turns to Eden the ''girl is so courageous I can the trait in my son in her, Eden face change for the word Moriya said "she behaved as if she did not see Eden's reaction she is so brave for to have left "froncis' without telling anybody coming to this village for the visitation. The twins have started giggling at the back of Moriya whenever she began, using her accent to call foreign words, like France but I know within me they have come to mock the grave of my late son why is it now that they are so rich the whole world is hailing her, that is time they remember to come and pay homage as I torture her I know as a mother it will be getting to that her bastard mother that had sent her to come and be mocking me and my son ummh!! And I warned Ken but he will never listen to me, if the world is accepting you clapping for you, standing up for you there is no place for you here I never for one day accept you as my neighbor and your mother let alone my granddaughter. Eden did not say anything but with what had happened seeing the level of wickedness in the heart of the woman she called her mother-in-law she had been planning secretly to run away with her daughter but where to? that was the question that she had been asking herself the dowry had been paid on her she must not just run away like that, Lira had a soft spot for Precy but whenever the Grandmother started using her crucifying tongue out of many wicked tongues that she has they will hate her with passion but this time around it did not completely work on lira who kept asking if she should go and get the nurse, all the allegation, words hit Precy like a dagger in her heart she just close her eyes trying to breath she had lost so much blood due to the sever virginal tear and been disvirgin during the sexual cleansing but come to think of it ''she is a real fighter Moriya looked puzzled as she looked at Precy '' her love is really in the heart of that boy she use to call'' he loves her that is what keeps her going fate must have brought them together'' she said this is where Moriya unveiled her next plan I know the love of this white boy she use to call; form my heart I know is that boy that use to throw her up and the people will be clapping this was one of thing giving her head ache just out of jealousy his strong bond with her may help her to make it I have been to the herbal man to share my plight with him that my daughter -in law with her family will not leave my neck alone after all what they did to me and my son! now that they are rich they want to come and be disturbing my life lonely and quiet life after all I did not tell or call her but she came trying to threaten me with police right inside my house can you imagine that I explain to Papain, and you know as a village head I don't joke with my reputation, so I grabbed her I know is time to fight back because they have pushed me to the wall' so we shall see who is going to win, and not only that Papain! they came to mock the grave of Ken my Late son the father to this estranged granddaughter that has come to haraze old womanlike me, Eden and the twins look at each other at the level of false allegation their Grandma was sharing about against this innocent soul, Eden tried to ask "what did Papin say, but Grandma you know his herbs is always like Unreversable he use to deal with strongest herbs yes that is the reason why I did not go to the herbalist but his time around Papin pitied me for what I have been enduring with this so called in-laws all what they have been saying they have change it to Chichewa dialect again, so he promise to give me combination of herbs that we will be putting inside her water as she is drinking it she will forget the love of that white boy that is in her heart keeping her living and he told me that he is not a wicked herbal man as everybody knows. 

Precy will live but with herbal water, she will forget him even if she comes for her she will deny him because from what he can see the love of this strange white boy is so much for your granddaughter keeping her living. Ummh!! be careful Moriya I can see the strong bond, she took a deep breath looking perplexed but he assured me the herbal water would work on her, Liza asked if he really confirmed that yes he did we supposed to believe him he even said if they finally discover her where about and come for her due to her lost memory she will not follow them so she will be here permanently, Eden said laughing is okay like that from ''Froncis to the village we will be going to the farm together'' Moriya knew she was making jest of her' as if the thought struck her for the first time Moriya asked for her things, Eden looked at her daughters and they looked at her. If knew what they had sold behind her back may be she should have gone to a herbal man stronger than Papin to get a strong herbal to flush their memory for the punishment of what they had sold, it was that morning they sold the stylish traveling bag that Precy brought in the nearest town so nothing again apart from Papers like ticket and her international passport in which they are still looking at what to do with them.

whenever Moriya was so cross with her granddaughters she called them the alternative names she had given to them as they looked at her she shouted 'Jezebel and Delilah' Where is her things or is this how she entered this house she came to realize many things had gone behind her back she removed her slippers to throw it at them as two of them rushed out of the room facing the mother do you Jezebel and Delilah you brought into my house when you get of this place tell Delilah to go and get the nurse now, Eden never like those names but she dare not talk back at her mother in law. lira rushed to Gina's place to tell that their Grandma needs her and is urgent.

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