Chapter 13: chapter 13

After several tests were carried out on Precy it was discovered that although she was not infected with HIV she was having chronic infections that could affect her reproductive organs if the treatment did not start on time, there was a meeting between the family members and the two senior surgeons assigned to the case, Dr Stacy believes with the level of tears she sustains in her virginal part they have not been able to prove If Zengo he did not use sex toys on her, this is a complete violation of her right everything that have happened to her.

Apart from being a medical doctor, she was also an advocate for human rights and cases that concern women or ladies. she just wanted to travel to Malawi and take up the case and put it on social media to prevent reoccurrence, Dr. Tony does not always support the views of Stacy on many cases they have argued it out before resorting to talking to the family members.

With tears, Lousia begged them that it was not a happy news and that after the incident had gone down they might be using it to stigmatize her so for now she just wanted her to be treated and get well, if she wanted to talk about it she can now decide, Josh was so happy within himself he never for ones like his private life littering the paged of tabloid he has always been conservative as a star. He likes privacy but nobody knows that they are married he should have been the one calling the shot, making the decisions.

Precy will just lay on the bed too weak to talk or do anything, and it got to a stage where she was not responding to treatment again, tears will just be rolling down her face without saying words, Josh will sit by her side and be reading his write up to her.

Our golden hearts can never be buried,

we are still together

waxing strong no matter what,

the household wickedness targeted at you,

we are destined by fate to be together. 

He will continue to read to her and she will force herself to smile and face the wall to start crying again, she was skinning and she will not eat, Mr. Stern Josh's father traveled back for some important family assignment, and Lousia tanked him that ''she was short of words to thank him and his son; she was always thinking how she wished Precy her daughter will be married to Josh Hugo. getting to the hospital from his hotel, he made his way to the office of Dr. Stacy, he could see the way she was looking at him.

That day he was wearing a body hug top and a green pair of jeans, he was looking so athletic and handsome, she walked up to him who is she to you? Are you just sporting pairs, he looked surprised she is my Fiancee, O-k-a-y she stressed it, I have been looking at the bond between you too, I just want to let you and other family members know she is responding to treatment again.

Wow!! thanks be to God am just grateful, she looked at him lustfully this is my first time coming close to a sports star who is religious, he could see the passion in her eyes this was what he had been experiencing in the city of Mombasa is not only the talk of the town but the talk of the city, every female attendant at the mall want to attend to him now it has come into the hospital. 

He appreciates Dr. Stacy as a friend nothing more, though he has tried for them but she has developed feelings for him in the few months they have been together taking care of his fiancee.

He fought the distraction with everything within his power, as his jeep pulled up at the mall to get some items, he could see two young white ladies walking toward him, after greeting them they asked for his number which he denied then one of them asked him why he was just so mean by not giving then the number okay if you are offended am so sorry I just don't feel like doing that to date.

This is a big distraction while his wife was fighting for her life, he never visited a bar or moving around, is always in the hospital or at his hotel, he counted the dates till the Olympics of the year 2021 started and came to an end but he will always thanking the man upstairs about his other heart of love been alive, not that they are still looking for her.

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