Harry Potter- Yeager's Rewrite

Chapter 9: The Gold Silver Niffler


It would be appreciated if you could provide more power stones as they are the fuel to the story


It did not take much longer for Eren to familiarise with the Library.

The normal day there was no different to any other day.

Most of the Ravenclaws- actually all of them were down there whenever they did not have classes to go to. Some Hufflepuffs joined them, albeit rarely.

There were one or two couples from the Gryffindor's side, but not Slytherins, never Slytherins.

They held pride over the use of Library books, buying their own copy of the text needed and mailing their requirements to the bookshops, while the less privileged resorted to sharing them with the more privileged, in exchange for a favour usually.

There were one or two tries, to sneak into the restricted section, more by students of the red robes, but sometimes the blue too.

Eren had bought himself a nice pair of glasses. Not to correct his perfect vision, No, they were a fashion choice, and the enchantment that came with them that counted all the books was just an extra thing which did not need to be mentioned.

The magical world was very different, but at the same time very identical to the world that was once his.

The usual financial, racial or any basis segregation ran rampant, in any world, any time and in any place.

Slavery was not a thought which brought repulsion to one's mind, with wizards abusing the race of elves as slaves.

Wizards discriminated against anything they could find of sound mind- Goblins, centaurs, Veela while revered the beasts due to their magical properties, such as the Unicorns, Dragons or Quilin.

Even their own race was not left alone, as discrimination based on blood status rant rampant, where children of eleven were taught that filthy blood was of those who descended from the non-magical.

It was Eldian conflict alive once again, albeit the muggle born wizards were not being prosecuted for the sins of their ancestors, at least for now, or at least it stopped after the two Dark Lords having pureblood agenda being defeated.

Eren dismissed wasteful notions and findings which did not fuel his own goals. The immediate act was to find more information. The mastery under Professor McGonagall was secondary, and would only be necessary if the initial plans were foiled, or if the initial plan was followed to the perfect point where the result blew all expectations and new plans would be needed from the newly found advantgeous... or disadvantegeous postion.

Scrap that, he will need new plans either way, so the Mastery would be needed.

Eren used his titan powers to make a wall of serene crystal. Another one had been lost and stumbled into the restricted section, by accident of course.

All the students underestimated him, as who would think that a cripple could take care of and bar students from accessing the things not to be accessed.

He flipped another page of the book, History of Dark Lords by Bathilda Bagshot.

It spoke of Grindelwald's defeat at the hand of Albus Pervical Brian Wulfric Dumbledore in 1945, but it did not speak of what happened thereafter. What had happened to Grindelwald? There was no mention of his imprisonment or execution, but only of the duel to end all war.*


Eren walked outside for some fresh air after another session with the books. The Dark forest looked beautiful from up above the astronomy tower, he had been there once. 

Hagrid's hut was there on the way to the forest, a good place for someone to have a countrysde cottage at.

There was steam coming out from inside the hut.


"Eren! Come inside, I have hot chocolate with me."

"At this time of the year?"

"There is no time imperfect of Hot choco. How did you settle here?" Hagrid was sent to fetch Eren on his first day at Hogwarts and accompanied Eren to the important bits of the castle. The black lake and the thestrals and much more.

"I will take a cup then." Hagrid's hut was not a place one would associate with the word hygiene, but it was of no bother for Eren, he had been places much worse before, making memories which he was, just maybe, fond of.

"Here you go." He felt a tug from the inside of his suit- there was a rodent hanging to the golden key on his neck.

"Oh, that blimey thing. Let me catch it. This small thing has been eating my cookies for the past month." Eren's eyes remained on the small bluish Niffler, still hanging, doing everything in his might to get the key free from the neck of Hooman.

"It's a niffler- they are thieves- anything shiny they get it. Almost like a goblin, but even a Goblin has some shame."

"I figured- their love for shiny, Let it be, just for a moment." Eren pulled a single knut from his pocket, and got an immediate reaction from the Niffler, of disdain, with face plastered with the expression 'I am not that cheap'.

"Not every shiny thing perhaps." And a silver sickle made the niffler leave the key to fall from Eren's lap, first on its face, following the path of the rolling silver sickle.

* The war to end all war was WW2, so the duel against Grindelwald became the Duel to end all war.



[I forgot to have a chapter ready, but you can't blame me for lack of chapters when there is a lack of response

The niffler will have more part after this point, unlike the initial draft'


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers) 







Next Chapter: Dumbledore- the younger, the elder and the middleman



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