Chapter 4: The opening Position- Wandlore & Politics
It would be appreciated if you could provide more power stones as they are the fuel to the story
Page 2 Petition to change the name of ICW to make it more inclusive towards Witches by Senior Undersecretary Umbridge
Page 3 Time for The-Boy-Who-Lived to Come Back to the Wizarding Worlds- Three books for readers' mind
The newspaper folded, as Eren entered the Wand store.
Ollivanders, makers of the finest wands since 382 BC
"Obliterated Wand?" The old man received a nod. "A new one will cost a small fortune."
Ollivander slides through his collection of wand woods while talking.
"Not many require a new wand, it's usually the Aurors who need one, so subsequent wands come with a heavy price, your previous wand?"
"It changed its allegiance in battle, I do not think its mirror will serve me well."
"An acute conclusion. The Ollivanders, my forefathers' saying of the wand chooses a wizard has not failed my wand lore research, nor it will any time in the history of the magical world. Wand arm?"
"Ambidextrous, but the other hand is no longer available." Eren flapped his sleeve with the missing hand.
"Sorry for that, let me get you... this- Unicorn hair core and sycamore wood,(most common) give it a turn-" There are red sparks at the tip of the wand.
"Hmm no- no no no no no Unicorn hair doesn't sit right..." He turns his back to Eren.
"Here- try this one Dragon heartstring core and sycamore wood-(3rd most common) No, no the Dragon core sits quite right but the wood is holding back... Let me see... Dragon heartstring with laurel wood... give it a wave." The wave stops midway as the wand flies away.
"Not dragon heartstring then... Phoenix feather core and laurel wood (7th most), give it a whisk." The wand shows burning signs from its tip.
"The Phoenix feather sits quite alright, it is the wood holding it back from its trueborn potential. Let me see... not sycamore, not alder, not laurel, hazel sits quite alright, but not a perfect match... Redwood? no that's the opposite orientation... Beech sits quite right... Maple? Maple would have suited perfectly for the young you but now now... Here this is a phoenix feather with rowan wood, give it a twirl" Eren complies but the wand bursts with an explosion, burning the phoenix feather into oblivion.
"That was quite a waste for something as expensive as the Phoenix's feather. It feels like no wand will have you but only the one destined for you. I have not had such a temperamental case of an adult wand choosing since 1904." He passes another Rowan wand with a Dragon Heartstring core, and it burns like none other.
"Oh! that was surprising. Rowan has a reputation for light orientation, and it despises you, Mr. Yeager, I hope I am not overstepping my bounds telling you to refrain from using Dark Arts for they leave an impression on the user. However, it is not my position to teach someone life." He looks for other wands and after a total of nine more test wands, returns with a shiny wand.
"It seems we are at a crossroads, Mr. Yeager. It has happened for the first time that a wizard seems to have a choice between wands. These two wands hope to be yours, I can feel it
Phoenix feather core with Vinewood, and the same core with Cypress wood.
Vine owners are nearly always those who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary, and who frequently astound those who think they know them best- not necessarily a good quality.
Cypress wood however is one of the rarest matches, the great medieval wandmaker, Geraint Ollivander, my ancestor wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death. Fortunately, in less bloodthirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands are rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. In my time as a wandmaker, I have sold less than a hundred cypress wood wands.
Both of these wands want you equally, an event I never expected to see in my life, it had been years since such an event happened, and the last time it was an Ilvemory, the information of which is still a hot topic among us wand makers across the world."
"How much they cost?"
"The Vinewood one will be 49 galleons, while the Cypruss one will be expensive 540 galleons."
"540 galleons! there is no way we could afford that Mom!" Behind Eren, the new customer all but shouted.
"You do not need to worry young miss, your first wand is covered by the Ministry, no matter the constituents, it will cost you seven galleons." The elderly Ollivander replied to the bush-haired girl's shout, a muggle-born perhaps.
"I would have them both."
"Well then, I would like to ask your permission to discuss the case as curious as yours among other wand makers, if you would allow that." Eren nodded nonchalantly as he turned to leave.
[Political Hierarchy]
I will be including the Political hierarchy here, which would be useful for future chapters and is not canon, but my headcanon.
Ancient means having ancestry reaching the 1400s, while Noble means a net worth of 500,000 galleons. The Most Noble means a net worth of 5,000,000 galleons.
Ancient gives 2 votes and five seats in Wizengamot, while any Noble or Most Noble gives 1 vote and five seats.
Even among the Ancient and Most Noble happens to be a difference of ranks.
Top Most- Lordship of Blacks, Lordship of Potters (through their Peverell's ancestry), Twin Lordship of Prewtts, Lordship of Gryffindors, Lordship of Slytherin, Ladyship of Ravenclaw, Lordship OR Ladyship of Hufflepuff, Lordship of Roronoa, Lordship of Emyrs, Royalty of Pendragon.
These houses are the Wizarding Royalty all but in name. Potters in my fic are explained as 12th-century upstarts, who did well on their own with some notable wizards from time to time. It's their Peverell Ancestry that gives them their status as of the late 19th century.
Second Tier- These houses also are Ancient and Most Noble, but inferior to the upper category in social upstanding despite having the same status.
Includes most of the Sacred twenty-eight.
Malfoys in my fic, have the origin of traitors, who betrayed the French King in the Arthurian wars and were rewarded a new house in Britain afterward. Their stigma of traitors stuck, but each Lord Malfoy tries to get rid of the stain by employing gold. Abraxas did by marrying his son to Blacks and then following the then progenitor of the new era of Wizards, Lord Voldemort, in the hope that the new age forgets the tainted history of Malfoys.
The third Tier is the Most Ancient houses, having the same respect as the topmost ranks but not the money to support them. Their value lies in their history, having three votes and five seats, the only house in this category is the Ollivanders.
The Last one is the Most Noble or the Noble houses, the titles resting on the net worth of the Wizarding House.
Dumbledores, a house from the 1700s are in this, with their status uplifted due to the feats of Albus Wulfric Brian Pervical Dumbledore alone, the light Lord of the Magical World.
Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers)
Next Chapter: Hogwarts I & Ministry I