Harry Potter : Vengeance

Chapter 20: Momentum Arrestum- Dumbledore [re]

"Crucio" The red curse again met him. And Voldemort keeps the curse for a whole minute.

It was enough Crusiatis exposure to render someone's mind comatose, the pain was out of the charts.

The possessed Quirell stopped the continuous curse, looking at the unresponsive body of his foe. 

He turned to the mirror of Erised to get the stone for himself. The Quiriuns part of his brain was being destroyed every second, replaced by the phantom of the Dark Lord. It would not be long until there was no more of Quirell in the mind of Quirell.

"I can see my dominion in the mirror. But I do not need it now." Lord Voldemort used his Occulmency to change the desire in his mind. To be the desire of the stone.

"I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get it?" The Quirell part asked. "The Boy." 

"Yes, the boy." Quirell ran to pick up Harry, who was still petrified, lying on the floor.

"What-" Suddenly Quirrel was stopped. His legs bound to the ground. He looked down to see transfigured crystal- the same that had bound his Mountain Troll in the bathrooms.

He followed the crystal's trail, it was originating from the lying body of Yeager. It moved.

"Avada Kedavra!" Quirell was again taken over by the Dark Lord. Each possession takes a toll on the cursed half-soul.

The lying Yeager jumped, another crystal trail running towards his chest mid-air.

He dodged, not without sacrificing his bound legs.

"So be it." The Dark Lord gathered all of the life force from Quirell, the body leaving nothing but ashes. In its place was an ethereal snake-faced humanoid figure. Bald with red daunting eyes.

"You have angered me, Yeager. I am not kind enough to give second chances."

"It is good then, I do not believe in second chances." Both raised their wand at each other.

"Avada Kedavra"

"Duro" The green curse was met with a transfigured stone mid-air.

"Crucio" "Diffindo" The red Cruciatus Curse met its mark, pushing Eren while the cutting curse did not have any effect on the ethereal Dark Lord.

"Your resistance to the torture curse is interesting. Why defy me when you could join me Eren?"

"You are an obstructions to my goal Voldemort. Your death would have been a boon, for my conscience would hurt less due to my actions. Nonetheless- Avada Kedavra" The green light traced its path to the Dark lord who shrugged and blocked its path with transfiguration.

"Interesting. I did not think one of Albus's would use the killing curse."

"Avada Kedavra"

"Avada Kedavra" The two killing curses met each other in a tug-of-war situation. 

The wraith Voldemort was disappearing into the mist. Even the life force gained from living in Professor Quirell and Unicorn's blood was not able to sustain the use of curses powered by the Dark Lord.

The tug of war became one-sided as the Dark Lord's curse grew more potent, more bigger, more stronger. 

The centre point shifted to Eren. He was reaching his wand every moment.

His wand revealed cracks, the power of the Dark Lord was unnerving.

The peak of the killing curse came an inch from Eren. It nearly reaches it-

"NO" An awakened Harry holds the misty Voldemort by his waist, in the hope of changing the course of the curse.

The killing curse is discontinued, Eren takes a deep breath as he falls on the ground.

From the entrance comes the noise of a crowd. Leading them is Dumbledore.

Smoke quells from the touch and an explosive reaction blasts Harry to the wall, while the explosion banishes the ethereal wraith of the grounds of the castle.

Dumbledore and Severus witness the Dark Lord's wraith, while the other professors follow them later, seeing the blasted room with horror.

Minerva raises her wand against Eren with suspicions in her mind while Pompfrey rushes to Harry.

"This is not necessary Minerva, it seems Young Eren has protected your Gryffindors against the Dark wizard." Minerva looks at the headmaster and rushes to Eren, now with the intention to help.

"Your hand! and leg!" Minerva shouts, they all notice how Eren has his limbs regrown, as if they were always there.

Eren winces, he looks at Dumbledore.

"It seems fighting Dark wizards is bad for my health." Flitcwich tries not to smile, while Dumbledore and Severus are relieved as the information about the Dark Lord is omitted.

Harry is taken to the infirmary after some Episky from Pompfrey, while Eren is accompanied by the professors to the same.


In hindsight, the emergency Wizengamot meeting was pushed back by a day, due to the Chief Warlock's assistance for the matter.

Amelia Bones was livid. As were most Lord and Ladies, but Dumbledore was still a respected figure, internationally in the wizarding world. 

Hence the hearing on the confidential meeting was pushed, giving Amelia more time and resources to use in her case.


The matter of Quirells was made public. The parents were angry at Dumbledore for hiring a Dark Wizard for the term, but it was not enough to make a case, as Dumbledore was also a victim of the same wizard.

Quirinus Quirell was tagged as a wanted, Dark wizard with a bounty over his head. He was presumed dead after the confrontation, but the DMLE was not taking chances, not after the wizard had attacked the saviour of the wizarding world as well as the Heir of a Most Ancient and Noble house.

Eren Yeager, an amputee librarian of Hogwarts was not said to be a close of Dumbledore, acting on his orders. His regrown libs and eyes also garnered attention, many thinking how the wizard had fooled the Ministry on his visit, which had means to render means such as charms, glamour and Polyjuice useless.

The next day, the Prophet sold at the pace it is usually sold at the Quidditch world cup, its sales were nearly half of the day Voldemort was vanquished, which was a big deal, with Rita asking who was Eren Yeager, Quirinus Quirells and her poisonous questions on Dumbledore and his choices for his staff.




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