Chapter 86: Bridging Two Worlds
She eventually saw that the person approaching her was a woman with bright green hair dressed in black and brown robes of a design different than any she had ever seen. The woman looked to be in her early twenties, although there was no way for her to tell if how the woman looked was actually an indication of her true age. Soon the woman was at the edge of the portal watching Hermione, but she did not step out of the portal and into the room.
"Who are you, child? And why have you opened the door between our worlds?" the woman asked gently. Even though she was asking for information, Hermione did not find her to be threatening.
"My name is Hermione Granger." she replied. "Honestly, I wasn't sure what this ritual would do. A war is starting in my world, and I was looking for a way to protect my friends and family."
"A noble goal." the woman answered with a nod of her head. "And you speak honestly, but not completely. There is more to your decision than you admit. You also wish to prove yourself and accomplish something that few others have."
"That's true." Hermione admitted, surprised that the woman knew so much about her. She wondered if her mind was being read somehow during the conversation. "May I ask who you are?"
"You may ask, but I may not say." she answered with a smile. "I have been many things in my life, but at the moment you may think of me as a gatekeeper. I have seen your mind and am willing to help you. But my help, and the help of those in my world, does not come without cost. Are you willing to pay the price?"
"What is the price?" Hermione asked uncertainly. "For that matter, what is the benefit?"
"Come, I shall explain on the other side." the woman said. "You may return here at any time if you wish, but if you do agree to our terms there will be no turning back. I will only ask once, if you say no the gateway will close and you will never be able to activate it again. Will you come?"
Hermione said nothing for a minute, trying to decide what to do. Although the woman seemed trustworthy there was really no way to tell. Finally she decided she had come too far to just turn back now and said "Yes. I'll come." She then stepped through the portal and the two of them began walking through to the other side.
As Hermione was walking through the portal Severus Snape was walking into Professor Dumbledore's office trying to conceal the slight limp he walked with. The Headmaster had eagerly been awaiting his return.
"Severus, are you injured? Please sit." Dumbledore said as he watched his Potions professor and personal spy walk in.
"I will be fine." Snape assured him as he sat down in a chair opposite from Dumbledore. Despite his assurances that he would be fine, Snape looked like he had suffered during the night. "The Dark Lord was not pleased with my delay in rejoining him, although after explained that I did it in order to not reveal my loyalties he relented."
"You've seen him then?" Dumbledore asked. "What is his condition?"
"The ritual to return him to his body has left him weak. He required several strengthening potions before I left." Snape explained. "It will take some time for him to marshal his forces and return to the position of power he once held. Now is the time to go on the offensive, Albus. He will never again be as exposed as he is now."
"I see." Dumbledore replied as he gently stroked his beard. "I promise to consider your advice, however I am not convinced now is the time to strike."
"Damn it, Albus! Why?" Snape demanded to know. "It has not escaped my attention that you have been reactivating the Order of the Phoenix the last few months. Surely you can muster the forces necessary to deal with the Death Eaters and face the Dark Lord yourself."
"You, more than anyone else, should know that it is not my lot in life to defeat Voldemort." Dumbledore reminded him.
"That bloody prophecy again. I rue the day that fraud Trelawney made it." Snape replied with disgust. "I'll admit Potter has improved this year, but he is still no match for the Dark Lord and I don't think he ever will be. Meanwhile people will die, myself possibly included."
"We will do our best to prevent that, Severus." Dumbledore answered, although Snape did not seem to be impressed by the response. "For now I must ask that you continue your duties as they are. Please know that no one appreciates your efforts more than I do. I promise I will continue to look for alternate ways to destroy Voldemort."
"Very well." Snape said. "If that is all I shall be leaving. Good night." With that Snape turned and left, wondering once again how he had allowed himself to get stuck in the middle of this mess.
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