Harem King: Getting All The Ladies I Wanted!

Chapter 68: Ken's Disappearance And Appearance

Ken and Kimberly sat in a distant seat far from Emma, where they ate their food and chatted.

They talked about various things, like which college they attended or were attending.

And from there, Ken was able to get the information that he was a bit older than Kimberly, with a few months.

However, she had already finished her college and was already working.

With the conversation they had on that topic, Ken knew that Kimberly was an intelligent student back in her days.

He also got the information that both Emma and Kimberly had been best friends since their high school days.


"So…what about you?" Kimberly asked.

At this point, they had already been served their meals and had already dug in.

The food was very delicious. It was something that they couldn't imagine.

The restaurant of the dating nation really outdone themselves. Was what Ken said, when he had his first bite.

After taking a bite, Ken decided to give her an answer.

He told her that he was still in college. Although Kimberly didn't seem surprised. He also mentioned that he had three siblings and was the eldest among them.

This was starting to look like he was talking about himself way too deep.

However, he didn't care. Or rather he didn't feel that way. With the way he spoke to Kimberly, and the attention she gave to him.

He was certain that telling her all this wasn't anything wrong, or too revealing.

They both laughed at a particular joke that Ken made, and at the other side of where they were sitting.


'Urgh… what is making them laugh like that…?' Emma thought.

She sat down with a face directly staring at them. It was so intense that at some point, Ken was able to feel himself getting uncomfortable.

He knew that it would just be his imagination and nothing more. However, he had a very sharp instincts.

Emma continued to watch them, as though she was an escort securing her clients safety. Or a detective conducting an investigation.

Either way, she was way too much on this. She hadn't even considered the fact of what she was actually doing.

She never considered what the consequences might be if she was caught. All those didn't matter to her, as her only attention was on them.

She had become obsessed.



"Oh… gosh," Emma proclaimed, as she held her stomach. She felt it.

She felt her stomach craving for food. She was hungry.

Why wouldn't it. She was in a restaurant where all she could smell was the glorious aroma of the dishes.

So there was no resisting it. There was no way her stomach could say no such a drawing aroma.

"Not now…" She muttered, as she pressed her stomach.

However, it only became worse. It was as though her stomach was telling her that it couldn't take it anymore.


Emma released a sigh and uttered. "I guess I might as well eat. It doesn't seem like they could be done any minute."

Afterwards, she then called for a waiter, and to her not realizing it, it was the same waiter that spoke to her the first time.

She ordered her food, and at that moment the waiter gave her a stara that says <oh so… you do want to eat now.>

Immediately the waiter departed from her, which brought back her clear view in watching both Ken and Kimberly.

And to her surprise, she noticed that Ken wasn't on the table anymore. She became confused.

Emma thought that she could swear she saw him just before the waiter came to her. However…

"He's gone." She uttered.

Emma turned left and right, to search for Ken, however she was unable to find him.

She made sure she calm her self down before she got noticed. In her mind, she thought she was still under cover.


[Before Ken Left The Table]

"Are you alright…?" Kimberly asked Ken, as she saw the uneasy expression he was making.

Whenever she asked him a question, while he would be responding, he would pause for a few seconds and look around.

For the first time he did this, Kimberly thought that he was just doing it on a whim. However, it has become so much, that she had to ask.

"O-Oh… no, it's nothing." Ken uttered. He turned back to Kimberly and decided to give her his full attention.

He didn't want to get distracted from the beauty sitting across from him. With the way Kimberly sat and the way she ate, it was so glorious.

Ken could see that she had a very good upbringing. Her manners and composer were very decent. It was like that of a mothers'


With Ken still thinking that he could continue his conversation with Kimberly. That uneasy feeling kicked in again.

He turned around, and tried looking for what it was. And after a while, he concluded that someone was definitely staring at him.

And this someone was trying their very best to cancel their presence.

"Okay… that is it," Kimberly proclaimed. She dropped her spoon and fork on the table and asked.

" …can you please tell me what is going on? Am I being a burden…?"

Upon hearing this, Ken quickly turned to Kimberly and smiled.

"No… you didn't do anything wrong," He said

Kimberly felt relaxed as she said this. She then relaxed her back on the chair and gave a sigh of relief.

However, just when she thought it was all over. "Excuse me for a second." Ken uttered, as he immediately stood up from his seat and headed out.

Meanwhile, Kimberly was shocked at his sudden movement. She began to have mixed thoughts.

She thought of what was actually going on. Was it something that she did wrong. Or something that she said which she wasn't supposed to. However, none of them actually seemed to be it.

"Urggh…why is it every time I go on a date with him, there would always be something that comes up."

Kimberly felt frustrated at this point, it had already been past three minutes since Ken left the table.

He didn't even tell her where he was going. All she could see was him talking to a waiter and then heading out through a door.

Kimberly waited for another three minutes, and this time it was already six minutes since Ken had left the table.

She became worried and so was Emma.


"Urggh… where did he go…?" They both uttered at the same time.

Although, even with Kimberly being worried, she didn't make a move on it. She sat still and composed without looking stressed.

However, on the other hand, Emma felt very disturbed. She kept looking around like one who was searching for something important.

She almost looked like an animal he had lost its prey when hunting.

Soon the waiter came back to her, and once again blocked her view of where Ken and Kimberly sat.

She tried as much as she could to take a peak of their seat, although it was useless. The waiter served her meal, and after he was done, he departed immediately.

Clearing the view, Emma was shocked to see Ken back on his seat. It was as if he had never left.

To her, it seemed like he disappeared and reappeared again, all out of nowhere. She looked around for a bit and didn't see where he could have emerged from, and all she could think of was.

"What the heck…?"

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