Chapter 61: Awkward Conversation
[[Hi… There]] Ken greeted, at the other side of the phone .
"I-I… I am calling to give you the time and place of where we are to meet tomorrow."
This was what Kimberly said on the phone, and immediately she said this, Emma stared at her with a strange expression.
This expression she gave her was indicating she was surprised to hear this. What Kimberly had just said wasn't what they actually talked about.
Meanwhile, Kimberly gazed at Emma for a while, before removing her face away. She looked very shy.
They had discussed for her to talk to Ken the reason for his outburst during their date. However, that wasn't the case anymore.
Kimberly was too embarrassed to ask him such a question, and again on the phone? It was just too much for her to do.
[[Oh…have you decided already…?]] Ken asked.
And Kimberly was like… 'Already…?' She thought. With the way he said it, he made it sound like she had been thinking about it.
Kimberly looked at Emma, as Emma moved her chin giving her the sign to continue.
She then turned back to face the call. "Yes…I have already decided on the place and time." She agreed.
[[Oh… okay. I'm listening]] Ken uttered.
At this moment, Kimberly had already put the call on speaker for Emma to hear also. She was so confused about the place and time to tell him, since that wasn't what she initially was supposed to say to him.
Meaning, she hadn't planned for a place or time at all.
She took a look at Emma with a weird expression as if saying she should think of a place and time for her immediately.
Meanwhile, Emma did as if she couldn't understand what she was saying. She did this to make Kimberly suffer.
She was just teasing Kimberly.
They kept talking in signs without any word as they did this so Ken couldn't hear them. And after a while of silence, Ken uttered.
[[Um… are you still there?]] He asked. It was already way too quiet on the phone, so he had to check if she was still on it.
"Uh-um… yes I am," Kimberly said, utterly confused.
She kept giving Emma signs, so she could give her a place quickly, but Emma just continued acting like she wasn't understanding her at all.
There was another silence again, and since Ken had to go and eat with his siblings immediately, he uttered.
[[When you have already come up with the place, Just shoot me a text. And I'll be there at the time.]]
Kimberly heard it, and this was the moment when Emma decided to cooperate with her. However before she could say anything.
[[Alright…Goodnight then]] Ken concluded and insanely hung up.
"He hung up…!" Kimberly exclaimed, as while put her phone away.
She turned to Emma, and Emma gave her a teasing smile. It was so annoying to Kimberly that she got up from her bed and went to strangle her.
Although that wasn't for a bad intention.
"This is all your fault…" She exclaimed as she began to hit Emma continuously. " …if you had just given me a time and place, he wouldn't have hung up like that."
Emma guarded herself from the hits that Kimberly was giving her. It wasn't even hard at all. It felt more like a child hitting her.
"Well that's because…that wasn't what we discussed earlier." She said. "…you should have just told him what see talked about and it wouldn't have ended like that."
Kimberly then stopped hitting Emma, while she sat down on her bed. "You know I can't ask such a question," She said, while she frown her face.
"And why is that…?" Emma asked.
With the frown on Kimberly's face, she bent her head down and acted like a baby and said. "It was embarrassing."
Emma laughed out loud as she heard this. She had never seen Kimberly act this way before. It was her first time and it came as a shocking thing to see.
"What do you mean embarrassing…?" Emma asked."…weren't you the one who was complaining earlier about why he was so in a rush to do it with you?…"
Hearing this, Kimberly raised her face, while she had an expression that looked like a crying baby.
"I have never seen you act like that before." Emma uttered. "…you are more of a get it straight person, so what was all that confusion you had during the call." She asked.
However, Kimberly was unable to provide an answer. She just stared at Emma, looking as if someone had just taken her doll away from her.
Emma saw this expression, and felt a bit of pity for her. To her, she thought that, with the way Kimberly acted, meant that she was really into it.
"Huff…!" Emma sighed. "…look just don't worry about it. After all he said that you should text it to him when you have gotten it. So it isn't like you have lost your date with him or anything like that."
Emma tried to comfort Kimberly, as she moved to her bed and patted her on her back.
"Just take up your phone and text the place to him." She said.
Kimberly raised her head and stared at Emma, as her face brightened up. However,
"But what if he thought that I was being weird during the call?" She asked. "…what if he thinks of something else about me." She asked again.
Meanwhile, Emma just removed her hand from Kimberly's back and stared at her with an expression that says <what nonsense are you talking about>
"You shouldn't worry about all that." Emma uttered. "…for now just focus on what you are about to text him. Tomorrow is not far, so when you sleep and wake, you will be able to see him and get all your questions answered."
Emma assured Kimberly all this, while she took Kimberly's phone and placed it on Kimberly's hand, before going back to her bed.
They didn't utter a word again for the rest of the night, as Kimberly just stared at her phone, while Emma went back to the novel she was reading.
Meanwhile, at Ken's house. The same time he hung up.
Ken removed the phone from his ear and stared at her number. "So this is her cell number." He uttered.
While he was going to save it, he uttered. "…Why was she talking like that." He wondered."…and what was with that silence. It was so awkward. It felt like anytime I asked her a question she would just keep quiet. That wasn't the way she was when she talked back at the restaurant."
At the moment, he had already saved her number, with the name Kimber. Which was what he saw back at the dating app.
He thought it was more cool if he saved it that way, than with her actual name.
While he was still thinking about what was up with Kimberly, Nicole entered his room and told him to come back and eat his food.
It was getting cold.