Harem King: Getting All The Ladies I Wanted!

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Completing The Sub-Mission

[11:12 am, At Nicolas and Nicole School]

In a dark room, filled with rolls of dusty books and dusty tables and chairs.

There was only one light. And this light illuminated from one corner of the room

Going further, there was a person. This person was sitting on the floor with their cell phone turned on.

There breath was heavy as they breathe, as well as their expressions.

This person had an expression of lust and obsession. Saliva dripping from their mouth as they stared intensely into the screen of their cell phone.

And what was it? What was it that this person was staring at so much, that made saliva drip off them?

Going further, what was displayed on the phone, were various photos.

Photos of a particular person. Photos of a person in different locations, and different angles.

And the person in these photos, was… Ken.


[The Same Time, Back At Vivian's Apartment]

Ken was still puzzled on what the system displayed.

Although at this point, he had already gotten the whole idea of the sub-mission.

Find a different lady to have s^x with. However this was going to be a challenge for him.

Up until now, he had never actually approached a lady to talk too.

What had mostly been happening, was him running into the lady, or she was the one who talked to him first.

Knowing all of this, he knew that he was already in deep sh*t.

He was cooked.

Ken thought for a while. He had Vivian, and already had s^x with her. But that didn't count.

He has Mandy, whi he was to meet for a date in the next few days.

And there is Kachina. She didn't really catch his eyes as a lady in that way. However she was there.

These were the ladies which he had actually talked to since his break up.

And if he was thinking of having s^x with any of them, he knows it wasn't even going to be possible at it is currently.

He hadn't gotten to know Mandy all that well do it when her. And plus she had her own mission, which he was still under.

However, there is Kachina. From the time he met her, he didn't really feel any sort of urge to do it with her. Because he saw her more like a younger sister then an actual lady.


Ken sighed as all these flowed through his head.

The cyan screen returned back to the sub-mission page, displaying his current time.

"Five more hours… huh?" Ken uttered.

He instantly laid horizontally on the bed, with his hands over his head.

"If I am to find a lady to do it with in the next five hours," Ken uttered. "…it has to be someone that is willing and ready to do it which any guy."

To him this sounded strange, because it would be like he had to just f*k anyone he sees. Even if it means the person was to be a slut.

That itself was an option. However, Ken isn't that kind of person. He didn't like the idea of him going to do it with just anyone he sees.

He knew his boundaries.

Although the system didn't. It was the system who had him on this. And since he had to do it, there was no questioning it.

While thinking all these, a single thought came to him.


"What will happen if I don't complete the sub-mission…?"


There was brief silence as Ken said this. It wasn't even as if he was asking anyone that they didn't respond.

However, this was not that kind of silence. This was space itself, as everything around Ken came to a calm.

It was like a graveyard, or a place were there was no life.

Although, this was just for a split second, as the sound of the air conditioner returned back to it's making.

"That's true…" Ken uttered, as he sat upright on the bed.

"…I have always been completing all the missions I was given, to even notice this detail. Is there going to be any sort of penalty…?"

Ken questioned this, as he stared straight at the cyan screen, waiting for it to display any answer. However, it didn't change it's display.

"Hmm…" Ken sighs while he placed his hand on his chin.

"If I was to ignore this particular sub-mission, what would actually happen? I would really like to see it."

At the moment, Ken was somewhat thrilled with this new mystery he had found.

He was actually looking forward to see what was going to happen if he didn't complete the sub-mission.

Although, he hadn't yet concluded that he was going to abandon it just yet.


Ken stared at the cyan screen for a while to see if there was going to be any changes in display.

However, there was none.

"This is no use," He uttered. "…I don't think the system can just answer any of my questions."

Just as he was able stand, the cyan screen changed its display.

"Huh…?" Ken uttered at he sat down immediately and started at the screen.


There was nothing there.

"Why is it blank," He wondered

Looking at the screen, it was completely it's cyan color and nothing was written on it.

It was blank.

Ken looked confused, at he got up from the bed, and went to Vivian's room to check on her.

Getting there, he saw that she was still sound asleep. However, the bedsheet he had placed on he body, had already tangled, falling from her, exposing her nakedness.

This was due to her constant rotations on the bed.

Ken gave a little smile on his face, and when to fix it.

However, as he began to drag the sheet out from underneath her body, Vivian moved a bit, and after a moment, she woke up.

"Hey you…" She greeted, as she caught him on the act.

Ken froze and gave a weird smile. He thought that she might think that he was doing something unpleasant.

However, the truth was that she had already been awake for quite a while, and had already had a little peek when he arrived.

"Did you enjoy your sleep…" Ken asked her, while he successfully removed the sheet and covered her body.

Vivian smiled, and gave him a nod. Her eyes were still full of sleep, as she rotated to the other side of the bed, giving him space to lay on it.

Ken noticed this, and immediately she moved, he sat on the bed.

"You didn't leave me this time…?" She asked with smile on her face.

Upon hearing this, Ken didn't flinch, as the thought of his sub-mission still lingered around his head.

For a moment there, he didn't respond to her, prompting Vivian to act.

"Hey…" Vivian called onto him, as she shook his hand.

"Where did you run off too…?" She asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Uh-huh… Oh it's nothing…" Ken uttered. "…I was just wondering how beautiful you really are…" he concluded.

This was a pure lie.

However, Vivian face became red as she heard this. She smiled, and then stood up from the bed.

As she stood, she used the sheet to cover her body, while she was walked to the wardrobe and brought out a short and a top to wear.

Immediately she brought out the clothes…

"Give me a minute…" She said, as she headed out to the restroom.

There she released herself and wore her clothes.

Meanwhile, Ken was just seating on the bed as a heavy sneeze came out of his mouth.

"Moly…" He exclaimed, while his cleaned his face.

"…Who the heck is calling my name." He added.

Immediately, Vivian came outside from the toilet.

"Are you okay…?" She asked him in concern. Her face was wet, showing that she had just washed it.

While he was still cleaning his nose, he gave her a thumbs up sign.

She then entered the room a bit, and took a small face towel to clean her face.

"Alright," She responded. "…If you need me, I will be in the kitchen. I am going to make that snack." She concluded.

That snack. The snack she was supposed to make earlier, but didn't because they had to have it with themselves.

She had a beautiful smile on her face, as she left the bedroom, making her look at beautiful as ever.



Ken sneeze again, but this time. It was, more louder than the previous one.

"Oh my gosh…!" He exclaimed, as he began to clean his nose once more. "…Who is calling me?" He added.


[Back At Nicolas and Nicola School]

Inside that same dark room, this individual kept scrolling through pictures of Ken, as they called his him over and over again.

His name was called out in a weird and obsessed manner.

"Kenny…huff…Kenny…huff…Kenny…♡… huff"

Their breath was heavy as they called out his name, over and over and over again.

Just to let you know. His name is not Kenny, but Ken. However, it looked like this individual had already giving him a nickname.


Soon, the bell of the school rang, and immediately this individual stood up, went to the door and opened it.

Coming outside to the light,

Their identity was…

To be continued.

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