Grim Reaper in the Apocalypse: Reaping Immortals

Chapter 263: Lake’s halfway point

Atlan walked through the logs with such ease that Carmine couldn't understand how he was able to predict which arrow would suddenly become powered with the Huntsman's magic.

It was as if he had eyes on the back of his head! Even though Carmine had never told Atlan about the probability of those arrows appearing, he could still disregard arrows as if he knew that they were nothing more than normal ones that wouldn't do anything to his chitinous armor!

'Strange…how is this human not affected by my arrows?' asked the Huntsman. He knew that Atlan was an interesting human that wasn't like the other humans it had ever faced before. Yet, it didn't expect him to be this adept at dodging its arrows.

Atlan continued to walk through the logs, while only walking left, right, or forwards. He would juggle between two different logs as he waited for the right timing for his next advancement.

It didn't take him long before he was nearing the halfway point of the lake.

'I didn't think this human would have reached this point so fast…haha! Interesting. Well, let me up the difficulty! Show me more of your powers!'

The Huntsman fired off multiple more arrows from an undisclosed location, and they all appeared at different points in the lake. Each one sunk deep into the waters and pierced the very soil bed.


The arrows started vibrating at a very strong frequency, disturbing the muddy soil beneath. These arrows harmonized with each other and only increased the intensity of the shaking.

It wasn't long before it was able to simulate a real earthquake.

Atlan could even feel it from the logs itself.

The waters of the lake were turbulent already before this new development. It made it hard to balance on the wooden logs, but if he was able to keep himself from falling, then he could keep still.

The waves, despite how chaotic they were before, didn't displace any of the logs away from their original position. They only moved them up and down, creating an unstable platform for the 'player'.

But once Atlan reached the halfway point and the earthquake appeared, the waves seemed to have gained a different kind of power. It was now powerful and fast enough to move the logs away from their position and push them out of the bounds of the game and into the fog!

Atlan couldn't simply just juggle himself between two logs forever! After a few seconds, those logs would have carried him out and away from the other logs, effectively stranding him out into the open waters!

At that point, he would only have two choices. Either stay at the log and get bombarded by arrows due to going out of bounds of the game, or jump out of the log and try to swim towards the next set of logs. If he didn't have thousands of tons of weight on his battle suit, then it would have been a valid solution.


As Atlan crossed over to the next log in front of him, a stray arrow suddenly hit him on his bicep.

Unfortunately, it was strong enough to cause a dent in his armor.

If just one arrow was able to do that much damage, then he would only need about ten arrows before it was able to pierce through his 'new' chitinous armor.

This was extremely bad news. He could no longer disregard the arrows as he did before. He had to be a lot more careful with his timing. He had to be perfect at every step.

It would have been easy if he could plan out his movements ahead of time, but the moving logs prevented him from thinking about his steps for more than a few seconds. He had to decide within three seconds of walking into another log.

"Carmine! Any advice?"

"I would say just keep on doing what you're doing, but it seems that the Huntsman took a liking to you. The only thing you can rely on in this part is luck."

Atlan refused to let luck play a part in whether he lived or died. He had to think up a solution, just like how he was able to get himself out of that black water.


Just then, Atlan had an idea. It was a long shot, but it was his only chance.

The Huntsman wants to play with me, right? Well, what if I don't want to play?

Atlan stopped walking forward and simply balanced himself on two logs. He was walking between those two wooden platforms and was able to keep himself afloat.

The problem was that because of the earthquake, the waters started to carry the logs away from the playing field and out into the fog. At this point, he was only a few seconds away from being out of bounds.

Even as his last chance to walk onto the next set of logs disappeared, Atlan still showed no sign of ever going forward. He just stayed in place and kept balancing himself on two logs.

'What is this human doing?! Why is he not playing?'

As Atlan touched the very line between the playing field and out of bounds, the Huntsman immediately ordered the arrows to head straight for him.

Atlan took on a defensive stance and started parrying the arrows coming straight for him.

Of course, he wasn't fast enough to dodge all of the attacks. But he made sure that the arrows never hit the same place in his armor twice in a row. He made sure to spread out the damage on different parts of his body so that his chitin wouldn't get destroyed so easily. Your next chapter awaits on empire

'This human! He doesn't want to play the game. He intends to simply defend the arrows! That is boring.

I'll give you the wrath of explosions and tornadoes!'

The Huntsman empowered all the other arrows with powers of explosions and wind gusts. Each of these arrows was powerful enough to send Atlan out of the comfort of his wooden logs and out into the open waters where he would surely drown.

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