GOT: Wolf Becomes Stag

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Return Of The Debaucherous King I


"King in the North!"

"The King in the North!"

"The King in the North!"

"Hah!" Robb Stark's eyes sprang open, his breath unsettled despite just waking up. The morning chill was present in the room, the windows revealing his room with plenty of light. The bed creaked from his moving weight as he shifted to sit.

Knock! Knock!

"Robb, are you awake?"

"I am, Mother!"

The door opened and Catelyn Stark walked in, her complexion a mess by now. Covered neck to toe in a northern robe and cape. She looked at the bedside table and noticed an empty jar of wine with the goblet toppled over onto the floor.

She worried for her son greatly. "Have you decided how to respond to the King's raven?"

"I have." Robb looked at the folded raven on the bedside table, his expression troubled. "But I'm not sure. What would Father have done? He would have never betrayed King Robert. Yet here I stand, being called the King in the North."

Catelyn's thoughts swirled, words lost amidst the turmoil. Their situation was a double-edged sword. On one side, the Northern houses were finally united under Robb and House Stark. Yet, to press on with the war and uphold the title of King would be akin to betraying Robert Baratheon—the rightful King to whom Eddard had sworn fealty. "We need not decide at this moment."

Robb looked at her curiously.

"Robb, we can't be certain if this is truly Robert Baratheon. It could be one of Cersei's deceptions. We have to uncover the truth first and determine if the words in the raven we received hold true. The King has pledged justice for your father's murder and promised to return Sansa. Until these promises are fulfilled, we should withhold any decisions. If it's truly Robert and justice is served, I have no doubt the Northern Lords will obey your decision."

Robb pondered over it a little. He honestly didn't want to be the King in the North. He only accepted it back then because he was against the Lannisters and the King. But now, all the reasons he had vanished.

"What if it's a trap?"

"Then we kill Jaime Lannister, right before their eyes," Catelyn suggested, steady and resolute. "Cersei will feel the sting of that loss, I'm certain."

"You believe in that rumor?"

She scoffed, her voice laced with a bitter edge. "Anyone with eyes and a touch of sense would see it. Three children, and not one bears even a whisper of Baratheon traits. Compare it with yourself and your siblings."

Robb silently agreed. He had seen the children, and not one of them carried Robert's features. But there was a greater concern than the rumor itself. "The real question is whether Robert believes it as well."

"That, we shall see with our own eyes. If he forgives Joffrey for the murder of my husband, then Robert is no true King to the North."

Robb looked left and right just to ensure nobody heard his mother.

"You're coming with us?"

"I must," Catelyn replied, fire in her eyes. "For Ned…"

For Father. Robb silently nodded and shifted to fetch the paper. It was time he sent back a reply to the resurrected King.


Red Keep,

"So you were a smuggler once?"

Davos Seaworth, a slight man with brown eyes and an ordinary face weathered by the elements. His beard and thinning hair were peppered with gray. The man, instead of wearing the expensive attire of the lords, wore a simple brown and green wool mantle. He walked fast to keep up with the tall King, making his way through the Red Keep.

He had been informed by Stannis that he was being considered for a position in the Small Council. But he wasn't told which position. "As were many before you took the throne, Your Grace."

"How good are you with coin as an illiterate man?" Robert asked, his voice booming as usual.

Davos froze for a short moment. He just realized which seat was still empty in the Small Council. "I can count, Your Grace."

"But you can't read, can you? How in the Seven Hells will you read the ledgers or make them?" Robert scoffed. "It's like asking Varys to father children."

Davos nodded strongly. He was known for his unvarnished honesty, so he kept at it. "Your Grace, if it's the Master of Coin you're considering me for, I must decline. I'm a lord, aye, but no rich one. I simply played my hand right in the Game of Thrones and was rewarded by Lord Stannis."

Finally, Robert stopped walking as he arrived in front of a closed room with Kingsguards standing outside. He turned around to face Davos then and sized him up.


Robert's heavy hand landed on the Onion Knight's shoulder. "You must know all the secret entries and exits to King's Landing."

"Most, I do."

"I asked Ser Barristan to take on the role of Master of Law as well, but the man's no longer young, and his duties as Lord Commander stretch him thin. Tell me, can you crush the damned smugglers and keep this city safe and in order?" Robert asked him nonchalantly.

Yet, when Davos looked at the King's eyes he saw wisdom and intent. The King wasn't offering him the job because of Stannis. The King truly believed in his abilities. Being the Master of Law was a massive undertaking. It would give him a lot of power and influence.

He gulped a little, careful. Most lords looked down on him, and yet he'd sit in the Small Council? His name would be remembered throughout history.

"Aye, Your Grace, I believe I can. Give me a few months, and if I don't bring you the results you seek, I trust you'll find another to serve as Master of Law."

Robert gave a frowning look to the Onion Knight. But in the end, he removed his hand and dismissed him. "Find Stannis and tell him my decision. Then meet with Ser Barristan to get used to the job. You probably have old friends in the city, so use them."

"Y-Your Grace!" Davos gathered some courage and stopped the King from entering that room. "I understand your desire to quell smuggling but… It exists in the first place because there is a demand. The city already suffers from a lack of food—"

Robert didn't turn around, nor did he say a lot. But the few words were enough to reveal his intent. "Sword on the neck or paying the taxes honorably—what's your choice?"

Davos pressed his lips and nodded before turning around to leave. The goal wasn't to end smuggling but to make it an actual, taxable trade.

Finally, alone, Robert looked at the two Kingsguards. "Is she in?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

The Kingsguards opened the doors quickly.

Walking in, Robert surveyed around and finally saw Sansa sitting in front of the mirror, combing her hair. Dressed in modest clothing, her eyes looked red with dark circles. It tugged a few heartstrings in Ned, or rather Robert now.

"Sansa." He called for her as softly as he could. In his heart, he wanted to go and hug his daughter and reassure her that everything would be alright. Yet he knew the boundaries he had to create being in Robert's body.

"Your Grace!" Sansa sprang to her feet, nervously.

Holding the hem of her long skirt, she bowed her head and greeted him. Fear was present in her entire gesture. Joffrey had truly damaged her even in the little time he had.

This is your fault, Robert. He blamed the previous owner of his body. How could you fail to raise a good son? How could a warrior fail like this?

"Robb and your mother are on their way here," Robert declared, his voice carrying the weight of reassurance. "Forget about Joffrey. I'm annulling your betrothal to that wretched boy. You can return home to Winterfell, where you belong."

His tone grew fiercer. "Joffrey is a twisted failure, and I'll not see the daughter of my dear friend suffer under his madness."

Sansa looked up at Robert finally, matching gaze. "I-I love Joffrey, Your Grace."

She's broken… Robert rubbed his face, feeling like an utter failure as her father. Looking at her slender, helpless form, her hair loose and a tangled mess. The lack of emotions on her face. I hope Catelyn is gentle with her going forward.

"You fear that Joffrey will be the next King?" Robert asked her. Sure enough, he noticed her flinch. "There's no need for such worry. The boy will be punished for Ned's murder, and his claim to the throne will be stripped away. You'll see justice done, mark my words."

Sansa again looked at his face as if trying to see if Robert was telling her the truth. Somehow, she felt this King was different. Other than a slight reduction in his belly size, she felt there was more warmth, kindness, and patience in him. The worry from the King felt so genuine.

"I love Prince Joffrey and I'm to be his dutiful wife."


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