Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Home Sweet Home I
As awkward as it was, Mance Rayder had the wisdom to ignore Val's proclamation and carry on with the agreement. It was an agreement solely based on words, as written ones held no meaning to the Free Folk.
In the end, Mance accepted to turn Craster's Keep into his base of operation and select the first batch of the smartest and the most adaptable Free Folk from his camp. At the same time, an agreement was made to kill all the cannibals and those who refused to follow through with the agreement and wanted to plunder the land south of the wall.
As for the final agreement, it remained entirely dependent on Mance Rayder's abilities. The goal was to catch a wraith and bring it down south. Of course, Jon Snow willingly volunteered for the task.
However, Joffrey knew. Jon was mostly interested in his wildling lover. Joffrey had no issue with this. In fact, he wanted the man to get married to her or perhaps die in the North. In both cases, it'd ruin the Targaryen blood and name he was secretly carrying.
After spending slightly more than a month at the Wall and stabilizing everything, Joffrey once again began his march back to Winterfell. Of course, on the way, he stopped by a few noble houses and made them swear fealty. He didn't care if they did it out of respect or fear anymore, he just wanted obedience.
Fear in the hearts of nobles and love in the hearts of smallfolk. Joffrey abided by that little rule he had come up with.
As Joffrey's army approached Winterfell, he held a solemn, stoic, and slightly sad look on his face. The town outside of Winterfell Castle was being hastily rebuilt, and trails of carriages appeared to enter and exit the castle compound.
The sound of hammers hitting wood, stones, and iron reverberated all around. The shouts of men at work combined with everything made it seem like a controlled chaos. The Unsullied Joffrey had left behind guarded the entire castle with vigilance and saluted as soon as Joffrey's entourage entered.
"Send two captains to gather reports from the soldiers," Joffrey ordered Ser Arthur as the man rode on his left, while Val of the Free Folk rode on his right, eyeing everything with interest, it being her first time south of the wall.
"That's… imposing," Val exclaimed at the sight of Winterfell Castle. It was awe-inspiring despite its ruined state.
"Perhaps not the biggest, but it's the oldest continually-inhabited castle in Westeros," Joffrey revealed to her, teaching her things about the south the whole way. Besides, she had given him such great nights throughout their return journey that he couldn't help but feel fond of his new Kingsguard—a perfect blend of beauty, brawn, and brain.
Ting! Ting!
Bells started to ring inside the inner castle as the wide gates opened and allowed Joffrey inside. Only five hundred of his soldiers followed deeper, however, the rest were tasked to set up camp near the Library Tower.
"You don't need to follow me to the bedchambers here," Joffrey advised Val. "A Kingsguard cannot be seen warming the King's bed… not here."
Val's slim brows furrowed, "You have won me, Joffrey Baratheon. I am a proud spearwife and shall do as I please with my ma—Oh… Now I understand."
Val stopped speaking as soon as she saw Catelyn Stark appearing at the gates of the Great Keep, her beautiful auburn locks untied, her figure-hugging warm dress defining the size difference between her waist, her bosom, and her rear rather well.
"It's all politics from here, Val," Joffrey added, trying to make her accept the new way of life. "Down south, you either play the game, or die as a pawn in another's game."
Val sneered but nodded in the end. "Fine, kneeler. I shall have you later."
Joffrey chuckled, "It's to me they all kneel to, Val."
"It changes nothing. You kneel to your gods," she barked.
"As you do to the Old Gods," Joffrey retorted. "And now to me… every night."
Val chuckled at that, giving Joffrey a mischievous glance. After having spent more than a dozen nights with the man, she did feel something. Not romance, but a fondness for his scheming mind and, of course, prowess in the bed.
Quickly, Joffrey turned serious again and approached the Lady of Winterfell. His eyes constantly glanced at her belly, wondering if the seeds he had sown had started to sprout. It had to, after having done her so much, in every possible way.
"My Lady." Joffrey got off his horse and approached her.
Catelyn clenched the hem of her dress and greeted him with a slight bow. "Your Grace, welcome back to Winterfell. I hope the journey was not too burdensome."
"It was, but after arriving back here…" Joffrey stared at Catelyn's ripe face, making sure she felt it too. "It was all worth it."
Catelyn tried to hide her smile and look past Joffrey. Her heart thumped, but it sank slowly as she realized Bran wasn't there.
Joffrey shook his head, showing his 'sorrow' and 'disappointment' with himself. "I couldn't… By the time I arrived there, he had already crossed over. I spent days and commanded my men to look for him, and even made contact with the Wildlings… but…"
"Lots of bears and wolves out there," Val abruptly commented, throwing Catelyn off balance to the point that Joffrey had to step forward and grab her by the waist.
Joffrey winked back at Val. This was completely unplanned, and Val likely thought it would scare the noblewoman, unaware that it would give Joffrey a chance to hold the lady.
"Disregard her prattle, My Lady. I've commanded a band of men to scour the entire North if need be. Nor Bran is alone out there. Nothing will happen to him… rest easy." Joffrey lied through his teeth as easily as sipping air.
Catelyn held herself together and stood straight, removing Joffrey's hand from her waist. "Thank you, Your Grace. You have done more for my family tha—"
"I am the King, and it is my solemn duty," Joffrey declared with a regal air, his eyes sweeping across the gathered crowd. Knights from other houses and smallfolk alike watched him closely. "You have sworn fealty to me, and as your rightful ruler, I shall stand by you in times of need."
Catelyn was hurt, but in her eyes, Joffrey seemed like a man no less honorable than Robb or Ned. That was something she had realized and accepted during the past few months spent with him. She nodded in gratitude and welcomed him into the castle.
"You must be weary from the journey, Your Grace. I invite you and your retinues to supper inside." She stepped aside and led them into the Great Keep.
Usually, large feasts were held at the Great Hall. But since it was a normal dinner, they soon arrived at a designated dining room within the Great Keep, the main stronghold of the castle complex. It was warm inside due to the hot springs, housing the bedchambers and the solar as well.
Joffrey sat at the head seat at the shorter edge, on his right Catelyn, and on the left Ser Arthur. Val, annoyedly, had to sit beside Ser Arthur as her status didn't allow her to be closer to the King yet.
They made small talk as the servants brought food, and they ate. Joffrey mentioned Jon Snow a few times and noticed the disdain hanging on her face. He had no interest in telling her the truth, as cheating Ned, in Catelyn's mind, was possibly the greatest factor in making her accept him.
Eventually, the dinner was over, and Catelyn looked at a servant. "Please show Ser Arthur and… Val, a room."
Ser Arthur knew very well he didn't need to protect Joffrey from that point on and quickly got up to leave. He made Val get up and leave too, being the greatest second-in-command for Joffrey.
Finally, alone, Catelyn got up. Without saying anything, she walked away to her bedchambers. Joffrey didn't follow her right away, however, and waited for one of the Unsullied captains to bring him the detailed report from the men who were stationed at Winterfell.
As he read it, he frowned at times and chuckled at others. Grandfather and mother are too quick, already sent spies here? But Varys had outdone himself once again.
He expected the reaction. But there were a few things that interested him a great deal. Envoys from a few houses in the Vale had also came and then left after meeting Catelyn Stark.
Asking her to mediate? Joffrey wondered and finally got up, making a slow stroll to Catelyn's bedchamber.
Joffrey knocked twice on the door and pushed it open. The hinges creaked and he stepped inside, gazing around and finding Catelyn sitting before the mirror, combing her hair. Her heavy cloak was discarded, now only in her simple, deep red, full-sleeved, silky gown with silver embroidery.
Depressing. Joffrey noticed and locked the door behind him before walking over to stand behind Catelyn.
With gentle hands, he pressed her shoulders as if massaging them. He looked at the mirror and couldn't help but stare at her visible cleavage. As delightful as ever.
He felt the heat rise in his loins already. But unlike Sansa and even Val, he couldn't bring himself to look at this woman with anything beyond lust. A pawn for his use, a broken-minded woman ripe for him. He liked her as a pawn, that was the most he could say if asked.
"What are you thinking, my lady?" Joffrey asked, caressing the bare skin around her neck.
Catelyn stopped combing her hair and touched Joffrey's hand on her shoulder, clenching it hard. "What have I done that the Seven are punishing me this much? I have lost everything… everything."
Joffrey held her hand tighter, "Such is the evil world we live in, Catelyn. The Gods can't do anything when their worshippers are the greatest sinners. Don't let the evil bring you down…"
Joffrey leaned down and kissed the side of her face, hugging her neck with both his arms. He looked at the mirror in front, both their eyes locked. "You still have two daughters… me…"
"None to inherit House Stark," she replied, voice filled with pain.
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