Genshin Impact: I Became The Son Of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata

Chapter 57: Chapter 57: Is Sincerity Alone... Really Enough?

In The Golden Glow of Dusk

The soft amber light of dusk glimmered over the sea, painting the waves with a melancholic hue, as though a giant of twilight was singing a lament. The cries of seagulls echoed in the distance, their harsh tones grating against the ears—irritating for some, yet oddly soothing for others. It depended on the person. Some found peace in this serene tableau, while others were left restless.

Drifting lazily across the horizon, a massive pink dragon lizard roamed the waves. But Little Blue was in a foul mood. And yet, she couldn't show it—not when her master had once again let another woman ride her!

Her pink scales were already a source of discomfort, and her low grumbles of protest came out as pitiful squeaks. Normally, having her master ride her would be a cause for joy. But now? Her master had invited another woman along for the ride! Her good mood was gone in an instant.

Meanwhile, Yu and Ei sat back-to-back, embracing each other under the sunlit sky. Yu, unburdened by immediate responsibilities, had nothing urgent to tend to. Everything is under control, so there wasn't much for him to worry about. His plan to "recruit" Xiaochen was currently at a standstill, so he had decided to enjoy a rare romantic outing instead.

Despite their seemingly reserved personalities, both Yu and Ei were deeply emotional at heart. When together, they shared an unspoken harmony that was nothing short of extraordinary.

Suddenly, Yu felt a vibration in the fishing rod gripped in his hands.

"Got a bite!" he exclaimed.

With a sudden burst of energy, Yu leapt to his feet, unintentionally knocking Ei over in the process. She tumbled forward, landing on Little Blue's back.

Ei, however, didn't seem to mind. Neither of them was petty enough to hold a grudge over something like this. Just as Yu wouldn't care if Ei landed a solid blow during a sparring session, Ei didn't mind a minor tumble like this.

The pull on the line was strong—this catch wasn't small. With a sharp tug, Yu reeled in his catch… only to find a floating Hydro Specter dangling from the hook.

"A Specter?!" Yu stared in disbelief. What on Teyvat was a Specter doing in the ocean?

Yu had only been fishing for a short while, but in that time, he had managed to pull up everything except fish. There was that one time he reeled in the skull of an ancient god, another time a jellyfish, and even random debris from the seabed. The most ridiculous incident? Hooking a deep-sea dragon lizard. When the lizard surfaced, it had shot Little Blue a flirtatious wink before promptly being blasted away by her Water Cannon.

Little Blue had snorted in disdain. As if! I live and die as my master's dragon. Flirting with me? Dream on.

At least she could rely on old companions who knew their place.

"Yu," Ei suggested dryly, "if you can't catch anything, why don't you just jump in and grab the fish yourself? It'd probably be faster."

"Absolutely not!" Yu declared, his resolve unshaken. "I will catch a fish today!"

"Maybe it's because you're scaring them all off," Ei mused. "Little Blue, find us an island."

Little Blue gave an exasperated sigh but complied, carrying them to a nearby island. She rested on the sandy shore, quietly watching her determined master continue fishing. She heaved another long sigh, then slinked off into the water to herd some fish towards his line.

Ei, meanwhile, pulled out a box of desserts, nibbling quietly as she sat nearby. Occasionally, she would unsheathe her weapon and practice a few quick moves, slicing the air with precision. Her elegant figure stood tall on the beach, her mind drifting to battle strategies. How could she strike faster? How could she break through the defenses of a high-recovery opponent?

In the ocean, Little Blue glared at the fish, her fierce expression scattering them into a cluster near Yu's line. Master, I can only help you this much. The rest is up to you.

"Musou no... Hitotachi." Ei practiced her signature move, her focus unwavering. As a warrior, she constantly sought to hone her skills. However, her strike sent a residual shockwave towards Yu's fishing spot. Though it missed him, it struck the water, evaporating a massive area of the sea and leaving hundreds of fish floating belly-up—fried by the electrical surge. Everywhere except Yu's fishing spot, fish bobbed to the surface.

Yu stared, slack-jawed, at the surreal sight. What was happening? The sea was teeming with fish… just not in his designated area. Crestfallen, he plopped onto the sand with a dramatic sigh. He glanced around to make sure no one else was watching. Only Ei was nearby—reliable and tight-lipped.

With an exaggerated sense of despair, Yu began pounding his fists into the sand. The scene resembled a miniature earthquake, accompanied by a series of wild, primal cries as he vented his frustration.

"Yu…" Ei began hesitantly, unsure of what to say. Watching him throw a tantrum, she thought he seemed a bit childish. Yet, as he flailed and shouted, she found herself strangely understanding. From disdain to empathy, her opinion shifted.

Finally calming himself, Yu exhaled deeply. Venting like that was oddly satisfying, even if it wasn't the most dignified behavior.

"Ei," Yu said, his tone serious. "Can you find me a fish to roast? I'll prepare dinner for Little Blue."

Ei hesitated for a moment but then nodded firmly. Yu trusted her, and she wasn't about to let him down. A simple task like roasting a fish? How hard could it be?

Her normally stoic face set into a look of determination. Removing her gloves, she rolled up the elaborate purple sleeves of her outfit.


Yu watched her efforts, deeply touched. A warm, heartfelt smile spread across his face. Whatever the result, someone putting their heart into a meal for him was more than enough.



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