General Leon Transmigration : The World Is Falling

Chapter 7: Memories

Wein Arcveil POV:

I lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling while raising my right hand towering in front of me.

My hand immediately descended from above without orders, holding my head. It hurts I like recalling every memory and storyline of Wein.

This is shown in a glass but neatly arranged.

Does this person really get what is the name of life calm? Something that I never got in my old world.

After I saw some memory from Wein's mind and the remaining some of the memory that was cracked, I was confused. The cracks began to break as I looked at him.

Even after I saw that and checked some parts that were not in their position, something disappeared, and I felt something had been damaged into a glass.

I turned and glanced to the right, seeing the light coming from the flames. From the top of a mirror with memory falling into the fire, "Klang !!!" Unlucky!

My eyes narrowed, seeing what was in the reflection of the memory, but there was no result but raised fireflies in my eyes.

It flew with a lot of decorating my eyesight and even moving, causing uncontrolled dizziness. I tried to calm down, but there were no results.

My stomach began to get nauseous, my feet trembled and my eyelids forced to close while I tried to keep it open.

This taste is like I want to die again for the second time.

My heart beats like I want to get out of my ribs ...

My eyes are difficult to look forward with focus ...

My brain feels like it is rotated quickly and very long ...

The black view as usual began to appear in every corner and side of my view, the longer the darkness the more crawling closer them to the darkness. Close my gaze.

The black view controlled my view. After a few seconds, I could not do anything, holding back the pain.

I just resigned to what happened as if this body could not recall that collapsed memory. Something he refused forever.


"Wein! Gray! " She screamed loudly but the voice was still vaguely in the sound of a burning fire.

That voice! I realized instantly, leaving the group and stopping in a place that I felt was safe from the fall of wood that carried fire.

This fire is burning, devouring all the wood in this house, killing all the people in it, and making nightmares for the victims, and I am the victim.

"Sherry!" I screamed! Once again "Sherry!" My voice was loud enough between the lumps of wood that burned with fire.

"Sherry!" I keep screaming.

Keep trying so I can find Sherry! No matter if my voice is gone and my throat is bleeding or even destroyed here to look for Sherry.

"Gray? Wein !!!! "She screamed in pain after identifying that she heard me shouting; with my little screams and even her smaller voice, I felt the distance was not too far.

I didn't hear her voice again after that, but the wood was in -

Something fell beside me, I turned to look curious and scared, it was a chandelier that fell on fire.

My body refused to approach and look for Sherry, but by force, this heart continued to push the brain to send signals to the feet and step forward.

The right foot lifts and throws from the ground, stepping forward to ignore every fire that scares me and stands like an enemy that I have to fight now.

But this will be easier, he cannot attack but my mentality is tested here, how can I pass the fragile wood in front of me?

"Aaaaaa !!!! Wein! Help me!" He screamed, this time harder. After stepping about five steps, his voice was increasingly heard, but between his voice that was increasingly heard or his screams were too hard because of very severe pain.

I lifted my feet, stepping in after a mental and physical gathering that felt warm in this flame.

In the first step,, I succeeded until the second, and ...

My steps stopped, and I pulled back myself, "Ouch, my hand." I murmured in pain and rubbed my hand affected by the fire that fell from above, but I ignored what happened to me.

Realizing forward, the road began to be closed. Bongkah wood burned down, closing the road in front, my mind wanted to disassemble the wood but was held.

Am I out of sane? I refrained from screaming this, my hands really wanted to disassemble or even break down hot wood in front.

I turned and glanced up, finding a gap that was not yet closed with alert I tried to touch the wood; the heat was hit throughout my body when I grabbed my finger.

How can I go up?

Sparks! Wait! Wood powder dropped from the top together with sparks that crossed me, I was not aware, but the sound of tugged woods attracted each other, and the fault began to be heard in the ears.

I turned to the top, raising my hand so I could see between the sparks that touched my lower hand.

"Shit!" I cursed, pushing this body back away from the foundation marked by the lump of hot wood.

The sparks were increasing after I pushed the body to a safe place even though there was no safe location in this fire.

"Sherry!" I made sure once again that the screams that shouted my name were clearly heard in my ears, but I couldn't do anything.

Until dust and ash descended together, carrying lumps of wood with orange monsters on them. The fire devoured everything when he landed.

It was too big, touching the ceramic floor and pushed into pieces when some wood was fragile due to the duration of fire by fire.

"Wein! Help me!" She screamed, asking for help, I tried to rack my brain and look for the way, no matter what.

But it closed the road, and even the fire was very burning in front of me, something that really became my enemy forever.

"I'm coming!" I shouted, making an uncertain hope to her, even though I knew there was no way there, but kept trying to cheer myself up.

"Come out before getting worse." The hoarse voice that breathed irregularly was clearly because it ran out of stamina while running, he touched my hand and gripped it loudly, pulling it strongly.

I turned around to see that ... my coach, he wore a fire truck and pulled me out, I was dragged down and dropped tears that didn't feel like walking on my cheeks.

"No! No!" I jerked, trying to fight to be able to accompany Sherry who was not clear where.

"Sherry is still there!" I shouted pulling my hand against the pull of the coach, using the other hand to open the grin of hard from my coach.

I really feel the loss now, even though I can use encouragement, but I'm very weak. Not because of my weak strength but a mentality that is not strong against it all.

"Let me go - let go of me now." Still trying to fight, but there is nothing in front of that person until I really hear the sound from outside.

The same voice as my feelings, sad, sorry, angry, and it all mixed up and the sound outside ...

The sound of screams, crying, and anger bombarded the same situation as the fire inside.

I ... really give up ...

Remembering all the things that happened with Sherry and Gray, even anything that Snahat was fun to the sadness, it all felt heavy, but I didn't know anymore.

I really hate myself ...

"Wein!" Knock... Knock ...Knock. The sound of a rhythmic door knock when he called my name, I opened my eyes very fresh but there was a puddle of water on it.

Seeing a dark room and yellow, orange, and purple light from the window, did I really spend the afternoon with sleep?

He was still knocking on the door, I immediately woke up when I realized that it was Liam's voice who wanted to enter but the key was on me.

Wiping the tears in my eyes using my shirt's arm, I woke up from the mattress very calmly and peacefully; what had I passed earlier? Is that the memory he tried to destroy?

"Wait a moment!" I replied so that he knew that I heard it.

Sherry, who are they? But there are a few more memories that I haven't seen, only this was broken when I tried to see it.

And some are destroyed or just cracked and I think the same as what he tried to eliminate completely.

I opened the door after arriving in front of the door and saw Liam, who was disheveled physically; his hair was messy, and his uniform was not shaped like that.

"What are you doing?" I asked in surprise. A few steps back so that Liam could enter, he immediately ran towards the bathroom before I could tell or he asked where the bathroom was.

He did not answer, I waited until he tidied up all of him and was ready to walk towards the cafeteria for dinner.

Liam came out of the bathroom room with a better and tidy appearance than before when he entered the room.

"Want to go now?" Liam asked.

I chuckled while showing the clock with my index finger to his eyes, he turned to follow the direction of my index finger and was surprised.

He said nothing else, immediately came out of the room and went to the lobby to walk to the cafeteria; I followed him to the lower floor and now headed for the cafeteria.

How could he be surprised by that? I walked behind him, thinking about what I had passed earlier, it was all ...

How could that be? I tried to access the memory earlier, but nothing happened even though I couldn't find a memory mirror.

Stepping in the dark when the street lights began to illuminate the streets when they started darkening, the sky was dark purple with orange and yellow graduation, but behind me,, the color was dark blue at night.

Recalling how it happened, there was no answer, and even confusion, and questions arose, haunting me.

I keep trying ...

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