General Leon Transmigration : The World Is Falling

Chapter 4: Academy

"When you were little, you had an extraordinary power, even on the day of the rise of which power you made all parts of your room." The old woman chuckled.

I ate and listened to this old woman telling me about me.

"You know that even when you first participated in class, you can be above average." She said with a smile, lifting the glass with half-filled water and drinking it.

She continued telling stories. "And I have one message that you must not disobey." In the situation of chewing meat, I looked at her suddenly.

"What is that ma'am?" I asked curiously; then, someone's name appeared in my mind, a name that I had never seen in my old world. Aunt Cinthia Badveil.

"This world is full of differences, but with all these things, I hope you will not discriminate and demean every race you meet there later." She said very softly this time.

There are different races, consisting of the Human, Elf, and Dwarf races, and I will meet them there.

"I will do whatever is honorable," I said enthusiastically after finishing and swallowing the last meal, then lifted my drink and swallowed all the water in the glass, leaving a little water in it.

"Good! I will prepare your carriage there, do you want to use the winged dragon? Or just Kyvern?" She asked after standing up from the chair right in front of me.

What a question that I don't understand, I try to think of anything, but my hunch is to choose a Wyvern.

"Maybe... Kyvern." I answered doubtfully. Cleaned the remaining food stuck to my mouth then put the clean white cloth back on the table.

Even dragons? After that, I thought that what I had learned was only a few percent and could be said to be small, but for a few uses, I could feel it in my brain.

I stood up, stepping following the direction of Aunt Cinthia's road through a lot of luxury items and very magnificent walls but this is quite normal or below the average arrogant aristocracy.

I ignored it, looking at the large doors in front of me like extremely expensive materials, one of the large doors opened one to reveal a green and blue view.

I took a step out, passing through the living room which was no less luxurious than the other rooms in this big house.

I passed the door in a light wind when I stepped out, and instinctively, I looked down.

It was a chariot pulled by a wingless dragon with rather dark magma-colored scales, a terrifying face,, and curved horns like a mountain goat.

Some servants are also down there; to go down, I have to pass some small stairs, but they are not too small and can be classified as small when compared to the stairs in the house.

With pillars that have detailed lines rising up, standing firmly on the right and left of me, looking at the surroundings, which are filled with quite a lot of flower plants, and the training facilities are only half visible when I lean over to see more of the direction. My left.

"Wine! It's ready!" The servant shouted earlier, who woke me up, I turned and glanced at him after looking around.

Walking down and passing the stairs one by one, the cool air and very clean air quality made it very easy for me to breathe.

I immediately moved towards the train, then an uncontrolled taste, my body hugged Aunt Cinthia, who had just known the body, and this was definitely because Wein was very much loved by Bini Cinthia, who had seen me taking care of her from childhood.

"I'm going to miss you and... Mr. Floid." I muttered, pulling back my body and standing up straight, it wouldn't feel good not to have a very epic goodbye with Mr. Floid.

I dismissed Mr. Phloid's hand, invited him to do a bump fist, and immediately boarded a luxurious train with a white and gray color.

Aunt Cinthia shed tears that flowed through her cheeks straight down her face and let them pass without her cleaning them.

Meanwhile, Mr. Floid raised his glasses with two fingers elegantly and wiped away the few tears that had not yet formed before they fell.

I took a seat before waving to them; the rider ensured whether it was finished and was ready to walk.

"Do," I said while holding back the sadness that again appeared not from my feelings but this body but I denied and considered this emerged from me because I did not have this in my old world.

He pulled and moved the rope tied to the neck of a dragon named Kyvern, making the dragon react and walk calmly and relaxedly. Its movements were like those of a horse, but the stomping of its hooves sounded more frightening.

I could see the tears streaming down the face of Aunt Cinthia, who was waving her hands helplessly, along with Mr. Floid, the butler, who was smiling, but the tears managed to get past his glasses and touch his cheeks.

This time, a private driver was extraordinary, but my feelings of amazement were suppressed because of the very dramatic farewell.

Passing through the plantation after passing the front area of ​​the large house I can see the exit gate of Veil's residential area.

This makes me want to peek more about vegetation in this world a lot of plants are extraordinarily beautiful and difficult to find in a place where I come from.

I was too busy seeing a lot of flora here and what the fauna is like, then this driver said that we would get out of our house, then I peeked into the driver's place there was an air circulation, not a window without glass that made me get looked ahead and saw that I was close to the exit gate.

The open gate was pulled by several servants or guards who sat in the post, there was a small building with many adequate facilities in it.

That's enough for two guards. I said to myself.

We passed the fence and walked to the trade center because we passed ITI to get to the city center which was occupied by the Aetheris Academy on the Floating Island in the sky.

Initially, I was surprised when I heard it, but what I read that this island is a flying island which is located in a fairly strategic area, which is in the demon of the spectrum, civil, and dwarves areas, and this flies on it but a little inclined to human territory.

Aetheris Flying Island.

A power that is stronger which makes it float for thousands of years.

"Look! It's a dragon!" He said in a voice that made many people pay attention to our train carriage, some also waved their hands.

"What? Does Arcveil have a descendant? Isn't there only one arcveil? Elaina I mean. " His voice was unclear, and what he was talking about was also unclear, but it reached my ears.

Ignoring several things that offended my family and choosing to smile at several people who welcomed me warmly, I arrived at the trading center.

They offer so much that even lots of kids were playing with the train cars as I walked by. They're not afraid of the dragon?

I looked back, seeing a train car with a very large white horse for the size of an ordinary horse but it pulled a gold and white car.

Slightly close to our carriage, the horse sighed.

"Are behind us the students who are going to the aetheris academy?" I asked the driver to be full of curiosity.

He tilted his head a little, waited a few seconds until he dodged the question, and answered "Yes, young master." He said.

The road started to widen a bit, and the trading area had passed; it was time for more than that area because the widening of the road made the carriage behind me pick up speed and run beside us.

That golden carriage, does it belong to?

I could see the writing, ancient Griffen writing, but underneath it was in a language or writing that I could read; it said 'Sheryln Aurhae.'

After seeing his name, I lowered my gaze, and I saw a face that was exposed to sunlight, making his skin very bright and reflecting the light.

Her face was clean and smooth with pink lips, and her face was above any world beauty standards, her proportional nose and very bright blue eyes amazed me, and I felt that it really suited her golden hair.

The golden hair that reflected the light from the sun, he felt that I looked at him but I kept staring at him and chose not to alienate my eyes because it made him think that I was interested or something.

I could see the arches of his lips and his eyes that smiled, waving his left hand at me and making all this warm...

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