General Leon Transmigration : The World Is Falling

Chapter 10: President

I returned my eyes after knowing who she was, staring back at the lake full of stars in the sky.

This fall wind is really comfortable. The silence of the silence hit us when Loraine approached, her hair flew in the wind temporarily before returning again as usual.

She stood next to me a few centimeters very close to me, our view was the same, which was looking straight at the lake in front.

I turned a little to see it, my eyes fixed on the crown of his hair that was shining but his face was difficult to see from above.

Strangely, I wanted to talk to her at this time, but the silence and stiffness on my tongue happened, and I became very awkward.

The awkwardness is not as usual. I will not be awkward talking to anyone, remembering my level that I definitely deal with anyone in the old world that makes it carried, but Loraine is different, and I feel that.

Trying to talk and once again take a little breath so that it is difficult to hear by her, I tried to talk to her this time.

"Do you often go to this place?" I asked for small talk very awkwardly, and some of my words were entangled.

"A ... A ... Ti– Yes!" Being awkward, Loraine fixed it and then said back while clenching his hands, "Yes, I often come here when I want to be alone." She said more smoothly.

She was more awkward than me, even the Chairman of the Student Council stammer when talking to me, we both then continued the eternal silence after I answered briefly.

The lights on the side near the long chair flicked with irregular rhythm and could not be predicted to make us even more awkward.

Finally, Loraine looked up, showing her shining face exposed to the stars and eyes that were fixed on me, the eyes gave information to me, who saw that she was afraid.

We stared at her, she pulled back his face and looked at the lake once more after knowing that I looked at her and waited for her to do this.

I was silent, also staring back at the lake, then once again, the silence that ended until finally, Loraine took out his voice, but his face remained straight to the lake. "What's your name?"

She asked. Even though we met at the beginning after the ceremony, I was sure she didn't realize my name, especially if she took my dash.

"Wein Arcveil," I replied smoothly, and the awkwardness began to get rid of it, and I could speak calmly this time.

She heard at the same time the wind hit us both, making his hair blow back, and I could see his ordinary face after hearing that.

"I want to return your tie." She said she took a few steps back before giving me the tie she had come to his hand.

"Excuse me." She then apologized, bowing his head and his hand, which was still straight, giving me the tie.

I took it using my right hand while chuckling. I really forgot that I had a tie, and I thought it had disappeared.

Loraine raised her head when he heard me and laughed while scratching my head behind me, her face was really surprised to see my expression.

"Thank you, but no need to apologize to me." I put the tie into my pants pocket without paying attention again and was sure that it was mine.

"I crashed into you." She muttered once again. This time, his voice slowly was barely heard.

"What? Isn't that not intentional? " I replied, confused as to why she bowed his head back when she had lifted her earlier.

I retreated to see her and tilted my body to face her when she stared at the floor with a bleak look.

Loraine raised her head to look at me preparing to make words once more with her very anxious face "I know but–"

"Forget; that's my fault too, because I closed your path, right?" I cut, denied what she feared, and I was still thinking about why she was too afraid to look at me.

"But--" Which is said to be very smart in speaking in public? She's not what I saw this morning.

"Lift your face, Loraine." I chuckled, preparing to ask a few things about this school and forget what happened earlier.

She heard and immediately answered that by raising his face and staring at me with his eyes slightly fading because of his back to the star of the star.

"You look more beautiful now," I said, smiling before looking away and looking at the sky that gave a falling star show.

I smiled broadly when I didn't see his face, then looked back in the direction where Loraine felt the last time, I lowered my eyes and looked at her.

What? Where is she? A warm touch enveloped the palm of my hand before, at the same time, my body was interested in the opposite of what I looked at.

The longer I let this body be pulled, with my hand that is getting warmer from the gentle touch that holds it carefully.

"I want to show you something." She said, full of enthusiasm, and this time, I really saw Loraine that I saw when we were in a collision, his voice was soft and very soothing.

Really? I can't believe it and ask myself many times why she really can get out of the awkwardness into a spirit.

I followed her when I found out that she pulled my arm and held my palm tightly when she pulled and took me to a chair with a normal lamp.

I just kept quiet and followed the instructions then she told me to sit in a chair with her.

With Loraine, who took a sitting position, I also sat next to her so close that our upper arms touched.

"This is my favorite place in the summer," Loraine exclaimed, she smiled broadly, and she looked at the sky right when the stars fell with the tail of the light that adorned the streets of the star with neon green.

"What makes this your favorite?" I asked when I looked in amazement. How could the stars storm the sky like an army that crossed a lot in the sky carrying such beautiful light?


"What?" His eyes glowed, then looked back at me when she had finished seeing the stars passing by. "Silence! I really like the peaceful atmosphere here and the view that can only be seen in all seasons. " She left the star show, chose to answer, then looked at me with enthusiasm.

"Look soon, this will be the best show while I was in the Aetheris Academy." Loraine pointed to the sky, I followed the direction she showed and looked at the sky, she smiled broadly.

The comfortable aura that was given, I leaned on the back of the chair, put my hand next to me on the empty part of the chair, and raised my head to look at the sky that I could not see in my old world.

This is like a flake of heaven. When I looked at her, with the presence of Loraine and this beautiful scene, I was sure that Leon would cry if she knew Wein's life was better than his.

"Look at that!" She was excited, referring to a comet that fell but with a large size about ten times bigger than an ordinary falling star, making the tail of very large and beautiful light with an extraordinary pink color that crossed the celestial body. Like Halley Comet in my old world.

"That's a beautiful comet!" I said with my eyes shining, and I could not speak anymore to see this beautiful scenery.

"Yes! You know this only passes ten times a year and I come here to see this phenomenon, this is called the version's comet. " A big smile that was extraordinary when she explained with his voice that was very soft, until I felt the warmth in this cold air, his warm handbell my hand that I put in the chair.

Before she gripped and held my hand she showed me some of the constellations she named his own name and some constellations that were very similar to my old world and what I realized the most was 'Orion'

Loraine continued to tell me about some of the things she knew about the sky, also the same as a few things she told a lot until when I was unaware...

My hands were very warm, something covered my hand, and she held it to make my body feel warm when the stars fell continuously, and the wind crashed into me.

Comfort, I don't know how she can be like this beside me, his body is getting closer, and my hands are held by her in the air.


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